
Don't Wait For Things To Happen For You

Grams Wisdom 57

Are you feeling bored and listless? Does your life feel like it consists of a series of dull, monotonous days? When was the last time you did something fun that brought you joy? What was the most recent event that was interesting or exciting? Does it seem as if things only happen to you? Have you forgotten what it feels like to look forward to good things happening in your life?

My Gram had some thoughts on this subject. She told me that life has a way of slipping through our fingers almost unnoticed. Far too many people passively wait for life to unfold. They hope that someday the stars will align, and their dreams will come true.

But Gram knew life is not a passive journey; it's an active adventure, and the narratives we tell are the ones we craft ourselves. And as I’ve grown older, I've come to realize that we mustn't wait for the interesting, joyous, or good things in life to happen, or be handed to us. Instead, we must go out there and create our own happiness and meaning.

If you are interested in finding out how? Keep reading!

Why You Should Stop Waiting for Things to Happen

Many times, waiting for something to happen is much easier and safer than making decisions for yourself. The problem is this comes with its own set of risks. Often while waiting for something extraordinary to happen people miss out on the simple, everyday joys. They postpone their happiness believing it will come later, and so deny themselves the beauty of the present moment.

Moreover, the interesting and remarkable experiences in life rarely come knocking at your door. They are earned through effort, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. If you wait for adventure to find you, you may find yourself waiting forever. Instead, be proactive, chase your dreams, and embrace the unknown. Taking risks is part of living a fulfilling life, for it's often in those moments of uncertainty that we discover our true potential and our strength.

Here are five steps to help you make things happen for you.

1| Define what you want.

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing there’s a problem in the first place. Be specific about what’s not working in your life. After that, think about what you want instead. It’s easy to pinpoint problems and shortcomings. Yet, the real challenge is knowing what you want out of life.

The next step is to make a list of all the things you want. Your list may look much different than this example.

  • I aspire to develop a sense of purpose that goes beyond the shallowness of existence.

  • I want to travel and grow while striving to unlock my full potential.

  • I long for a life filled with moments of genuine joy, gratitude, and inner peace.

  • My meaningful life revolves around leaving a positive impact on the lives of others.


2 | Do you understand why you want it?

After considering what you want, you must do a bit of soul-searching. This is the time when you must know why you want all those things you wrote on your list. Delving deep into your motivations is like uncovering the hidden fuel that propels you toward your goals. The depth of your understanding serves as a source of inspiration, sustaining your enthusiasm through the inevitable storms of doubt and adversity. The more intimately you comprehend the "why" behind your aspirations, the more powerful and enduring your motivation becomes.

Furthermore, when you have a clear grasp of your motivations, your journey becomes more purposeful and meaningful. It's as if you've set your compass to a specific destination, ensuring that every step you take is intentional. This heightened motivation not only empowers you to overcome obstacles but also infuses your efforts with a sense of passion and dedication. It transforms the pursuit of your goals from a mere task into a personal mission, and you become more willing to invest the time, effort, and patience required to achieve them.

Just remember to start small. Pick realistic, short-term goals to begin with. Then, once you gain more confidence and momentum, you can begin focusing on larger goals.

3 |Can you picture what you want?

Creating a mental image of your desires serves as a powerful catalyst for manifesting your aspirations into reality. It's akin to crafting a detailed blueprint for the life you envision. Your mental landscape becomes a canvas upon which you can paint the intricate details of your dreams and goals.

When your conscious desires and subconscious beliefs are in sync, they result in a life that flows more smoothly. This alignment lends clarity to your intentions, sharpening your focus on what truly matters. It's as if you've organized the clutter of conflicting thoughts and emotions, allowing your inner world to function more efficiently, just like a well-oiled machine.

This harmony between your conscious and subconscious minds not only streamlines your thought processes but also empowers you to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience. Your newfound clarity brings a sense of purpose and direction. As you develop this alignment, you'll find that your capacity to turn your dreams into reality is magnified.

There are multiple ways to go about visualizing what you want, including:

  • Creating a vision board.

