
The Ultimate Guide To Living Your Best Life

Living your best life can take effort. It’s necessary to act to ensure you’re achieving the happiness and satisfaction you want.

Let’s explore a range of topics, from nurturing relationships and setting personal boundaries. To the benefits of lifelong learning and the importance of being grateful for life's simple joys. These conversations underscore the significance of mindfulness and intentionality in your life. By prioritizing your well-being, and embracing new experiences and activities you enjoy, you can lead a more gratifying and enriching life. These insights serve as reminders that the pursuit of happiness and personal growth is not an elusive destination. Rather an ongoing journey rooted in self-awareness and a willingness to engage with the world around you.

To live your best life, there are some activities you can do to make it easier to promote better living each day.


Make sure you nurture the right relationships in your life.

Nurturing the relationships in your life is essential for your emotional and overall happiness. These connections provide you with a sense of belonging, support, and love that enriches your life in profound ways. To foster healthy relationships, you must invest time and effort into understanding, communicating with, and empathizing with those you care about. This involves listening, being present at the moment, and showing genuine interest in the thoughts and feelings of others. By doing so, you not only strengthen the bonds you share but also create a setting where trust and intimacy can flourish.

Moreover, nourishing relationships extend beyond mere communication. It also involves making a regular effort to spend quality time together, whether through shared experiences, shared laughter, or simply being there during challenging times. Celebrating each other's successes and offering support during difficult moments are the cornerstones of a strong and enduring connection. When you invest in nurturing these relationships, you build a support system that can weather the vicissitudes of life and celebrate the joys together. Making your journey even more meaningful and fulfilling. Ultimately, the nourishment of your relationships is an investment in your happiness and of those you hold dear.

Make time for activities you genuinely enjoy.

Whatever your favorite hobbies, activities, and pastimes are, give yourself time to enjoy them. Making time for activities you genuinely enjoy is a vital aspect of maintaining a balanced and satisfying life. These pursuits provide not only moments of joy but also opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and relaxation. Whether it's reading a book, painting, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in a favorite sport. These activities can serve as a refuge from the demands of daily life. Setting aside dedicated time for them is a form of self-care that nourishes you mentally and emotionally.

Incorporating enjoyable activities into your routine can boost your overall productivity and happiness. It provides a much-needed break, allowing you to recharge and return to your responsibilities with renewed energy and focus. Moreover, pursuing your passions can lead to a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. It's a reminder that life isn't just about meeting obligations but savoring the moments that bring you genuine pleasure. By making time for these activities, you prioritize your happiness and well-being. Which in turn positively impacts all other aspects of your life.


Say “No” like a pro and transform your life.

If you feel pressured to say “Yes” to others’ requests, it can be tough to feel like you’re living your best life. Establishing personal boundaries and having the courage to say "No" when necessary is an essential practice for maintaining your overall well-being. Boundaries act as a protective shield around your physical and emotional space, blocking others from overstepping or taking advantage of you. They’re the foundation of healthy relationships and self-respect. When you set clear boundaries, you communicate your needs, limitations, and values, which fosters respect and understanding with others.

Moreover, setting boundaries and declining certain commitments or requests allows you to prioritize your needs and goals. It's a way of managing your time and energy level efficiently. Preventing burnout and overwhelm. Without boundaries, you may find yourself constantly overextended, sacrificing your well-being for the sake of others or societal pressures. Learning to say "No" respectfully permits you to make choices that align with your values and goals. Ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. It's a powerful tool for self-care and self-preservation, promoting a sense of agency and control over your destiny.


Make your physical and emotional health your top priorities.

Prioritizing your physical and emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of leading a healthy and fulfilling life. It's the basis upon which your ability to thrive, both personally and professionally, is built. Here are some key points to consider when making your well-being a priority:

  1. Regular self-care practices, such as exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet, are the big “three” for maintaining physical health. Combining relaxation techniques and mindfulness into your routine can contribute to mental well-being.

  2. Learning to manage and cope with stress effectively is vital. High levels of chronic stress can have detrimental effects on both your physical and mental health. Consider meditation practices, deep breathing, or seeking professional help when needed.

  3. Finding a healthy work-life balance is essential. Dedicate time to activities and relationships that bring you joy and relaxation outside your work commitments.

