
10 Ways To Get More Abundance From Your Senior Years

Gram’s Wisdom 54


No matter where you look, you will see the signs of a society obsessed with youth culture. People who are on magazine covers, TV shows, and run social media. There are countless advertisements about regaining your youthful exuberance or keeping your skin looking young. My Gram was interested in all of that because she was always interested in people. How they behaved and why.

I don’t think Gram ever gave much thought to being old. She had told me when she was 85 that officially she was old. But I never saw any evidence of it for the next dozen years or so. At the drop of a hat, she would get on a plane and visit far-flung family. We went to concerts and plays. Gram set the bar very high. No one got to tell her that she couldn’t do what she knew was possible.

Still, for many, entering your older years can make you feel a little down – but only if you allow it, though! Take it from Gram, it’s just another age you haven’t been yet. Accept it and enjoy it.

If you are struggling with that, try these ten tips.


Explore new or old hobbies.

With your children grown up, and gone, you may find you have more time to yourself.  Embrace this newfound freedom by exploring hobbies that pique your interest. What a perfect chance to pick up a new and exciting hobby. Consider painting, where you can express yourself through vibrant colors and brushstrokes. Alternatively, you might try gardening, immersing yourself in the tranquility of nature while cultivating a beautiful and thriving space.  

Choose something you have always wanted to do and go for it! If you enjoy engaging yourself in stories, why not try your hand at writing? Maybe begin a book club to connect with like-minded individuals who share your love for literature. What about that old hobby you didn't have the time to do? Maybe it’s time to see if it’s still a good fit for you. The possibilities are endless, and this is your chance to begin a fulfilling journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


Plot or follow a new path.

C. S. Lewis said, “You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.” Now that your children are grown, you may find that you yearn for exciting experiences and new adventures. You might have reached more than a few goals to get to this point, but that doesn't mean you can't set more. Consider traveling to far-off destinations. Whether it’s an exotic beach destination, a bustling city, or a quiet mountain retreat, now is the time to create new lasting memories. Setting goals in your later years will help you stay active, motivated, and satisfied.

If you prefer a more introspective approach, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery through meditation or mindfulness practices. Taking the time to connect with your inner self can bring a sense of peace, clarity, and renewed purpose to your life. The possibilities are endless, and this chapter of your life presents many opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.


Keep moving as long as you can.

Regular exercise is important for anyone. But it is especially important as you age. Make sure you get enough cardio in but don't be afraid to lift heavy things. Weightlifting will help you retain the muscle mass you typically lose as you age. In addition to cardiovascular exercise and weightlifting, incorporating flexibility and balance training into your routine is crucial as you age. Engaging in activities such as yoga or tai chi can improve your flexibility, enhance your posture, and help prevent injuries caused by falls.

Give some thought to exploring low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling, which can be gentle on your joints while still providing a great workout. It’s also important to prioritize rest and recovery days to allow your body to heal and recharge. Remember, staying active and maintaining a well-rounded fitness regimen will not only benefit your physical health but also contribute to your overall well-being. You can promote a healthier, more energetic you, as you make the journey of aging gracefully.


Let go of other people’s expectations.

There are those people who will say that after a particular milestone age, you should sit in your rocking chair and be quiet. No! Do not allow anyone to tell you what you can and can't do because of your age. Embrace your independence and live life on your terms, defying societal norms and expectations. Age should never limit your choices or diminish your sense of self.

Explore new fashion trends, experiment with different styles, and express your unique personality through your clothing choices. Wear what makes you feel good. Listen to the music you like, and dance to the beat of your favorite tunes; immerse yourself in the music that connects you to cherished memories. Participate in activities that excite you and make you feel alive.

Your age should never be a barrier to experiencing the richness and fulfillment that life has to offer. Remember, you have earned the right to live authentically and embrace every moment with a sense of adventure and purpose. You aren’t obliged to accept society’s expectations of what it means to age. So, let your spirit soar, and inspire others to challenge the limitations imposed by ageist stereotypes.


