intentional living

Taking Action On Your Intention

Gram’s Wisdom 42 Act on what you want from your life.

Actions speak louder than words. We are all familiar with that saying. Right? Yet, moving through life unintentionally is taking the path of least resistance and stumbling into what success you can find. The people who find success in this way are the exception, not the rule. Luck will always run out for people who do not prepare or have something to fall back on.

The basis for the feeling that life happens to you and is out of your control begins in childhood. It’s hard to go from being that child, told how to live, to “well, what do you want to do with your life now that you are out of school”? Is it any wonder that many people only live on the surface, unfamiliar with what it is they want from their life?

My Gram challenged me as a teenager to get to know myself and my values on a deeper level. She told me; that I should use the knowledge of what I learned to understand what I want my life to look like. She said a person successful in life can see the link between where they are now, what their goal is, and what it takes to move toward that point.

Gram believed this kind of life success aimed to provide direction and focus. Gram told me that is how you become the person you want to be, so you can live the way you want to live. Her thought was that your life should reflect who you are. Fast-forward to today and people call this an intentional living mindset.


If you don’t act these are just words.

There is more to choosing a life that matters than having good intentions. You intend to catch up with your friend over coffee, but you never do it. You intend to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, but there is always a reason why you can’t. Or you intend to leave the job you hate and begin a new career, but you never do.

If you make an intention to change, but you don't change, your true intention is to never change. The biggest problem that many people have when trying to act with intention is they do not know what they want. They chase one shiny object after another, and they never get anywhere.

To do something intentionally means to do something purposefully. It's intended. That means it involves a plan of action. You need an objective, a destination.

So, acting with intention means thinking about it. Acting intentionally means acting on a purpose. So, while people talk about acting with intention, you can focus on being intentionally intentional. You are going to think about it, and then you're going to act. This is what it will take to reveal your potential. Once you crack that nut, everything will feel possible.


How do I begin?

The first step is to set a goal, but before you can set a goal you need to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, your first step is to figure it out.

The second step to acting intentionally is setting an end goal. You can't run a race if you don't know where the finish line is. So, where is your finish line?

Now that you have a finish line in mind you can develop a plan. How are you going to get to the finish line?

The next step is the biggest – you can't get to where you're going unless you start acting. You can set all the intentions in the world, but unless you start acting on those intentions, nothing will change. You need to act on every intention you set.

Once you begin your journey, don't give up. You can't give up if you want to be intentionally intentional. You can regroup, you can correct course, you can reboot your plan – none of those things are quitting.

Quitting means stopping and if you stop you will have failed. Nothing less than that counts as a failure because you're on a journey that will take time and effort. You need to give yourself the space and grace to take that journey to its completion.

Just remember, lasting change will never happen by accident. Despite this, a lot of people choose to cruise through life without a plan. And while some of them will find success regardless, you can't rely solely on luck to get you by.



More Than Intentions.

Intentional living forces you to question the significance of your life. It motivates you to act, to find creative ways to succeed, it's energizing, inspiring, and encouraging.

So, what do you do when you want to make a difference and choose a life that matters? You can start small and do common things better than anybody else can because ultimately, you'll reach excellence. How do you start small while believing big?

• Begin right where you are, with just one thing before you expand.

• Pay attention to the words you use.

• Make small changes, little changes accumulate into big things.

If you want to lead a life that has meaning, you need to put others first. Instead of thinking about what you will get out of doing something, think about how your actions could benefit others. Start by learning to appreciate others and listen to their stories. Before you act, take a moment to see things from their perspective and put yourself in their shoes.

You can add value through positive thinking and positive actions. You can impress people by bragging about your success, but you can add value and impact people by discussing your failures.

Your why is one of the biggest aspects of intentional living. If you have a good handle on your why you can focus on it completely. It helps you make sense of what you encounter on your journey, it is the lens through which you see everything and will help you find your way.

