
Taking Action On Your Intention

Gram’s Wisdom 42 Act on what you want from your life.

Actions speak louder than words. We are all familiar with that saying. Right? Yet, moving through life unintentionally is taking the path of least resistance and stumbling into what success you can find. The people who find success in this way are the exception, not the rule. Luck will always run out for people who do not prepare or have something to fall back on.

The basis for the feeling that life happens to you and is out of your control begins in childhood. It’s hard to go from being that child, told how to live, to “well, what do you want to do with your life now that you are out of school”? Is it any wonder that many people only live on the surface, unfamiliar with what it is they want from their life?

My Gram challenged me as a teenager to get to know myself and my values on a deeper level. She told me; that I should use the knowledge of what I learned to understand what I want my life to look like. She said a person successful in life can see the link between where they are now, what their goal is, and what it takes to move toward that point.

Gram believed this kind of life success aimed to provide direction and focus. Gram told me that is how you become the person you want to be, so you can live the way you want to live. Her thought was that your life should reflect who you are. Fast-forward to today and people call this an intentional living mindset.


If you don’t act these are just words.

There is more to choosing a life that matters than having good intentions. You intend to catch up with your friend over coffee, but you never do it. You intend to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, but there is always a reason why you can’t. Or you intend to leave the job you hate and begin a new career, but you never do.

If you make an intention to change, but you don't change, your true intention is to never change. The biggest problem that many people have when trying to act with intention is they do not know what they want. They chase one shiny object after another, and they never get anywhere.

To do something intentionally means to do something purposefully. It's intended. That means it involves a plan of action. You need an objective, a destination.

So, acting with intention means thinking about it. Acting intentionally means acting on a purpose. So, while people talk about acting with intention, you can focus on being intentionally intentional. You are going to think about it, and then you're going to act. This is what it will take to reveal your potential. Once you crack that nut, everything will feel possible.


How do I begin?

The first step is to set a goal, but before you can set a goal you need to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, your first step is to figure it out.

The second step to acting intentionally is setting an end goal. You can't run a race if you don't know where the finish line is. So, where is your finish line?

Now that you have a finish line in mind you can develop a plan. How are you going to get to the finish line?

The next step is the biggest – you can't get to where you're going unless you start acting. You can set all the intentions in the world, but unless you start acting on those intentions, nothing will change. You need to act on every intention you set.

Once you begin your journey, don't give up. You can't give up if you want to be intentionally intentional. You can regroup, you can correct course, you can reboot your plan – none of those things are quitting.

Quitting means stopping and if you stop you will have failed. Nothing less than that counts as a failure because you're on a journey that will take time and effort. You need to give yourself the space and grace to take that journey to its completion.

Just remember, lasting change will never happen by accident. Despite this, a lot of people choose to cruise through life without a plan. And while some of them will find success regardless, you can't rely solely on luck to get you by.



More Than Intentions.

Intentional living forces you to question the significance of your life. It motivates you to act, to find creative ways to succeed, it's energizing, inspiring, and encouraging.

So, what do you do when you want to make a difference and choose a life that matters? You can start small and do common things better than anybody else can because ultimately, you'll reach excellence. How do you start small while believing big?

• Begin right where you are, with just one thing before you expand.

• Pay attention to the words you use.

• Make small changes, little changes accumulate into big things.

If you want to lead a life that has meaning, you need to put others first. Instead of thinking about what you will get out of doing something, think about how your actions could benefit others. Start by learning to appreciate others and listen to their stories. Before you act, take a moment to see things from their perspective and put yourself in their shoes.

You can add value through positive thinking and positive actions. You can impress people by bragging about your success, but you can add value and impact people by discussing your failures.

Your why is one of the biggest aspects of intentional living. If you have a good handle on your why you can focus on it completely. It helps you make sense of what you encounter on your journey, it is the lens through which you see everything and will help you find your way.

We are made to live out a purpose, and they will all be different. If you live without meaning, you live without hope. If you live with meaning, you live with significance. Knowing your why will help you focus on the right things, boost your self-confidence, and keep you motivated.


Live intentionally.

You are the main character in your story, so, start living like one. And you can begin by asking yourself the three questions below.

1.  Can you become the best at what you do?

This is a question about your skills and talent. You already have skills you can use to help others. 

2.  Do you feel passionate about what you're doing?

This is a question about your heart. The feeling of leading a significant life begins in your heart because that's where your desire stems from.

3.  Do you have the resources to make a change?

This is about your tools and resources. If you want to make a difference, do you have the resources necessary to go out and make that change in your world?

My final thoughts.