  4. Nurturing meaningful social connections is necessary for mental well-being. Make time for friends and family; they can support you when facing challenges.

  5. Don't hesitate to seek help or counseling when dealing with mental health issues. There's no shame in asking for assistance; it's a sign of strength to address your mental well-being proactively.

  6. Regular health check-ups with medical professionals can help identify and address physical health concerns early, preventing more serious complications later.

  7. Set clear goals for your well-being. Whether achieving a fitness milestone or working towards improved mental clarity, having objectives can motivate and guide your efforts.

Prioritizing your physical and emotional well-being isn't selfish. It's an act of self-love and self-preservation that ultimately allows you to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Remember that taking care of yourself enables you to be at your best for you and those around you.


Experience or try something new each day.

Experiencing something new can be a transformative and enriching practice that brings many benefits to you. While you might not be going on an extreme outing each day, there are small ways to experience that sense of adventure and discovery. First, it keeps your mind engaged and sharp. When you encounter novel experiences, whether it's trying a new food, learning a new skill, or exploring a different place. Your brain is challenged to adapt and process new information. This cognitive stimulation can enhance creativity, problem-solving, and overall mental agility.

Additionally, daily novelty adds excitement and variety to your life. Preventing the monotony of routine from setting in. It helps you break free from your comfort zone, fostering personal growth and a sense of accomplishment. Whether big or small, these new experiences can increase self-confidence as you navigate unfamiliar situations successfully. Lastly, they can broaden your horizons, expose you to different cultures and perspectives, and create lasting memories contributing to a rich and fulfilling life. In a nutshell, the pursuit of daily novelty promotes personal development and a greater appreciation for the world around you.


Endeavor to be a lifelong learner.

  • First: lifelong learners have a voracious appetite for knowledge. They maintain a deep interest in the world around them, always asking questions and seeking answers. Whether through books, online courses, podcasts, or conversations with others, they actively seek opportunities to learn something new every day.

  • Second: lifelong learners are open-minded and adaptable. They embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth. Instead of shying away from unfamiliar topics or difficulties, they approach them with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn from their mistakes.

  • Third: lifelong learners are able to manage time and goal setting, ensuring that they allocate time each day or week to their learning pursuits. This discipline helps them stay committed to their educational journey and consistently make progress in acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Ultimately, the habits of a lifelong learner revolve around a mindset of continuous growth, a persistent curiosity, and a commitment to constant self-improvement. Exposing yourself to new topics, information, and skills is an excellent way to keep your mind active and learn well beyond your school days. Pick up new hobbies, ask a friend to teach you a skill they know, and sign up for free classes – there are plenty of ways to live your best life through learning.


Gratitude: how small things can change your life.

Life can be busy, making it easy to forget how many wonderful aspects of your life you can experience each day. Taking time each day to recognize everything good in your life is a lovely way to increase your overall satisfaction.

Being grateful for small or simple things in life is a powerful practice that can bring immense joy and contentment. Often, you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your daily routines, chasing after grand achievements and material possessions. In the process, you overlook the beauty of simple pleasures. Take a moment to appreciate small joys. A warm cup of tea on a cold morning, a heartfelt conversation with a loved one, or the sight of a blooming flower. All of which can promote a profound sense of gratitude.

Moreover, acknowledging and cherishing the small things can shift your perspective towards a more optimistic outlook. It reminds you that happiness is not merely contingent on milestones or accomplishments. Instead, it resides in the everyday moments that make up your life. When you express gratitude for these simple pleasures, you become more present and attuned to the richness of your existence. Fostering a sense of contentment and fulfillment that transcends the pursuit of material success.


My final thoughts are:

You have seen the importance of balance, mindfulness, and mindset in your daily life. Whether it's nurturing relationships, setting boundaries, embracing new experiences, well-being, or practicing gratitude. These principles can help you to lead a more fulfilling life while also contributing positively to the lives you touch.

For more information, read these posts.

20 Ways To Live Your Best Life.

Taking Action On Your Intention.

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It's Never Too Late To Begin A Journaling Habit

“The best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to.” Hannah Hinchman

Writing your thoughts down as a daily habit is better known as journaling. It’s one of the best ways to track your everyday life. You can use journaling to figure out what is or isn’t working in your life. Things become more tangible when written down on paper. As you write about your motivations, struggles, or things that you feel remorseful about, you will be in a better position to solve them, live with them, or let them go. 