Spend time with a variety of ages.

Interacting with people from all different age groups will help you keep things in perspective and provide opportunities for personal growth. Spending time with your grandchildren will reignite your childlike wonder while reminding you of the importance of playfulness and curiosity throughout life.

Similarly, spending time with your teenage family offers insights into the evolving youth culture as well as the challenges and joys of youth. Permitting you to be happy with your maturity and appreciate the wisdom and experiences you have gained over the years.  

Additionally, spending time with older relatives allows you to witness the wisdom and resilience that comes with age. Let it inspire you to embrace the present moment and look forward to the adventures that await you in the future.

Embracing these diverse interactions fosters empathy, understanding, and an appreciation for the different stages of life. Enriching your journey and helping you cultivate a balanced and appreciative outlook.


Keep your health in mind.

Your health should always be one of your priorities. Prioritizing your health includes more than just physical exercise. A balanced and nutritious diet plays a vital role in fueling your body with essential nutrients and promoting overall well-being. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal health.

Also, don't overlook the importance of mental well-being. Engage in activities that reduce stress, such as meditation or mindfulness exercises. Consider seeking professional help or counseling if you experience any mental health challenges.

Alongside physical and mental health, remember to schedule regular dental check-ups to maintain oral hygiene and prevent dental issues.

Lastly, don't forget to prioritize your eye health by scheduling regular eye exams to detect and address any vision-related concerns.

By taking a proactive approach to your healthy habits, you can nurture a fulfilling life while minimizing the risk of potential health complications. Regular appointments with your family doctor will help keep you on track.

Getting old isn’t for sissies.


Stay active in your community.

Physical stimulation is important, but so is mental and social stimulation. When you stay active in your local community, it engenders feelings of connection. Be it volunteering or joining a service club, you will feel more satisfied and happier in general.


  • Explore local museums and art galleries, taking in the beauty of culture and history.

  • Join a local club or organization that aligns with your interests. Whether it's a book club, a sports team, a hobby group, or a community theater.

  • Attend community events, such as festivals, fairs, or fundraisers, to soak up local culture and meet new people.

  • Volunteer for a cause or organization that resonates with you, offering your time and skills to make a positive impact in your community.

  • Interact with friends and family by organizing regular social gatherings, game nights, or outings.

  • Take part in community projects or initiatives, such as neighborhood clean-ups, community gardens, or mentorship programs, contributing to the betterment of your local area.


These are just suggestions, and you can adapt them to your personal interests and community opportunities. Participating in mental, social, and physical activities will help you lead a more fulfilling and connected life.


Be a lifelong learner.

It is never too late to learn something new. Embracing a lifelong learning mindset opens endless possibilities, regardless of age. With the advent of the internet, knowledge and resources are at your fingertips. Making it easier than ever to learn something new. Online platforms offer a wealth of courses, tutorials, and educational materials on a wide range of subjects. Allowing you to explore your interests and expand your skills from the comfort of your own home.

If you prefer a more interactive and communal learning experience, look for local classes or workshops in your area. Engaging with fellow learners and instructors in person can foster collaboration, discussions, and the opportunity to build connections with like-minded individuals. Remember, it's never too late to begin a learning journey, and the joy of acquiring new knowledge and skills knows no age limit. Stay curious, embrace the learning resources available to you, and enjoy the process of continual growth and self-improvement.


Remain positive.

Keeping a positive outlook as you are aging can have huge effects on your overall well-being and quality of life. By consciously choosing to think and act positively, you can cultivate a mindset that promotes happiness and contentment. It's important to acknowledge that staying positive is a continuous effort and may require practice. If you try to think and act positively, you will likely feel it. If you struggle with positivity, try a mindfulness technique like meditation or journaling.