  • Spend a few minutes before bedtime picturing what you want.

  • Listen to guided meditation.

  • Keep a journal.

4 | Find or create a support system.

Surround yourself with one or two supportive friends or family members. Sharing your future goals with people who encourage you will boost your success rate. Plus, these people will hold you accountable for achieving your goals. So, any time you feel disheartened or unable to follow through, these are the ones who’ll stay by your side and keep you moving forward.

Likewise, your support system should be composed of individuals who comprehend the intricacies of your aspirations. They should possess the empathy to understand the sacrifices, hard work, and determination required to reach their goals. They should celebrate your victories joyfully, sharing your happiness as if it were their own.

These individuals should recognize the significance of your ambitions, respecting the unique path you've chosen. They appreciate the beauty in your goals, even if they differ from their own. Their appreciation fosters an environment of positivity and mutual respect, allowing you to thrive in an atmosphere where your dreams are nurtured rather than stifled.

5 | Don’t just sit there, make the first step.

Now that you know what you want, and why you want it, you can see it coming true in your mind. It’s time to act! Don’t allow fear or doubt to hold you back.

This is the step that scares many people. Yet, dreams will remain dreams without following through and bringing them to life. Remember, the most beautiful flowers often grow in the harshest conditions. Embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and resilience. When life throws challenges your way, face them with determination and a smile. It is through overcoming obstacles that you appreciate the sweetness of success.

To make things a little bit less overwhelming, write down all the steps you need to take to get to your goals. Then, take the first step and start from there. Then, once you’re done with that, go on to the next step, and the next, and so on. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself close to reaching your goal, if you haven’t done so already. And the best thing is that all it took was one small step.

My final thoughts.

After reading this five-step plan to help you make things happen in your life, it’s time to see them through. Remember, you’re stronger than you think—and a lot smarter. So, just picture the end in mind, stay on course, and you’ll eventually end up exactly where you set out to be.

You have within you the power to create a life filled with wonder, excitement, and fulfillment. Don't wait for someone or something to light up your world; be the source of your light. Be curious be daring.


For more information, check out these posts.

Don’t Wait For The Perfect Moment-7 Reasons Why.

Manifest Your Desires By Taking Action.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.

10 Ways To Get More Abundance From Your Senior Years

Gram’s Wisdom 54


No matter where you look, you will see the signs of a society obsessed with youth culture. People who are on magazine covers, TV shows, and run social media. There are countless advertisements about regaining your youthful exuberance or keeping your skin looking young. My Gram was interested in all of that because she was always interested in people. How they behaved and why.

I don’t think Gram ever gave much thought to being old. She had told me when she was 85 that officially she was old. But I never saw any evidence of it for the next dozen years or so. At the drop of a hat, she would get on a plane and visit far-flung family. We went to concerts and plays. Gram set the bar very high. No one got to tell her that she couldn’t do what she knew was possible.

Still, for many, entering your older years can make you feel a little down – but only if you allow it, though! Take it from Gram, it’s just another age you haven’t been yet. Accept it and enjoy it.

If you are struggling with that, try these ten tips.


Explore new or old hobbies.

With your children grown up, and gone, you may find you have more time to yourself.  Embrace this newfound freedom by exploring hobbies that pique your interest. What a perfect chance to pick up a new and exciting hobby. Consider painting, where you can express yourself through vibrant colors and brushstrokes. Alternatively, you might try gardening, immersing yourself in the tranquility of nature while cultivating a beautiful and thriving space.  

Choose something you have always wanted to do and go for it! If you enjoy engaging yourself in stories, why not try your hand at writing? Maybe begin a book club to connect with like-minded individuals who share your love for literature. What about that old hobby you didn't have the time to do? Maybe it’s time to see if it’s still a good fit for you. The possibilities are endless, and this is your chance to begin a fulfilling journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


Plot or follow a new path.