In addition, you will also have a written record of your positive thoughts and feelings, your desires, your dreams, and what makes you proud. Your journal is also a good place to consider the ideas you have for improving relationships with family and friends. And you will want to celebrate your achievements and express your gratitude. A journal can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. Either way, the future you will be thankful you began.



How to leverage a journal in your everyday life.

Choose a quiet place.

It's best when you begin to journal that you choose a place that is peaceful and comfortable. Being in a busy, noisy, atmosphere makes it more difficult to focus on the thoughts and feelings you want to get down on paper. Journaling helps bring stability when your life feels like it’s going through a rough patch. It helps you get to know yourself better by revealing your innermost fears, thoughts, and feelings. When you are journaling, it’s a moment for personal relaxation, a time when you do soul-searching and relieve stress and wind down.


Observe the patterns.

A written record of the challenges in your life becomes reference material for you. You will be able to see the problems that you are facing now and those you have been able to overcome. It allows you to notice patterns, make improvements, and change over time. Being conscious of the strength that you had in other circumstances helps you to move ahead with more confidence. Through journaling, you can create a meaningful connection with yourself which is as important as creating meaningful connections with family or friends.


Gain control.

Many people struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety; however, keeping a journal can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health and memory. You should avoid an excess of stress as it can be harmful to your mental, physical, and emotional health. It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that journaling is an incredible stress management tool. Having a written record of your thoughts and plans reinforces your control over the things that happen in your life. 


Build accountability.

Journaling is great training in accountability. If you can build a habit of writing each day, then you can also stick to the goals or plans you set for yourself. Moving forward the thoughts you set down are tracking the progress of your plans for the short term. In the future, looking back, you have a broad overview. Writing a journal allows you to discover what makes you happy, what moves you, and how to navigate your feelings and behaviors most proficiently. Developing a habit of journaling as a pre-bedtime meditation habit can help you relax and cool down emotions.


Solve problems.

Every day journaling allows you to work through some difficult emotions you may have such as depression and anger, reducing the intensity of those emotions and comforting yourself.  It also helps you to solve problems through decisive thinking and right-brain reflection. Through journaling, you can realize compassion, resolve conflicts, and cultivate understanding, love, and kindness for yourself.


Connect with inner needs.

One of the best ways to strengthen your emotional function is through journaling. Writing down what you feel when something triggers a strong emotion helps you understand the cause and can help you find a solution. As journaling habits are developed, benefits become long-term. This means that diarists become more in tune with their mental health by connecting with inner needs and desires.


Have a happier life.

Journaling can be a good way to have a happier life. Journaling enhances your mood and gives you a better sense of overall emotional well-being and happiness. Focusing on being grateful for what you have helps to lessen the power of the things not achieved yet. Writing down how far you have come or how thankful you are for your blessings, friends, and families.


Improve your confidence.

Journaling can help you to have a greater sense of confidence and self-identity. In addition, it also helps in the organization of important patterns and growth in life. Research shows that expressive writing can help a person to develop more planned, adaptive, and cohesive schemes about themselves and others.  Through journaling, one can also open and engage the right brain creativity, which gives you access to your creative potential.


Discover the lasting benefits of habitual journaling.

Writing has always been a popular tool for self-expression. It renders what our minds produce into tangible records, either on paper or on a digital platform. Writing your thoughts and plans is insurance against the loss of your mental expressions.

If ever there was a useful method of recording your vision, goals, and dreams, it is journaling. People often confuse this with keeping a diary. The two have similarities such as the fact that both involve writing and are about personal record keeping. Both are an extension of your mind, but there are variations that characterize them.

Journal vs Diary.

A diary is a record of daily events. It is a description of what the day has been like, with details of activities one has engaged in, and feelings evoked by the events. It is an exploration of one's emotions as triggered by events. Diaries are private entries, which is why some come with locks. When one hears the term diary, thoughts go to the teenage kinds where one records crushes, heartbreaks, and rivalries. That is not only what a diary is for. You can keep a diary at any stage of your life with more mature investigations of your thoughts and feelings. We can also use diaries when making nostalgic reminiscences for different stages in our lives.