Engaging in regular meditation sessions allows you to calm the mind, observe your thoughts without judgment, and cultivate a sense of positivity. Similarly, journaling provides a safe space to explore your emotions, reflect on positive experiences, and set intentions for a brighter future. Remember, developing a positive mindset is a journey that requires patience. Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting individuals and celebrate even the most minor victories. By embracing positivity, you can approach the aging process with resilience and a greater sense of joy.


Practice deep gratitude.

Understanding the distinction between deeply felt personal gratitude and everyday common or transactional thankfulness is essential for cultivating a richer appreciation of life. Every day, you experience moments of common thankfulness. Such as expressing gratitude for a delicious meal, a kind gesture from a friend, or a beautiful sunset. These instances of gratitude arise from acknowledging the positive aspects of your life and can contribute to a universal sense of well-being.

However, deeply felt personal gratitude goes beyond these everyday moments and observes a sense of appreciation that emanates from the core of our being. It involves acknowledging the blessings, lessons, and growth that come from life's challenges, hardships, and even losses. Deeply felt personal gratitude requires reflection, introspection, and an awareness of the interconnectedness of your experiences and the impact they have on your life. It allows you to find meaning or find silver linings in difficult situations and fosters a sense of contentment and resilience. By developing this deeper level of gratitude, you can cultivate a transformative perspective on life, enhancing your overall well-being and relationships with others.


My final thoughts are.

If we are lucky, we get to grow old. How well we live as we age depends so much on our attitude. Life can feel much shorter if you spend it complaining about your age. As for me, I wake every morning, thankful to be alive, looking forward to another day of opportunities. Just as my Gram did, for more than a hundred years.


For more information, read these posts.

10 Simple Ways To Age Gracefully.

How Exercise Increases Energy And Vitality.

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9 Tips For A Spring Clean Life Reset

When you think of spring-cleaning, you probably think of the time of year when you go all out cleaning up your house. You know, the time you sweep out all the nooks and crannies and wash the windows to bring the outside in. What if you used that same idea, but instead of cleaning your physical surroundings, you tidied up your life? If you don't quite understand what that means, here are nine examples that can get you started.


Take stock of where you are now.

Before you begin to spring-clean your life, you should take careful stock of how you are currently doing. Do you have goals? How are they going? Are there any areas of your life you'd like to change? A thorough spring-cleaning can encompass multiple areas of your life. Taking stock of where you are will help you direct your energy where it's needed.

This can be your physical environment, relationships, digital clutter, work habits, personal goals, and more. Consider breaking down each area into manageable steps. Just as you would declutter one room at a time, setting clear boundaries in relationships, or prioritizing your most important personal goals.


Clean up your relationships.

Do you have any toxic relationships? Maybe it is time to part ways with these people. If the people in your life don't cheer you up, lift you up, or build you up, why are they in your life anyway?

The KonMari method, popularized by Marie Kondo, focuses on decluttering your physical space by keeping only the items that "spark joy." This method can also be applied to other areas of your life, such as relationships. Consider identifying the people in your life that bring you the most joy and focusing on decluttering the rest.


Tidy up your habits.

It might be time to clean up those bad habits of yours. Maybe you overeat, procrastinate, or smoke. Bad habits add up over time and cost you in the long run. Whatever your bad habits are, they can hold you back from living your best life.

Fortunately, bad habits can be broken and replaced with positive ones. It may take some effort, but it is possible to change your ways and create habits that will improve your life. Here are 5 ways to spring-clean your life by breaking your bad habits and creating positive ones:


1. Set realistic goals.

When trying to break a bad habit, it’s important to set realistic goals. If your goal is too lofty, you’re likely to get discouraged and give up. For example, if you want to quit smoking, setting a goal of quitting cold turkey may not be realistic. Instead, try setting a goal of smoking one less cigarette per day.

2. Create a plan.

Changing your behavior is easier when you have a plan. When trying to break a bad habit, figure out what triggers your behavior. Once you know what triggers your bad behavior, you can create a plan to avoid those triggers. For example, if you overeat when you’re bored, make a plan to find something else to do when you’re bored instead of eating.