C. S. Lewis said, “You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.” Now that your children are grown, you may find that you yearn for exciting experiences and new adventures. You might have reached more than a few goals to get to this point, but that doesn't mean you can't set more. Consider traveling to far-off destinations. Whether it’s an exotic beach destination, a bustling city, or a quiet mountain retreat, now is the time to create new lasting memories. Setting goals in your later years will help you stay active, motivated, and satisfied.

If you prefer a more introspective approach, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery through meditation or mindfulness practices. Taking the time to connect with your inner self can bring a sense of peace, clarity, and renewed purpose to your life. The possibilities are endless, and this chapter of your life presents many opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.


Keep moving as long as you can.

Regular exercise is important for anyone. But it is especially important as you age. Make sure you get enough cardio in but don't be afraid to lift heavy things. Weightlifting will help you retain the muscle mass you typically lose as you age. In addition to cardiovascular exercise and weightlifting, incorporating flexibility and balance training into your routine is crucial as you age. Engaging in activities such as yoga or tai chi can improve your flexibility, enhance your posture, and help prevent injuries caused by falls.

Give some thought to exploring low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling, which can be gentle on your joints while still providing a great workout. It’s also important to prioritize rest and recovery days to allow your body to heal and recharge. Remember, staying active and maintaining a well-rounded fitness regimen will not only benefit your physical health but also contribute to your overall well-being. You can promote a healthier, more energetic you, as you make the journey of aging gracefully.


Let go of other people’s expectations.

There are those people who will say that after a particular milestone age, you should sit in your rocking chair and be quiet. No! Do not allow anyone to tell you what you can and can't do because of your age. Embrace your independence and live life on your terms, defying societal norms and expectations. Age should never limit your choices or diminish your sense of self.

Explore new fashion trends, experiment with different styles, and express your unique personality through your clothing choices. Wear what makes you feel good. Listen to the music you like, and dance to the beat of your favorite tunes; immerse yourself in the music that connects you to cherished memories. Participate in activities that excite you and make you feel alive.

Your age should never be a barrier to experiencing the richness and fulfillment that life has to offer. Remember, you have earned the right to live authentically and embrace every moment with a sense of adventure and purpose. You aren’t obliged to accept society’s expectations of what it means to age. So, let your spirit soar, and inspire others to challenge the limitations imposed by ageist stereotypes.


Spend time with a variety of ages.

Interacting with people from all different age groups will help you keep things in perspective and provide opportunities for personal growth. Spending time with your grandchildren will reignite your childlike wonder while reminding you of the importance of playfulness and curiosity throughout life.

Similarly, spending time with your teenage family offers insights into the evolving youth culture as well as the challenges and joys of youth. Permitting you to be happy with your maturity and appreciate the wisdom and experiences you have gained over the years.  

Additionally, spending time with older relatives allows you to witness the wisdom and resilience that comes with age. Let it inspire you to embrace the present moment and look forward to the adventures that await you in the future.

Embracing these diverse interactions fosters empathy, understanding, and an appreciation for the different stages of life. Enriching your journey and helping you cultivate a balanced and appreciative outlook.


Keep your health in mind.

Your health should always be one of your priorities. Prioritizing your health includes more than just physical exercise. A balanced and nutritious diet plays a vital role in fueling your body with essential nutrients and promoting overall well-being. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal health.

Also, don't overlook the importance of mental well-being. Engage in activities that reduce stress, such as meditation or mindfulness exercises. Consider seeking professional help or counseling if you experience any mental health challenges.

Alongside physical and mental health, remember to schedule regular dental check-ups to maintain oral hygiene and prevent dental issues.

Lastly, don't forget to prioritize your eye health by scheduling regular eye exams to detect and address any vision-related concerns.

By taking a proactive approach to your healthy habits, you can nurture a fulfilling life while minimizing the risk of potential health complications. Regular appointments with your family doctor will help keep you on track.

Getting old isn’t for sissies.


Stay active in your community.

Physical stimulation is important, but so is mental and social stimulation. When you stay active in your local community, it engenders feelings of connection. Be it volunteering or joining a service club, you will feel more satisfied and happier in general.


