Don't Miss Out On Living Your Best Life

What makes up your best life? What is the meaning of making each moment count? These are subjective terms, and the truth is that we all live differently, and have different life goals, and responsibilities. Our specific paths to a fulfilling life may look different, but common elements are shared between us all. We are all human, and we all want a life that looks like it was tailored to us. Following this universal thought, we can all take positive steps to live our best lives and make every moment count.



What do your goals look like?

While you may have an idea of what you want on a day-to-day basis, do you know and understand your long-term goals? When you imagine a happier life, a more secure one, a more adventurous one, what does that life look like to you? Take a good look at all your existing goals, dreams, and aspirations. Do they suit your interests, or have you chosen them to please someone else?

Take some time to assess what you want in your life – not what others expect you to want – then decide if your path needs to change, so you can be in command of your life and future. When you’re setting goals, try to find reasons with meaning that promote the well-being of your mental and physical health. 

The human mind desires to work towards an end goal, without one, you are more prone to psychological or emotional distress from a life without purpose. A study titled “Purpose in Life Predicts Better Emotional Recovery from Negative Stimuli” by Stacey M. Schaefer et al. reinforced the idea that a life of purpose not only supports mental health but also helps you build resilience to face life’s challenges.


List your priorities.

Prioritization is the process of taking the elements of your life and spelling them out numerically. From short-term to-do lists to longer-term, five or more years, plans, your capacity to organize and prioritize plays a huge part in your ability to carry out your goals. Take a deep breath in, exhale, and accept that you can’t do everything. When you know your limits, you can begin determining what to accomplish first so that you can begin living your best life.

One of the largest contributors to stress and anxiety is a life lived without priorities. Goals without priority often leave you feeling frustrated or ‘stuck.’ Time is divided between responsibilities, work, school, family, and friends, the list is endless. Often you prioritize in the wrong order; work that keeps you from relationships, relationships keeping you from your goals, and habits that prevent you from saving, or realizing your purpose.

So, first, with your goals in mind, sit down and prioritize your time. This can be as specific as you need it to be. Second, since your life is not lived in a vacuum, be sure to include those close to you in the process as family members and friends may need to adjust to changes.


 Who are you?

When you know who you are, you have a full awareness of who you are now and who you want to become in the future. People constantly change throughout their lives; though there are some characteristics of themselves they hope to grow and develop, there are other parts of themselves that may remain the same.

Owning who you are means that you’re able to embrace those desires to evolve while also honoring the steadfast features of who you essentially are. Often, this appears as a set of strengths and weaknesses. Just as you are strong in some areas and abilities, you may be weaker in others.  

Learning how to accept and embrace both sides of who you are is a crucial part of understanding yourself. You can more easily become who you want to be when you accept your whole self – not just select parts of it. Practice accepting your shortcomings and flaws; if you can work on them, do it. If these are parts of yourself you can’t change, embrace them.



Who do you want to be?

When you realize how much control you really can have over your life, it opens your view. You recognize that you are quite powerful and have a lot of say over your life and how things work for you. Whether it’s imagining yourself in the next five years, or six months, imagine the person you want to be by that point in time. What do you want to accomplish? What would make you feel happier and more successful?

Knowing who you want to be means you have a clear vision of whom you want to become, as you move forward into the future. This image of yourself may be based on personal goals, ambitions, or changes you want to make within yourself. Owning that image of your future self means you know what’s possible to achieve with hard work, commitment, and persistence. Treat the image of your future self like a roadmap – it will help you determine what tools you already have at your disposal to achieve those goals, and what you need to do to get there.


 Surround yourself with good influences.

The people you surround yourself with, the places you hang out, and the activities you participate in heavily influence your goals. Furthermore, a study has found that being surrounded by happy people promotes happiness.

Your family and friends are a good place to find love and support. Like-minded people can often be found in a hobby or work-related clubs. Mutual encouragement and inspiration are often the currency of these interactions.

Build circles that support life goals. Learn to speak positivity into your life, offer grace and empathy when needed, and strive to always foster mental, physical, and emotional health.


Do hard things.

The last step in any plan is implementation. You’ve set your goals, you’ve prioritized your time, and you’ve surrounded yourself with supporting figures who will encourage you, now you need to go out and do the hard things.

The hard things are those things that make you uncomfortable or require you to risk failure or take courage to perform. The hard things are often the very things you don’t want to do but must persist in doing so that you become competent.

It’s called your best life because it's not always going to be easy, but it will be rewarding. Sitting on the couch every night is easy. Meeting new people, trying new things, and exploring new places can all be scary and at times even intimidating. But these are frequently the moments that we remember and cherish.


My final thoughts.

Remember to take each day as it comes. To make every moment count, you need to learn to live in the present. Your journey into the future gets closer with each decision you make today, so make it a good one.



For more information, read this related post.

9 Practical Tips For Living Your Best Life Now.



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