A journal is more extensive as it includes more than just emotional examination. Journals let you write your thoughts and experiences around future goals and plans. It is less about ranting as people assume a diary is for and more about writing for reflections on important issues. Keeping a journal allows you to assemble your ideas and observations, so you can create a plan to move forward. An example would be a journal of personal goals where you can record a weight loss goal and a detailed plan to achieve it. You can record the small steps of victory and any drawbacks along with your plan to overcome them. 

You use journals as organization tools whereas diaries are about exploring feelings. A journal can be a tool for tracking progress for personal or corporate goals. It helps you keep track of everyday life.

There are different journals that one can keep. The list includes a personal journal, a business journal, a prayer journal, a workout journal, a gratitude journal, a bullet journal, and so on. All these journals explore different areas of one's life.

The use of a gratitude journal would involve recording what you are grateful for on a regular basis. You could record daily or as often as you can, citing people that you are grateful for. This process is more reflective, allowing you to examine your life for what you have around you that adds meaning and value to it. In that journal, you could plan how to express gratitude for others and record how doing so has improved your perspective on life. You can even record how doing something for others as a sign of gratitude makes you feel.

In a business journal, you can describe your vision for your business and write plans to take it to new heights. You can record completed daily tasks that feed into your dream and allow for evaluation of previous achievements or failures and suggestions for future enterprises. What matters is honesty and imagination. Your journal is a safe space where you can convey your dreams and reflect on your life. 


Benefits of journaling.

A personal journal is like a memoir. It is a window into history- a pathway of your life that other people can trace generations later. There are several prominent people in history whose journals were discovered and studied long after they died. These contain information on some of the most pivotal moments in the history of humanity. From the travel journals of explorers like Marco Polo to creative journals by Leonardo da Vinci, they offer us glimpses into the world of inventors and people who made significant contributions. There are scientific journals from Marie Curie documenting findings in the early research into radioactivity, and memoirs of captains of great wars on their battle strategies. All these are records of the lives of people who made an impact in various sectors of the history of mankind. 

You can also record your history for your family to trace for generations to come. Here is a link to my What Is A Grandparent’s Journal? If you are a pioneer in a certain field or continuing with research done before you, you can add your contributions and let others know your achievements by keeping a journal detailing the progress from their work to yours.

Keeping a personal journal helps you analyze events in your life and explore your feelings more constructively, without limitation. It can be as therapeutic as finding someone to confide in, helping you to process your feelings and thoughts much better. This impacts your mental health as you unload the burden of thoughts and feelings onto paper. Your journal can help you deal with stress and ensure overall wellness. 

A gratitude journal helps you to focus on the things that matter. It improves your outlook on life by keeping you positive about what you have.

A creative journal gives your mind the freedom it needs to capture and expand a dream. You can be as creative as you want in articulating your vision without judgment.

Writing your goals for your business or your personal vision makes them more real to you and encourages you to go for them. A journal allows you to focus on what you want to accomplish. 

Keep a journal as a way of finding clarity in any area of your life. It is the best form of expression and evaluation we have at our disposal.


My final thought.

Grab a cup of tea or coffee and begin putting what’s on your mind into your journal. Just begin where you are. This is good for you — physically, mentally, and emotionally. You don’t have to be the greatest or most skillful writer for you to begin journaling. But you do need to set aside a dedicated space and time for journaling.


For more information on journaling, read this post.

8 Spiritual Benefits Of Journaling (That Might Surprise You).

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How Strong Is Your Resolve?

So, already making excuses for falling off the New Year resolution wagon? You needn’t be embarrassed, so are 80-90 percent of others who made resolutions. Instead, take heart it’s not completely your fault. You see, it’s not all about willpower, creating positive habits is equally important.

Do you ever wish you could develop your willpower? Well, you can. Willpower works a lot like a muscle. Exercise it regularly, and it becomes stronger. The key is to make using your willpower a daily habit, and that’s easier than you may think.


Willpower plus positive habits.

Having plenty of willpower is a good thing. While some people seem to have more of it than others, many people struggle from time to time with not having enough. Sure, you can get better at reaching your goals with practice and discipline. But, if that's all it took, everyone would be skinny, fit, and in good financial shape. That’s just not how the world works though, and at times, we all struggle with finding the willpower to reach our long-term goals. 