  • Explore local museums and art galleries, taking in the beauty of culture and history.

  • Join a local club or organization that aligns with your interests. Whether it's a book club, a sports team, a hobby group, or a community theater.

  • Attend community events, such as festivals, fairs, or fundraisers, to soak up local culture and meet new people.

  • Volunteer for a cause or organization that resonates with you, offering your time and skills to make a positive impact in your community.

  • Interact with friends and family by organizing regular social gatherings, game nights, or outings.

  • Take part in community projects or initiatives, such as neighborhood clean-ups, community gardens, or mentorship programs, contributing to the betterment of your local area.


These are just suggestions, and you can adapt them to your personal interests and community opportunities. Participating in mental, social, and physical activities will help you lead a more fulfilling and connected life.


Be a lifelong learner.

It is never too late to learn something new. Embracing a lifelong learning mindset opens endless possibilities, regardless of age. With the advent of the internet, knowledge and resources are at your fingertips. Making it easier than ever to learn something new. Online platforms offer a wealth of courses, tutorials, and educational materials on a wide range of subjects. Allowing you to explore your interests and expand your skills from the comfort of your own home.

If you prefer a more interactive and communal learning experience, look for local classes or workshops in your area. Engaging with fellow learners and instructors in person can foster collaboration, discussions, and the opportunity to build connections with like-minded individuals. Remember, it's never too late to begin a learning journey, and the joy of acquiring new knowledge and skills knows no age limit. Stay curious, embrace the learning resources available to you, and enjoy the process of continual growth and self-improvement.


Remain positive.

Keeping a positive outlook as you are aging can have huge effects on your overall well-being and quality of life. By consciously choosing to think and act positively, you can cultivate a mindset that promotes happiness and contentment. It's important to acknowledge that staying positive is a continuous effort and may require practice. If you try to think and act positively, you will likely feel it. If you struggle with positivity, try a mindfulness technique like meditation or journaling.

Engaging in regular meditation sessions allows you to calm the mind, observe your thoughts without judgment, and cultivate a sense of positivity. Similarly, journaling provides a safe space to explore your emotions, reflect on positive experiences, and set intentions for a brighter future. Remember, developing a positive mindset is a journey that requires patience. Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting individuals and celebrate even the most minor victories. By embracing positivity, you can approach the aging process with resilience and a greater sense of joy.


Practice deep gratitude.

Understanding the distinction between deeply felt personal gratitude and everyday common or transactional thankfulness is essential for cultivating a richer appreciation of life. Every day, you experience moments of common thankfulness. Such as expressing gratitude for a delicious meal, a kind gesture from a friend, or a beautiful sunset. These instances of gratitude arise from acknowledging the positive aspects of your life and can contribute to a universal sense of well-being.

However, deeply felt personal gratitude goes beyond these everyday moments and observes a sense of appreciation that emanates from the core of our being. It involves acknowledging the blessings, lessons, and growth that come from life's challenges, hardships, and even losses. Deeply felt personal gratitude requires reflection, introspection, and an awareness of the interconnectedness of your experiences and the impact they have on your life. It allows you to find meaning or find silver linings in difficult situations and fosters a sense of contentment and resilience. By developing this deeper level of gratitude, you can cultivate a transformative perspective on life, enhancing your overall well-being and relationships with others.


My final thoughts are.

If we are lucky, we get to grow old. How well we live as we age depends so much on our attitude. Life can feel much shorter if you spend it complaining about your age. As for me, I wake every morning, thankful to be alive, looking forward to another day of opportunities. Just as my Gram did, for more than a hundred years.


For more information, read these posts.

10 Simple Ways To Age Gracefully.

How Exercise Increases Energy And Vitality.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Don't Miss Out On Living Your Best Life

What makes up your best life? What is the meaning of making each moment count? These are subjective terms, and the truth is that we all live differently, and have different life goals, and responsibilities. Our specific paths to a fulfilling life may look different, but common elements are shared between us all. We are all human, and we all want a life that looks like it was tailored to us. Following this universal thought, we can all take positive steps to live our best lives and make every moment count.