3. Get rid of temptation.

If you have temptations around you, it will be harder to break your bad habit. If you can’t get rid of the temptation entirely, try to make it less accessible. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, and you have cigarettes in your house, put them in a drawer where you can’t see them. Out of sight, out of mind.

4. Reward yourself.

Rewarding yourself for breaking your bad habit can be a great motivator. When you reach a milestone, give yourself a small reward. For example, if you’ve been smoke-free for one week, buy yourself a new pair of running shoes. As you reach longer milestones, you can give yourself bigger rewards.

5. Be patient.

Changing your behavior takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you have a setback or if you’re not seeing results as quickly as you’d like. Continue to keep moving and eventually, you will reach your goal.


Clear your mind.

A lot is going on in everybody’s heads. Maybe you should take some time to clean things up a bit. Mental clutter can come in many forms, such as stress, worry, and negative self-talk. To declutter your mind, consider practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation, journaling, or deep breathing.

Getting those thoughts spinning around in your head onto paper can make a world of difference. It can also help to set priorities and create a clear plan of action for tasks and goals to reduce mental overwhelm.



If you’re finding yourself constantly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, it’s time for a break. Technology is great, but sometimes you need to unplug and live in the moment. Don't be afraid to prune some of your social media accounts: decluttering your digital life can improve your focus and reduce distractions. Aim to spend less time on your devices and more time just taking in the world around you.

Social media can be a major source of mental clutter and stress, so it’s important to take a step back and detox from time to time. To spring-clean your social media, consider unfollowing accounts that don't align with your values or cause negative feelings. It can also help to set boundaries, such as limiting your social media use to certain times of day or turning off notifications.


Refresh your fitness routine.

Has your fitness routine become boring or stale? Why not shake things up? Find a new exercise, sport, or activity that gets you excited, and try to fit it into your daily routine. What do you hope to achieve from your fitness routine? Whether it’s losing weight, gaining muscle, or simply improving your health, setting some goals will help you stay on track.

Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back for sticking to your fitness routine. Rewards can help you stay motivated, so treat yourself to something special when you reach your goals. Maybe buy new workout clothes, get a massage, or take a break from working out and have a day of relaxation.


Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.

Sort out your diet.

A great way to tidy up your life is to clean up your diet a bit. What you put into your body has a major impact on how you feel.  Consider adding more water, and natural whole foods, and cutting back on your guilty pleasures. Find a healthy way of eating that you can sustain.

If you're anything like most Americans, you probably started the year off with good intentions to eat better. Maybe you even made it a few weeks before returning to old habits. If you're ready to get back on track, Spring is the perfect time to start fresh.

One of the most difficult things about trying to eat better is finding a plan that you can stick to. There are so many fad diets and quick weight loss schemes out there that it's hard to know which one to choose. The best way to find a healthy eating plan is to do some research and find one that fits your lifestyle and tastes.

Once you've found a plan that you think you can stick to, the next step is to start making some changes. Small changes are usually easier to stick to than big ones. So begin with things like cutting out sugary drinks and salty snacks or eating an extra serving of fruits and vegetables each day. As you begin to see results, you'll be more motivated to keep going.

If you find yourself struggling to stick to your healthy eating plan, don't give up. Just remember that it takes time to form new habits, and you're more likely to succeed if you're patient and consistent. Most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you have a slip-up. Just get back on track and keep going.


Organize Your Workspace.

This is almost real spring-cleaning! Organizing your workspace is a great way to boost your productivity and get more excited about working in general. Reorganizing is less about cleaning and more about making sure every item has its space and every space has a purpose.

A thorough spring-cleaning can have many benefits for your mental and physical well-being. Decluttering your physical space can reduce stress and increase productivity. It can also help you identify areas of your life that need attention and create a fresh start for new goals and habits.


Spring clean your self-care routine.