Luckily, there’s another strategy and skill set that’s just as important as willpower. It’s creating positive habits and routines as a support system for your willpower. Here’s how this works and what it has to do with willpower. Let’s say you want to make a positive change in your life. It doesn’t matter what that is. It could be to read more books specific to your career, so you can learn more and become better at what you do. Or it could be to journal to understand your behavior better.


Begin with a goal in mind.

The simplest way to make sure you are exercising your willpower daily is to work towards a goal. When you have a reason and a purpose, you don’t have to remember what to do to work out those exercise muscles. You just do something that positions you closer to your goal each day.

Consider what that should be. It helps to focus on a single goal at a time instead of trying to change too many things in your life. Pick one area, one thing you want to change or improve and set your goal. Make it a measurable goal with a deadline connected to it. Instead of saying that you want to lose weight, make your goal to lose 25lbs. By Easter, for example.


Alter your goal into a plan using a daily action item.

Once your goal is set, it’s time to come up with a plan for what you need to do to reach said goal. It’s just a matter of considering what you need to do daily to go from where you are today to where you want to be and thus achieve your goal. Let’s look at an example. Let’s say your goal is to get fit enough to run a 5K race in six months. To make that happen, you must work out daily, starting with brisk walks, then a mixture of walking and jogging, graduating to daily runs that get longer and longer until running 5K will be an easy task. 

The plan then is to begin week one with daily 30-minute walks, for example. Those are your daily action items. It gives you something specific to do to exercise your willpower and something measurable you can track.


Use strategies in addition to willpower to establish new habits.

Lastly, it’s time to turn this willpower exercise into a habit. The easiest way to do this is to establish new positive routines. Willpower and habits work together. You must pay attention to both and use them in tandem. Use your willpower to create new habits one at a time. Once that new behavior has become a real habit, you can focus on the next one. Going back to the earlier examples of reading and journaling, start with one of them.

At first, it takes a lot of willpower to make yourself read a few pages or go through 15 minutes of journaling. A better strategy would be to wake up, prepare your coffee, get comfortable in your favorite chair, or sit on the couch and do your reading there. Make sure your book is waiting for you there, and you have reading glasses and light to read by if needed. Add a fun pillow or throw to create a cozy reading spot that you look forward to using. Then begin to establish the habit by using your willpower to make it happen every morning, come rain or shine.


Stick to your new habit.

Follow this new habit until it becomes something you no longer even think about completing. Establishing this new routine can take anywhere from one to three months. Stick with it until it’s just what you do in the morning. Then begin adding the journaling to the mix using the same strategy of having a notebook and pens at the ready in a comfortable place to write until it has become a real habit.

If you use your willpower wisely and add strategies, it will become easier to make this happen every morning. Before you know it, your new task has become a habit and part of your overall routine. At that point, it doesn’t take willpower anymore. Just like you don’t need to remind yourself to brush your teeth.



My final thoughts.

It would be nice to have an extra boost of willpower when you need it most. So, make your plans to reach your goals, add strategies that can increase your success, and avoid the urge to quit.

Another trick to help you stick to your habit is to make it visual by adding it as a recurring event on your calendar.


For more information, read these posts.

New Year Resolution Statistics

Why We Fail To Achieve Our New Year Resolutions



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Create A Gratitude Mindset Habit

Seek gratitude-filled moments

I believe a gratitude mindset is the most important one and all good things flow from it. For many years, I have made looking for gratitude within any situation one of my primary habits. But it wasn’t always this way. Like most people, I believed what happens is either good or bad, and you felt grateful for what is good. Consequently, I was in pursuit of the good, the nice, and the safe to feel grateful for.

Quite by accident, my young daughter was bitten on her face by a dog. The surgeon told me how grateful I should feel, the bite had missed her eyes and she could still see. He also said her major facial nerves were intact, and she would be able to smile once she had healed.

I was certainly grateful to that doctor; I appreciated the years he had trained to be a surgeon, how gently he treated my two-year-old, and how he allayed my fears. But, even more, I was thankful for the reminder to be aware that there are things we can be grateful for in the worst circumstances.  