We are made to live out a purpose, and they will all be different. If you live without meaning, you live without hope. If you live with meaning, you live with significance. Knowing your why will help you focus on the right things, boost your self-confidence, and keep you motivated.


Live intentionally.

You are the main character in your story, so, start living like one. And you can begin by asking yourself the three questions below.

1.  Can you become the best at what you do?

This is a question about your skills and talent. You already have skills you can use to help others. 

2.  Do you feel passionate about what you're doing?

This is a question about your heart. The feeling of leading a significant life begins in your heart because that's where your desire stems from.

3.  Do you have the resources to make a change?

This is about your tools and resources. If you want to make a difference, do you have the resources necessary to go out and make that change in your world?

My final thoughts.

Living intentionally will form the cornerstone for all your growth moving forward. It will serve as the foundation of everything you hope to achieve.

Think of purpose as the rudder to steer your direction. If you need a reminder, ask yourself every morning why do I do what I do? This is your focus, and the answer should fuel you through another day.

If you want to change something, the only way to make those changes is to act with intention. If you try to make changes without intention you will be unlikely to meet much success.


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For more information, read this post.

6 Steps To Live With Intention: Live Intentionally Not Habitually

How Do You Live Intentionally?

Society would have us believe a busy life is a successful one. Our society also shows us that the external is more valuable than the internal. Yet we live in a world where our mental health problems are sky-high. But we have a choice. We can control our lives with intention or allow fate to handle things.

If you think intentional living sounds confusing and complicated, you're probably not alone. It does sound quite daunting, but it's a way of life and you can use it to create a better one. You have maybe seen it discussed online or even overhead people discussing the concept. It's all over the place these days, but what on earth does it mean? What does intentional living look like? Can anyone do it?

Of course! It's simply living your life with purpose. But before you can do that, you must identify what you want your life to look like. The heart of intentional living when you reduce it down to its basics is about living a life that reflects your values and beliefs. It's about directing your life and being proactive instead of being reactive, always fighting against the latest cataclysm.

Living with intention looks different for each person because everyone has different values. For you, it could mean taking long walks with your partner because you prioritize quality time and movement. For your friend, it could be scheduling their favorite activities because their highest value is self-care. Maybe another friend prioritizes spirituality, so they make a habit of going to church every week.

Why does it matter?

There are plenty of benefits to living intentionally. First and foremost, when you live a life of intention you respect your values and beliefs, which has two major interlinked benefits. Intentional living helps improve your mental health and one of the reasons for this is it is an excellent stress management tool.

If you are living a life with a purpose that reflects your deeply held beliefs, you won't need to stress out over every decision because your values act as your north star. And a stress reduction is positive for your mental health. You'll also be much happier, partly because you're less stressed and enjoying better mental health, but also because you will feel more inner peace from the manner with which you are living your life.

All those feed into intentional living. It’s about making conscious choices and acting in a way that aligns with your values. Living with intention gives you control; it helps you show up every day and tap into your inner power. It supports present living by defining the life you want and delivering on it by taking intentional action. It can be profoundly satisfying because it helps you lead a fulfilling life.

What does it look like?

It's important to know that even though it's a powerful choice to make, living intentionally won't bring you endless joy or peace. It isn't always easy, particularly at the start. It will probably be awkward; it might feel challenging. But isn't any major change in your life the same? The more you persevere with it the more it will become second nature.

Why is it so hard at the beginning? Many of your values and beliefs will be a consequence of your upbringing. For many people, it's difficult to process that these values you absorbed from your culture, family, or religion no longer serve or resonate with you. You need to give yourself the space and grace to deal with this at your speed.

The world is all about distraction and that can easily tear you from your intentional journey. You can't let anything deter you from the journey you choose for yourself. You need to learn how to shut out or at least turn down the noise.

Then you need to identify your values because they are the foundation of intentional living. If you already have your values nailed down, then you're ahead of the game. It's worth taking the time to understand why your values are important to you and what activities tie into them. Do they share anything in common?