Self-care is essential for maintaining good emotional, mental, and physical health. To spring-clean your self-care routine, consider trying new activities or hobbies, setting clear boundaries around your time and energy, and prioritizing sleep and rest. It can also help to reflect on your values and goals to ensure your self-care routine aligns with what's most important to you. By making even the smallest changes to your self-care routine, you can make a big difference in how you feel.

These are my personal favorites.

1. Get outside and get moving.

Spring is the perfect time to get outside and get moving. After being cooped up all winter, your body and mind will thank you for getting some fresh air and exercise. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or even just sit outside and soak up some vitamin D. Getting outside and moving your body will help boost your energy and mood.

2. Make time for yourself.

Self-care is all about making time for yourself. Carve out some time each day to do something that you enjoy, whether it’s reading, taking a hot bath, or taking a yoga class. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that brings you joy. Taking even just a few minutes each day for yourself can make a world of difference.

3. Connect with loved ones.

Spending time with loved ones is important for your mental health. Whether you stay in touch via text, social media, or in person, make the effort to connect with the people you care about. Talking to loved ones can help reduce stress and make you feel more supported.


In conclusion, spring-cleaning your life is a key step towards achieving a fresh start and creating a healthier, more fulfilling life. It involves decluttering your life, refreshing your mind, and reevaluating your goals and priorities. By tackling different areas of your life and creating a spring-cleaning routine, you can reduce stress, increase productivity, and create a more positive outlook. With these tips and insights, you can begin your journey towards a more organized, simplified, and fulfilling life today. So, act, declutter, and refresh your life this spring to achieve the life you desire.


My final thoughts are:

If you are serious about a spring-cleaning reset for your life, I suggest you schedule some time for it in your calendar. Choose a few days in the upcoming weeks to focus on tidying up your life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


For more information, read this post.

21 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life

Top 5 Ways To Get More Lessons From Life

Gram’s wisdom 50: Lessons from other sources.

Do you sometimes feel like you’re not getting enough out of life? I believe we all have those moments. My Gram once told me that you can never know it all because there is always more to learn and it’s difficult to do without help. Now my Gram was the lifelong learner you may have heard about. She understood one of the easier ways to learn life lessons comes from the experiences of others.

The many lessons Gram taught me over many years were not all her own experiences. She got real-life examples from her friends and from the people she met in her job as a waitress. And Gram was an avid reader. She loved books about people who tell the story of their mistakes and how they overcame them to become successful.

Gram told me we can save ourselves pain and time if we are willing to learn from others. She said we should watch how they handle difficult situations and decide whether we would like to emulate their behavior. What I learned from my Gram is that whatever the source, taking the time to learn from other’s mistakes and successes is always worthwhile.    

Use these five tips to get more lessons from life and you will find yourself happier, more accomplished, and more knowledgeable than ever before.



Be adaptable.

If you want to get more out of life there are few things more important than being adaptable, you must be able to go with the flow. The ability to adapt to change is what allows us to grow in an ever-changing world. It’s what lets us leave our comfort zone and take advantage of new opportunities and overcome challenges.

Try things you’ve never done before if you get the chance, even if it doesn’t necessarily fit into your plan for that day or that week. posits that flexible people are also more inquisitive. They aren’t afraid to ask “stupid questions” and might get some great learning experiences out of them. Being flexible doesn’t mean being a pushover. It doesn’t mean the sacrifice of your principles or the compromise of your values. It means being open to new ideas and willing to change your plans if necessary.

The most successful people are usually the most adaptable. They’re the ones who are looking for new prospects and willing to take risks. They’re the ones who are willing to change their minds when they’re proven wrong. So, for more life lessons, be adaptable, be open to new ideas, be willing to change your plans, and always look for new opportunities.


Begin a journal.

Journaling is a terrific way to find out more about what your subconscious is feeling and thinking. This activity gives you a method to track your thoughts and feelings over time. To look back and see how your attitudes and outlooks have changed. As you read about your life’s events and reactions, it can be a helpful way to work through difficult situations. Writing things down is a great way to make sure you don’t forget important lessons you learn and can also be a fun way to document happy memories. experiences you have, and people you meet throughout your life.