How your gratitude was first introduced as a habit

Most of us have been taught something about gratitude early in life. From the time we become social beings, at age three or four, we're conditioned to say, "please and thank you" along with other words like "sorry" and "excuse me" by our elders, parents, and teachers at home and in school. Thank you — just two simple words that have been so recognizable since childhood, but they are the first expression of gratitude we are taught, and its meaning goes beyond simple politeness.


Gratitude holds real power

Gratitude is an exceptional habit to develop because of the limitless positive benefits associated with it. Living a positive life, which is so important, is associated with the attitude of gratitude. There are many scientific studies conducted on gratitude and there's no doubt how enormously powerful its benefits are.

However, it takes understanding and learning what the concept means to practice it effectively.

Gratitude is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Eventually, regularly practicing gratitude will help you turn it into a habit. Fortunately, gratitude is not an innate trait that you either have or you don't. That's a good thing because it means you can improve it the more you practice it.


Cultivate a singular gratitude habit

There are many ways to create a habit of gratitude. However, there is one very simple and powerful thing you can use to cultivate gratitude and turn it into a habit. It’s so simple that many people overlook it, yet it will do more to create and preserve an attitude of gratitude than anything else.

Acknowledge one thing that you are grateful for. And do it daily. Consistency is the key.

Acknowledge the good people and the good things in your life. Whether you are expressing yourself verbally to a loved one and telling them how grateful you are for their presence in your life, or you're quietly writing your gratitude list down in your private journal, the key to gratitude is simply expressing it. Express your gratitude by any means and do it daily.

Creating a good habit, a good mindset, as we all know, isn’t easy, but it’s worthwhile. Cultivating gratitude as a habit may be especially challenging when 'expressing gratitude,' 'saying thank you,' and simple 'gestures of appreciation' are unfamiliar to you.


Being unaware of the goodness around you

Many people today find it so easy to complain but impossible to appreciate anything and to express appreciation. It can be toxic, not only to other people you are directing your complaints to but, more importantly, to yourself. Negative thinking is toxic to your wellbeing as it leaves you blind and unable to see the good in most situations.

People who consistently complain are naturally drawn to negativity, but they are also resistant to accepting good things. It's like a curse that leaves you positivity resistant. You think, “why bother, I never get any breaks.” When people complain, they are essentially thinking negatively. It can be harmful as we know how negative thoughts lead to more stress, worrying, and anxiety.

A complaining habit mixes well with many negative emotions, such as feeling sad, anxious, and depressed. Complaints may appear natural and harmless, a common human reaction. However, most people realize that by doing so, they are magnifying negativity and readily creating more problems in their lives.

Here are powerful ways to develop a habit of gratitude.


Teach your brain to be grateful

Your subconscious mind directs 95% of your actions and thoughts. To create a habit, you need to plant it on a subconscious level. This is where the reticular activating system comes into play.

The reticular activating system (RAS) is the door through which nearly all information enters the brain. The RAS filters the incoming information affecting what you pay attention to.

You can teach your brain to consciously be more grateful by actively looking for things that make you feel gratitude. It will seem difficult at first if it's not natural for your brain to react that way.

Your conscious mind is doing most of the heavy lifting at this point; you are learning a new skill. But with consistent practice, it should only take a few weeks for your brain to recalibrate itself and adapt to your new perspective, which is gratitude.


Promoting positivity using helpful tools

A gratitude journal can balance out your natural bias towards negativity by shifting to a positive perspective. That's why it is a powerful tool you can use to establish a new gratitude habit. Create gratitude lists daily. Reading positive books, gratitude quotes, and affirmations will also help increase your gratitude awareness.


Connect with Other People

Gratitude is a social emotion. Dr. Robert Emmons, a leading researcher on Gratitude, says that "people are more likely to feel grateful when they put their focus on others, rather than getting caught up in their own inner narratives about how things should have gone. Empathy for others can trigger a sense of gratitude."

My final thought

I often think of the words by Anaïs Nin; “We see things not as they are, but as we are.” If we live negatively, that is what we’ll see, but if we see things in a positive light, we’ll have much to be grateful for.


For more information, read these posts.

Creating Habits Of Gratitude

Cultivating Your Gratitude Then Practice Daily


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