What do your goals look like?

While you may have an idea of what you want on a day-to-day basis, do you know and understand your long-term goals? When you imagine a happier life, a more secure one, a more adventurous one, what does that life look like to you? Take a good look at all your existing goals, dreams, and aspirations. Do they suit your interests, or have you chosen them to please someone else?

Take some time to assess what you want in your life – not what others expect you to want – then decide if your path needs to change, so you can be in command of your life and future. When you’re setting goals, try to find reasons with meaning that promote the well-being of your mental and physical health. 

The human mind desires to work towards an end goal, without one, you are more prone to psychological or emotional distress from a life without purpose. A study titled “Purpose in Life Predicts Better Emotional Recovery from Negative Stimuli” by Stacey M. Schaefer et al. reinforced the idea that a life of purpose not only supports mental health but also helps you build resilience to face life’s challenges.


List your priorities.

Prioritization is the process of taking the elements of your life and spelling them out numerically. From short-term to-do lists to longer-term, five or more years, plans, your capacity to organize and prioritize plays a huge part in your ability to carry out your goals. Take a deep breath in, exhale, and accept that you can’t do everything. When you know your limits, you can begin determining what to accomplish first so that you can begin living your best life.

One of the largest contributors to stress and anxiety is a life lived without priorities. Goals without priority often leave you feeling frustrated or ‘stuck.’ Time is divided between responsibilities, work, school, family, and friends, the list is endless. Often you prioritize in the wrong order; work that keeps you from relationships, relationships keeping you from your goals, and habits that prevent you from saving, or realizing your purpose.

So, first, with your goals in mind, sit down and prioritize your time. This can be as specific as you need it to be. Second, since your life is not lived in a vacuum, be sure to include those close to you in the process as family members and friends may need to adjust to changes.


 Who are you?

When you know who you are, you have a full awareness of who you are now and who you want to become in the future. People constantly change throughout their lives; though there are some characteristics of themselves they hope to grow and develop, there are other parts of themselves that may remain the same.

Owning who you are means that you’re able to embrace those desires to evolve while also honoring the steadfast features of who you essentially are. Often, this appears as a set of strengths and weaknesses. Just as you are strong in some areas and abilities, you may be weaker in others.  

Learning how to accept and embrace both sides of who you are is a crucial part of understanding yourself. You can more easily become who you want to be when you accept your whole self – not just select parts of it. Practice accepting your shortcomings and flaws; if you can work on them, do it. If these are parts of yourself you can’t change, embrace them.



Who do you want to be?

When you realize how much control you really can have over your life, it opens your view. You recognize that you are quite powerful and have a lot of say over your life and how things work for you. Whether it’s imagining yourself in the next five years, or six months, imagine the person you want to be by that point in time. What do you want to accomplish? What would make you feel happier and more successful?

Knowing who you want to be means you have a clear vision of whom you want to become, as you move forward into the future. This image of yourself may be based on personal goals, ambitions, or changes you want to make within yourself. Owning that image of your future self means you know what’s possible to achieve with hard work, commitment, and persistence. Treat the image of your future self like a roadmap – it will help you determine what tools you already have at your disposal to achieve those goals, and what you need to do to get there.


 Surround yourself with good influences.

The people you surround yourself with, the places you hang out, and the activities you participate in heavily influence your goals. Furthermore, a study has found that being surrounded by happy people promotes happiness.

Your family and friends are a good place to find love and support. Like-minded people can often be found in a hobby or work-related clubs. Mutual encouragement and inspiration are often the currency of these interactions.

Build circles that support life goals. Learn to speak positivity into your life, offer grace and empathy when needed, and strive to always foster mental, physical, and emotional health.


Do hard things.

The last step in any plan is implementation. You’ve set your goals, you’ve prioritized your time, and you’ve surrounded yourself with supporting figures who will encourage you, now you need to go out and do the hard things.