Living intentionally will form the cornerstone for all your growth moving forward. It will serve as the foundation of everything you hope to achieve.

Think of purpose as the rudder to steer your direction. If you need a reminder, ask yourself every morning why do I do what I do? This is your focus, and the answer should fuel you through another day.

If you want to change something, the only way to make those changes is to act with intention. If you try to make changes without intention you will be unlikely to meet much success.


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For more information, read this post.

6 Steps To Live With Intention: Live Intentionally Not Habitually

How Strong Is Your Resolve?

So, already making excuses for falling off the New Year resolution wagon? You needn’t be embarrassed, so are 80-90 percent of others who made resolutions. Instead, take heart it’s not completely your fault. You see, it’s not all about willpower, creating positive habits is equally important.

Do you ever wish you could develop your willpower? Well, you can. Willpower works a lot like a muscle. Exercise it regularly, and it becomes stronger. The key is to make using your willpower a daily habit, and that’s easier than you may think.


Willpower plus positive habits.

Having plenty of willpower is a good thing. While some people seem to have more of it than others, many people struggle from time to time with not having enough. Sure, you can get better at reaching your goals with practice and discipline. But, if that's all it took, everyone would be skinny, fit, and in good financial shape. That’s just not how the world works though, and at times, we all struggle with finding the willpower to reach our long-term goals. 

Luckily, there’s another strategy and skill set that’s just as important as willpower. It’s creating positive habits and routines as a support system for your willpower. Here’s how this works and what it has to do with willpower. Let’s say you want to make a positive change in your life. It doesn’t matter what that is. It could be to read more books specific to your career, so you can learn more and become better at what you do. Or it could be to journal to understand your behavior better.


Begin with a goal in mind.

The simplest way to make sure you are exercising your willpower daily is to work towards a goal. When you have a reason and a purpose, you don’t have to remember what to do to work out those exercise muscles. You just do something that positions you closer to your goal each day.

Consider what that should be. It helps to focus on a single goal at a time instead of trying to change too many things in your life. Pick one area, one thing you want to change or improve and set your goal. Make it a measurable goal with a deadline connected to it. Instead of saying that you want to lose weight, make your goal to lose 25lbs. By Easter, for example.


Alter your goal into a plan using a daily action item.

Once your goal is set, it’s time to come up with a plan for what you need to do to reach said goal. It’s just a matter of considering what you need to do daily to go from where you are today to where you want to be and thus achieve your goal. Let’s look at an example. Let’s say your goal is to get fit enough to run a 5K race in six months. To make that happen, you must work out daily, starting with brisk walks, then a mixture of walking and jogging, graduating to daily runs that get longer and longer until running 5K will be an easy task. 

The plan then is to begin week one with daily 30-minute walks, for example. Those are your daily action items. It gives you something specific to do to exercise your willpower and something measurable you can track.


Use strategies in addition to willpower to establish new habits.

Lastly, it’s time to turn this willpower exercise into a habit. The easiest way to do this is to establish new positive routines. Willpower and habits work together. You must pay attention to both and use them in tandem. Use your willpower to create new habits one at a time. Once that new behavior has become a real habit, you can focus on the next one. Going back to the earlier examples of reading and journaling, start with one of them.

At first, it takes a lot of willpower to make yourself read a few pages or go through 15 minutes of journaling. A better strategy would be to wake up, prepare your coffee, get comfortable in your favorite chair, or sit on the couch and do your reading there. Make sure your book is waiting for you there, and you have reading glasses and light to read by if needed. Add a fun pillow or throw to create a cozy reading spot that you look forward to using. Then begin to establish the habit by using your willpower to make it happen every morning, come rain or shine.


Stick to your new habit.

Follow this new habit until it becomes something you no longer even think about completing. Establishing this new routine can take anywhere from one to three months. Stick with it until it’s just what you do in the morning. Then begin adding the journaling to the mix using the same strategy of having a notebook and pens at the ready in a comfortable place to write until it has become a real habit.

If you use your willpower wisely and add strategies, it will become easier to make this happen every morning. Before you know it, your new task has become a habit and part of your overall routine. At that point, it doesn’t take willpower anymore. Just like you don’t need to remind yourself to brush your teeth.



My final thoughts.

It would be nice to have an extra boost of willpower when you need it most. So, make your plans to reach your goals, add strategies that can increase your success, and avoid the urge to quit.

Another trick to help you stick to your habit is to make it visual by adding it as a recurring event on your calendar.


For more information, read these posts.

New Year Resolution Statistics

Why We Fail To Achieve Our New Year Resolutions



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