Beginning a journal is easy – you only need a notebook and a pen. Decide how often you want to write in your journal and set aside some time daily or weekly. The point is to just get your thoughts down on paper, so don’t worry if your journal entries aren’t perfect. Over time, you’ll find that journaling feels more natural. And, when you look back on yourjournal,l what you will find is a treasure trove of valuable life lessons.


Ask questions.

It’s important, if you want to grow and learn, that you ask questions and listen to the answers. You can learn a lot by asking people the right questions. sites that research has shown that even asking and answering your questions helps you learn, understand, and remember. They also found that conceptual questions, such as giving reasons why something happened, help you learn better than detailed questions, such as facts and figures. But often people are afraid to ask questions because they don’t want to seem uninformed. However, everyone must begin somewhere and there’s nothing wrong with being curious and asking questions.

Here are four quick tips on how to ask questions.

  • Don’t be afraid to speak up.

If you’re unsure about something, it’s better to ask a question than remain silent and risk misunderstanding.

  • Be specific.

Vague questions can be difficult to answer and may not give you the information you’re looking for.

  • Be prepared to listen to the answer.

If you’re asking someone for advice or information, be ready to hear what they have to say. They may not tell you what you want to hear, but it’s important to be open-minded.

  • Be grateful.

If someone takes the time to answer your question, be sure to thank them. A little appreciation goes a long way.

Asking questions is a great way to learn more about the world and the people around you. So don’t be afraid to speak up and ask away!


Read, read, and read more.

To get more life lessons, you should read as much as possible. There is so much information out there for those who are willing to look for it. Books can provide insights into different cultures and how to deal with certain situations. Reading takes you out of your limited view to find new perspectives on the larger world.

If you are interested in people rather than events, you can read biographies. These will show you how other people deal with life’s occurrences that you could not possibly experience for yourself and the lessons they learned from them. Even a work of fiction can teach you a lot about the world and human nature.

Seek out books and articles about topics that interest you or try some unfamiliar ones that might surprise you. It’s important to choose wisely what you read. Just like everything else in life, you should be selective and not accept everything at face value. Read with an open mind, but consider what you’re taking in. Think about whether the author is presenting a balanced view of the subject.

There are a great many books to choose from, so where do you begin? If you are unsure about what you’re interested in, or you are looking for recommendations, try asking your family or friends. Once you have a few titles, look them up in your local library or online. See if any pique your imagination and look like something you’d enjoy reading.

Reading can be a fantastic way to learn new things, or just while away the time. So, make sure to take advantage of this by picking up a book when you have some free time.


Tile pieces that say shift happens

Never give up.

In life, we frequently face obstacles or challenges that seem far too large for us to handle. It’s easy to feel like throwing in the towel, but it’s important to remember that giving up is never the right answer. Give up too often, and it becomes a default habit.

So, if you feel like you’re struggling, maybe it’s time to approach things from a new perspective. You may not see immediate results but persevere, and you will ultimately reach your goals. Regardless of how difficult things appear, remember that if you persist, you can find a way to overcome your challenges.

Each failure as well as each success is a learning experience that can help you grow. Keep trying, and you’ll soon have the life you want.

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For more information, read these posts.

10 Important Life Lessons We Are Often Taught Too Late.

How Good Are Your Adaptability Skills?


My final thoughts.

While lessons don’t necessarily sound like a good time, there are ways of learning that can be interesting, exciting, rewarding, and fun. So, begin asking questions, pick up a good book, or organize that vacation that you’ve always wanted to take. Begin making the most out of your life and learning about all it has to offer.


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Dislike Writing? Try Creating A Visual Journal

Do you have ideas or thoughts buzzing around inside your brain that you want to capture, but you dislike writing? Beyond creating the simplest of to-do lists, is sitting down to write a form of torture? Even if you have a script or prompts to help you, are you unable to get any words out of your head and down on paper?