The hard things are those things that make you uncomfortable or require you to risk failure or take courage to perform. The hard things are often the very things you don’t want to do but must persist in doing so that you become competent.

It’s called your best life because it's not always going to be easy, but it will be rewarding. Sitting on the couch every night is easy. Meeting new people, trying new things, and exploring new places can all be scary and at times even intimidating. But these are frequently the moments that we remember and cherish.


My final thoughts.

Remember to take each day as it comes. To make every moment count, you need to learn to live in the present. Your journey into the future gets closer with each decision you make today, so make it a good one.



For more information, read this related post.

9 Practical Tips For Living Your Best Life Now.



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Taking Action On Your Intention

Gram’s Wisdom 42 Act on what you want from your life.

Actions speak louder than words. We are all familiar with that saying. Right? Yet, moving through life unintentionally is taking the path of least resistance and stumbling into what success you can find. The people who find success in this way are the exception, not the rule. Luck will always run out for people who do not prepare or have something to fall back on.

The basis for the feeling that life happens to you and is out of your control begins in childhood. It’s hard to go from being that child, told how to live, to “well, what do you want to do with your life now that you are out of school”? Is it any wonder that many people only live on the surface, unfamiliar with what it is they want from their life?

My Gram challenged me as a teenager to get to know myself and my values on a deeper level. She told me; that I should use the knowledge of what I learned to understand what I want my life to look like. She said a person successful in life can see the link between where they are now, what their goal is, and what it takes to move toward that point.

Gram believed this kind of life success aimed to provide direction and focus. Gram told me that is how you become the person you want to be, so you can live the way you want to live. Her thought was that your life should reflect who you are. Fast-forward to today and people call this an intentional living mindset.


If you don’t act these are just words.

There is more to choosing a life that matters than having good intentions. You intend to catch up with your friend over coffee, but you never do it. You intend to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, but there is always a reason why you can’t. Or you intend to leave the job you hate and begin a new career, but you never do.

If you make an intention to change, but you don't change, your true intention is to never change. The biggest problem that many people have when trying to act with intention is they do not know what they want. They chase one shiny object after another, and they never get anywhere.

To do something intentionally means to do something purposefully. It's intended. That means it involves a plan of action. You need an objective, a destination.

So, acting with intention means thinking about it. Acting intentionally means acting on a purpose. So, while people talk about acting with intention, you can focus on being intentionally intentional. You are going to think about it, and then you're going to act. This is what it will take to reveal your potential. Once you crack that nut, everything will feel possible.


How do I begin?

The first step is to set a goal, but before you can set a goal you need to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, your first step is to figure it out.

The second step to acting intentionally is setting an end goal. You can't run a race if you don't know where the finish line is. So, where is your finish line?

Now that you have a finish line in mind you can develop a plan. How are you going to get to the finish line?

The next step is the biggest – you can't get to where you're going unless you start acting. You can set all the intentions in the world, but unless you start acting on those intentions, nothing will change. You need to act on every intention you set.

Once you begin your journey, don't give up. You can't give up if you want to be intentionally intentional. You can regroup, you can correct course, you can reboot your plan – none of those things are quitting.

Quitting means stopping and if you stop you will have failed. Nothing less than that counts as a failure because you're on a journey that will take time and effort. You need to give yourself the space and grace to take that journey to its completion.

Just remember, lasting change will never happen by accident. Despite this, a lot of people choose to cruise through life without a plan. And while some of them will find success regardless, you can't rely solely on luck to get you by.



More Than Intentions.

Intentional living forces you to question the significance of your life. It motivates you to act, to find creative ways to succeed, it's energizing, inspiring, and encouraging.

So, what do you do when you want to make a difference and choose a life that matters? You can start small and do common things better than anybody else can because ultimately, you'll reach excellence. How do you start small while believing big?

• Begin right where you are, with just one thing before you expand.

• Pay attention to the words you use.

• Make small changes, little changes accumulate into big things.