So, what does intentional living look like? It looks different for everyone, but there are certain tips you can act on regardless of the values that best reflect your beliefs.

Create a morning intention.

Intentional living looks like living your values. It means taking action that aligns with those values and making decisions that reflect your beliefs. It's an everyday practice, and if you decide out of alignment, you can always do better tomorrow. It takes time to get into the swing of things, but if you seek to stay true to your values, you're doing the best you can.

So, how do you take an intention and break it down to daily living? You can start with a morning intention – it can be a sentence or just a few words. It might be a reminder of how you would live to make choices or behave. Make this part of your morning routine and tie it into a ritual like meditation. It will become as routine as a morning cup of coffee in no time.

Awareness and focus.

You don't have to start over, change your entire life, or walk away from everything you know to live intentionally. It’s about living your life with awareness. You can bring intentionality to how you live currently. For example, while you prepare dinner, try to tap into all your senses. When you run errands or do chores try to connect the why.

So, you're washing dishes, so you can provide meals for yourself and your family. You're hanging laundry, ironing, and cleaning to care for yourself or create an organized and peaceful home. You can also pay more attention when you move your body – notice how it feels. And when you exercise, you can tie it into an intention such as choosing yoga to feel more deeply connected to your physical self.

Small variations like this are a useful way to reframe and refocus.

Small changes.

You can create small changes that are done habitually and will eventually make a large impact. Scale back on social media use before bed. Create a morning ritual to connect to yourself and savor quiet time rather than rushing about stressing. Schedule a weekly call or meet up with friends to nurture your relationships.

Recount your day.

You begin your morning with intention, and you should end the day similarly. Bedtime is an excellent opportunity to recount the way your intention contributed to your day. You may, or may not choose, to journal this; you can simply think about them. If your number one value is compassion, then you can quietly think about all the times you were compassionate throughout the day.

What do you want in life?

If that isn't enough to convince you to live an intentional life, check out these 5 additional reasons.

1 | Presence

Living with awareness forces you to focus on the here and now, which means you notice what brings you joy and what doesn't.

You begin to get a grip on what lights your fire and fuels your motivation. It naturally makes you more present and the more present you are, the more awareness you develop.

2 | Improved relationships.

Living intentionally obliges you to take responsibility for what you can control and let go of what you can't. Improved relationships are a natural by-product. Intentional living forces accountability.

3 | Healthy boundaries.

Self-confidence is key when it comes to establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. You feel comfortable enough to say no when you're running low on time or energy.

You stop feeling guilty about saying yes to the things that serve you. You start to recognize toxic relationships that drag you down. That's the perfect recipe for setting and maintaining boundaries that serve you well.

4 | Improved mental health.

By shining a spotlight on your mental health. You notice just how important it is to take care of your emotional wellness.

Self-care is an important component of good mental health. The trickle-down effect touches every other part of your life.

5 | Improved physical health.

Stress is one of the biggest risk factors for poor health.

Intentional living is an excellent way to reduce your stress levels. Focusing on the present helps block out a lot of stress you have about past mistakes and your future.

With the improvement in your mental health, your physical health is bolstered.

My final thoughts.

Intentional living is a holistic lifestyle and once you start to embrace it, you will begin to see all the benefits listed above. I believe your objective in life should be to serve your values and pursue joy, living intentionally is a perfect way to unlock that.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try. Begin living intentionally today.

For more information, please read these posts.

An Intro To Intentional Living How Not To Live On Auto-Pilot

Create An Intentional Life Using These 10 Tips


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Create Your Intentional Life

Live with intention or by default

There’s much talk about intentional living lately. But what does this mean? Intentional living is consciously living in alignment with your values and beliefs.

It’s opposite to what many people do. They live in default mode, being satisfied to only take action when disasters occur.