Writing a diary or journal has been done since ancient times to record lives and events. Yet, journaling as a powerful self-help tool has massively gained in popularity since the 1960s. A New York City psychologist by the name of Dr. Ira Progoff began offering workshops in the use of the Intensive Journal method. Today people keep a journal to both record their feelings and to improve themselves with the knowledge they gain from it.

You can purchase a variety of journals online from stores such as Amazon as well as in bookshops. Coaches and therapists also use journaling to help clients. It is also incredibly easy to journal on your own in just a plain paper notebook or digital notebook.  However, all journaling has one thing in common and that is writing.

So how can you journal if you dislike writing?



Draw or doodle pictures.

From simple to complex, any kind of picture that expresses your emotions and situation will help. After you've drawn the picture, you can label and annotate it. If you leave a blank page opposite your drawing then you can come back and review it later and jot down any additional thoughts, emotions, and responses. Quite often this simple method will get you writing quickly.

Why not try using different types of pens or pencils to make your journaling more interesting and stimulating. Color is also a good way to convey emotion.


Mind maps, diagrams, and graph paper.

If you are journaling about a problem, then you might consider using a diagram such as a mind map or decision tree. Diagrams are powerful because they are visual and help you to see patterns and connections more easily. If you are trying to decide, then you can illustrate the different outcomes and results to help you formulate the best decision. Graph paper is good for creating graphs and charts. Again, adding in color not only makes them more attractive but can highlight connections.


Use prompts.

Using a simple prompt such as a word or question can help break the blank page syndrome and inspire you to unburden yourself onto the empty page in front of you. You mustn't feel that you need to write a lot or even in full sentences. The journal and act of journaling must relate to your needs at that moment in time and this will vary day-to-day.

You could consider purchasing a journal designed for the specific use you need. There is a lot of weight loss, gratitude, happiness, habit tracker, and other journals available. Many of these will include prompts and recording methods that don't require a lot of writing.



Create a vision board/ collage.

Get some magazines or newspapers and cut out words, phrases, paragraphs, or even articles that relate to your situation or emotions at that point. Add in pictures that you find that could demonstrate how you are feeling or want to feel. Get some colorful stickers to ideas or emotions. Again, you can annotate it to make it truly personal. Leave a blank page so that you can revisit and review later and add in additional journaling.


Use speech to text.

While writing using a pen and paper is probably the most powerful method of journaling you can also use dictation software such as Google Docs Voice Typing, Microsoft Dictate, or Otter.AI. You'll need the software and a computer with a microphone to use this method. It may be easier to begin your journaling journey by speaking to the computer and imagining you are chatting to a friend or just yourself. The software will 'write' what you say, and you can save the document so that you can review it later.

You may choose to keep your journal electronically in which case you can review it and add any later thoughts and feelings by typing or dictating through the speech recognition software. Or you may decide to print it out and keep it in a binder. If you do print it out, you can embellish it with those stickers you got or make additional notes on the hard copy.

Don’t make it a chore be flexible

Journaling does not have to be undertaken every day for a set period that doesn’t suit you. Many people journal every day for 20 minutes as that is the method that suits them best. However, it may be that twice a week for 10 minutes serves your purpose.

Alternatively, you may choose to only journal when you feel you need it. Some days it may be that you choose to use a prompt or picture to kick-start your writing. Other days you may find that the words flow, and you can write without stopping.

The main points to remember are that the journal is a personal document designed to help you and that it is designed to be used and revisited. It's a living document and there is no correct or incorrect way for you to create or use it.

My final thought.

I keep two journals. I have a gratitude journal I use in the morning and a stream of consciousness journal I write in before bedtime. I am not strict about the amount of time I write, nor do I beat myself up if I miss a day, and neither should you. It’s your journal and it should be of benefit to you and not add to your stress.


For more information, check out these posts.

How To Start A Journaling Practice And Actually Stick With It.

Journaling Is The Gift Of Self-Development

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