If you want to lead a life that has meaning, you need to put others first. Instead of thinking about what you will get out of doing something, think about how your actions could benefit others. Start by learning to appreciate others and listen to their stories. Before you act, take a moment to see things from their perspective and put yourself in their shoes.

You can add value through positive thinking and positive actions. You can impress people by bragging about your success, but you can add value and impact people by discussing your failures.

Your why is one of the biggest aspects of intentional living. If you have a good handle on your why you can focus on it completely. It helps you make sense of what you encounter on your journey, it is the lens through which you see everything and will help you find your way.

We are made to live out a purpose, and they will all be different. If you live without meaning, you live without hope. If you live with meaning, you live with significance. Knowing your why will help you focus on the right things, boost your self-confidence, and keep you motivated.


Live intentionally.

You are the main character in your story, so, start living like one. And you can begin by asking yourself the three questions below.

1.  Can you become the best at what you do?

This is a question about your skills and talent. You already have skills you can use to help others. 

2.  Do you feel passionate about what you're doing?

This is a question about your heart. The feeling of leading a significant life begins in your heart because that's where your desire stems from.

3.  Do you have the resources to make a change?

This is about your tools and resources. If you want to make a difference, do you have the resources necessary to go out and make that change in your world?

My final thoughts.

Living intentionally will form the cornerstone for all your growth moving forward. It will serve as the foundation of everything you hope to achieve.

Think of purpose as the rudder to steer your direction. If you need a reminder, ask yourself every morning why do I do what I do? This is your focus, and the answer should fuel you through another day.

If you want to change something, the only way to make those changes is to act with intention. If you try to make changes without intention you will be unlikely to meet much success.


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For more information, read this post.

6 Steps To Live With Intention: Live Intentionally Not Habitually

How Do You Live Intentionally?

Society would have us believe a busy life is a successful one. Our society also shows us that the external is more valuable than the internal. Yet we live in a world where our mental health problems are sky-high. But we have a choice. We can control our lives with intention or allow fate to handle things.

If you think intentional living sounds confusing and complicated, you're probably not alone. It does sound quite daunting, but it's a way of life and you can use it to create a better one. You have maybe seen it discussed online or even overhead people discussing the concept. It's all over the place these days, but what on earth does it mean? What does intentional living look like? Can anyone do it?

Of course! It's simply living your life with purpose. But before you can do that, you must identify what you want your life to look like. The heart of intentional living when you reduce it down to its basics is about living a life that reflects your values and beliefs. It's about directing your life and being proactive instead of being reactive, always fighting against the latest cataclysm.

Living with intention looks different for each person because everyone has different values. For you, it could mean taking long walks with your partner because you prioritize quality time and movement. For your friend, it could be scheduling their favorite activities because their highest value is self-care. Maybe another friend prioritizes spirituality, so they make a habit of going to church every week.

Why does it matter?

There are plenty of benefits to living intentionally. First and foremost, when you live a life of intention you respect your values and beliefs, which has two major interlinked benefits. Intentional living helps improve your mental health and one of the reasons for this is it is an excellent stress management tool.

If you are living a life with a purpose that reflects your deeply held beliefs, you won't need to stress out over every decision because your values act as your north star. And a stress reduction is positive for your mental health. You'll also be much happier, partly because you're less stressed and enjoying better mental health, but also because you will feel more inner peace from the manner with which you are living your life.

All those feed into intentional living. It’s about making conscious choices and acting in a way that aligns with your values. Living with intention gives you control; it helps you show up every day and tap into your inner power. It supports present living by defining the life you want and delivering on it by taking intentional action. It can be profoundly satisfying because it helps you lead a fulfilling life.

What does it look like?

It's important to know that even though it's a powerful choice to make, living intentionally won't bring you endless joy or peace. It isn't always easy, particularly at the start. It will probably be awkward; it might feel challenging. But isn't any major change in your life the same? The more you persevere with it the more it will become second nature.

Why is it so hard at the beginning? Many of your values and beliefs will be a consequence of your upbringing. For many people, it's difficult to process that these values you absorbed from your culture, family, or religion no longer serve or resonate with you. You need to give yourself the space and grace to deal with this at your speed.