Intentional living is about an awareness of who you want to be and how you want to live. Of making that choice and then being disciplined enough to do it consistently.

Create an intentional life using these 10 tips.png


How to live your life intentionally

Take the time, take control of your life, and make decisions that matter. Not to your Mom or your best friend. Matter to you.  Choose the course for your life or life will make those choices for you. And those choices will likely be haphazard and unpleasant. In other words, take control while you still have time to create an exciting life or one of peace and calm if that is your preference.

Try these 10 tips to help you live with intention:

1 | Your choices matter. An intentional life is all about making choices that make sense for you and your beliefs. Determine the kind of life you want to lead and direction you want to take that will create the results you want. Change as necessary life isn’t static.

But choose. Your past needn’t be an issue. You may have been afraid to make a choice and fail. It’s true, you can’t fail if you never try. You don’t want to make an incorrect choice. However, this thinking is a trap. You should make a reasonable choice and give it your best effort. Without it, you may not experience the success and happiness that you deserve.

Your greatest power is the power of decision.

It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
— Roy Disney

2 | Visualize your dream life in detail. Have a target in mind. Think about how you’d like to live. Be bold-spirited and leave your doubts and limitations behind for a moment. Go for broke it’s your life.

Consider your ideal day. How would you like to spend your time? Who else would be there? Where would you live? What would your finances be like? Does it include travel or education? Give it some thought. Write it down in a journal or a piece of paper. Refer back to it often.

3 | Know your values and beliefs. A large part of intentional living is living aligned with your values and your beliefs. It’s not about reacting to everything in the most expedient fashion. It’s about proactively living on your terms. It’s necessary to be intimately familiar with your beliefs and values to accomplish that.

4 |Prioritize the first things first. Money isn’t the main thing, but it’s an important thing. Money is great for solving many of life’s challenges such as food and housing. It’s also a necessary resource that affords you the ability to do the things you want to do like traveling. If you’re having financial struggles, it makes the most sense to work on your finances first.

Make a logical progression for each part of your life you’d like to change. Your health is key to your enjoyment of life. If you need to lose 100 pounds, going for a daily walk and eliminating high-calorie drinks would be a good beginning. After a month of walking, you could add additional exercise and diet changes.

Focus on financial and health issues first. After you’ve gained some momentum, you can address the other parts of your life.

5 | Set goals for the major areas of your life. These typically include your home, career, relationships, and education. Of course, you can add other categories as you need them, depending on your aspirations and values.

6 | Choose or create habits to support those goals. Intentional living is much easier with supportive habits in place. You’ll run out of willpower otherwise. Select simple, but effective habits that will help you to reach your goals and begin implementing them.

7 | Decide how you will spend your time. Most of us don’t give a lot of thought to what we do each day. Keeping your dreams and values in mind, what is the best thing for you to do at this moment? What do you need to accomplish today? Have you made a plan? Make choices and avoid operating on autopilot.

8 | Master your impulses. Most of our impulses lead us down the wrong path. They’re often habitual and related to pleasure or discomfort avoidance. Intentional living is about making rational decisions and exercising consistent follow through regardless of comfort. Following your impulses are the opposite of intentional living.

9 | Reject distractions. This includes all distracting thoughts of the past or future. Intention requires presence. Distractions are things you shouldn’t be doing at that moment. Even paying your bills can be a distraction if you should be doing something more important at that time.

10 | Take stock of your day. How well did you do today at living intentionally? What challenges did you face? Where did you fall short? What can you do tomorrow even better than you did it today? What win did you have that you can build on? Learn something new each day for the future.

 My final thought

Are you choosing and creating your life or just living by default? Having a life, that you love will never happen by accident. Be courageous enough to choose the life you want for yourself. Decide the kind of person you want to be. Make your decisions and choose your actions accordingly. Remember, when you refuse to make a choice, you have made your choice.

Be present in your life. Be in control of your life. Be happy in your life.

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