The world is all about distraction and that can easily tear you from your intentional journey. You can't let anything deter you from the journey you choose for yourself. You need to learn how to shut out or at least turn down the noise.

Then you need to identify your values because they are the foundation of intentional living. If you already have your values nailed down, then you're ahead of the game. It's worth taking the time to understand why your values are important to you and what activities tie into them. Do they share anything in common?

So, what does intentional living look like? It looks different for everyone, but there are certain tips you can act on regardless of the values that best reflect your beliefs.

Create a morning intention.

Intentional living looks like living your values. It means taking action that aligns with those values and making decisions that reflect your beliefs. It's an everyday practice, and if you decide out of alignment, you can always do better tomorrow. It takes time to get into the swing of things, but if you seek to stay true to your values, you're doing the best you can.

So, how do you take an intention and break it down to daily living? You can start with a morning intention – it can be a sentence or just a few words. It might be a reminder of how you would live to make choices or behave. Make this part of your morning routine and tie it into a ritual like meditation. It will become as routine as a morning cup of coffee in no time.

Awareness and focus.

You don't have to start over, change your entire life, or walk away from everything you know to live intentionally. It’s about living your life with awareness. You can bring intentionality to how you live currently. For example, while you prepare dinner, try to tap into all your senses. When you run errands or do chores try to connect the why.

So, you're washing dishes, so you can provide meals for yourself and your family. You're hanging laundry, ironing, and cleaning to care for yourself or create an organized and peaceful home. You can also pay more attention when you move your body – notice how it feels. And when you exercise, you can tie it into an intention such as choosing yoga to feel more deeply connected to your physical self.

Small variations like this are a useful way to reframe and refocus.

Small changes.

You can create small changes that are done habitually and will eventually make a large impact. Scale back on social media use before bed. Create a morning ritual to connect to yourself and savor quiet time rather than rushing about stressing. Schedule a weekly call or meet up with friends to nurture your relationships.

Recount your day.

You begin your morning with intention, and you should end the day similarly. Bedtime is an excellent opportunity to recount the way your intention contributed to your day. You may, or may not choose, to journal this; you can simply think about them. If your number one value is compassion, then you can quietly think about all the times you were compassionate throughout the day.

What do you want in life?

If that isn't enough to convince you to live an intentional life, check out these 5 additional reasons.

1 | Presence

Living with awareness forces you to focus on the here and now, which means you notice what brings you joy and what doesn't.

You begin to get a grip on what lights your fire and fuels your motivation. It naturally makes you more present and the more present you are, the more awareness you develop.

2 | Improved relationships.

Living intentionally obliges you to take responsibility for what you can control and let go of what you can't. Improved relationships are a natural by-product. Intentional living forces accountability.

3 | Healthy boundaries.

Self-confidence is key when it comes to establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. You feel comfortable enough to say no when you're running low on time or energy.

You stop feeling guilty about saying yes to the things that serve you. You start to recognize toxic relationships that drag you down. That's the perfect recipe for setting and maintaining boundaries that serve you well.

4 | Improved mental health.

By shining a spotlight on your mental health. You notice just how important it is to take care of your emotional wellness.

Self-care is an important component of good mental health. The trickle-down effect touches every other part of your life.

5 | Improved physical health.

Stress is one of the biggest risk factors for poor health.

Intentional living is an excellent way to reduce your stress levels. Focusing on the present helps block out a lot of stress you have about past mistakes and your future.

With the improvement in your mental health, your physical health is bolstered.

My final thoughts.

Intentional living is a holistic lifestyle and once you start to embrace it, you will begin to see all the benefits listed above. I believe your objective in life should be to serve your values and pursue joy, living intentionally is a perfect way to unlock that.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try. Begin living intentionally today.

For more information, please read these posts.

An Intro To Intentional Living How Not To Live On Auto-Pilot

Create An Intentional Life Using These 10 Tips


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