
Your Mindset On Time And Small Changes

Gram’s Wisdom 40: Small changes make a big difference.

How many of you had parents or other adults ask you, at 7 or 8 years old, what you wanted to be or do when you were grown, then laugh at your answer? I never understood what was funny. Some children just seem to know forever that they want to be a doctor, while others have no idea whatsoever and change their minds daily. The decision about what you want to do with your life is one of the most difficult things you'll go through. Fortunately, at this young age, you have plenty of time to sort this out. You’ve seen the cumulative effect time has on what you learn and the habits you make.

Gram often told me that being an adult doesn't come with a manual, that much of it can be trial and error, and you will make many mistakes along the way. One way to minimize risks is to make small changes as you grow over an extended amount of time, rather than trying to transform your life overnight. By observing, over time, the effect of your actions, you know how well, or not a particular decision is working for you. 

As a human being, you have the power to choose. Whatever you do, it's your choice. Do nothing and that is your choice as well. But how can you tell which choice is right and which is wrong? After all, the possibilities are endless. Don’t rush the decision. Try using these steps to choose your most significant small change for a better life.


Determine your meaningful objectives.

Whatever you want to accomplish, make sure it's meaningful to you. Stop looking at the objectives that others set for themselves. Their goals are not your goals. Why? Because they are not you. Setting an inappropriate objective for the wrong reason will not give you the result you hoped for.

Do you want to be a doctor with your own practice or own a florist shop? Do it because you want to, not because your parents are pressuring you or your friends believe it is the right thing to do.

Consider what would make you happy and add joy to your life. Go beyond the superficial and dive deep into what brings those feelings to you right now. Don't try to change things just for the sake of doing something new, unless new is the thing you desire. If you do that, you'll find it’s not sustainable, and soon you will lose your enthusiasm for it.


Simplify your goals.

Most people have some huge goals, such as owning a dream home, traveling around the world, or making a fortune. While there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, these things take time and hard work.

Let's say you want to have a home by the sea. Break this goal into small, simple steps. Evaluate your income and expenses, determine how much your dream home would cost, and what’s involved in the process. Also, try to determine what small changes you'll have to make to accomplish your goal. Allow yourself ample time to reach your goal. Time compounds your effort.

Tackle one challenge at a time. Don’t try and do all the things at once.

For instance, you could begin by taking a second job or starting a side hustle. Put some money aside every month. As your side business grows, turn it into a full-time venture. Later, you'll be able to get credit and buy that dream home.


Constancy is key.

Believe it or not, you can bring your ideas to life without changing everything at once. It’s that important first step that can move you in the right direction. Small things, such as building a new habit over time, can go a long way toward your success.

Whatever tiny changes you make, turn them into habits. It's not enough to put money aside for a month or two. A house costs a lot more than that. Instead, save money every month for one year, three years, or five years. Commit to those years and celebrate the milestones as you achieve them.

If you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place. Focus on your end goal and remind yourself that everything you do brings you another step closer to the destination. Don't give up - your hard work will pay off. It's just a matter of time.


Small actions lead to big changes.

Taking the first step is always the hardest. It’s not uncommon to see people never do what they have in mind just because they’re too afraid to begin. New experiences come with a dose of fear. Not everyone is willing to let go of their fear and take on a new challenge. Be assured, though, that if you want to succeed, you must embrace the unknown and take risks.

No matter what you're trying to achieve, taking the first step can be terrifying. You might think:

    • What if I fail?

    • How will I make money?

    • What will people think?

    • What if I’m no good?

    • What if it's not the right time to do it?

    • Am I ready for this?

The truth is there is no guarantee that you'll succeed. But you'll never know how well it's going to turn out unless you try. Do you want to spend the rest of your life wondering "what if?”

That first step is always the hardest because it requires you to embrace the unknown and face your fears. It's also the most important step - without it, nothing will change.


My final thoughts.

Take a baby step to change your life. Most times, it's the smallest things that have the greatest impact on our lives. Small things take time to accumulate and build. It takes perseverance and dedication. You needn’t have everything figured out from day one. What you need is a goal and the courage to do one little, minuscule thing to get started.

Later, take another step and then another, and so on. Stop waiting for the perfect moment to get started. Stop overanalyzing and just go for it! The best time to begin is now.


For more information on how to establish a new change, read this post.

Small Changes Over Time Equal Big Results

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10 Simple Tips to Create a Transformational Abundance Mindset

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Developing an abundant mindset


Mindset is an extremely powerful tool. It is the motivating force behind the actions and behaviors which will set you up for success or keep you anxious and insecure about the future.

Depending on which mindset you assume, your perceptions will be different. The path of abundance has you looking at the world through the eyes of optimism and gratitude. You will be able to reach your potential for a life filled with happiness, contentment, and well-being.

However, with a scarcity mindset all you see are difficulties, barriers, and no means of change. Your life becomes reduced and you see yourself as having limited choices.

Unfortunately, society is deeply entrenched in scarcity. People live their lives in fear, blaming their situations, completely certain that their condition is permanent.

The good news is this doesn’t have to be your story. It’s your choice. You must decide that you aren’t going to settle for a life of scarcity anymore, but rather move forward in abundance.


You can begin taking actions today to develop an abundance mindset and it’s easier than you might think. Here are 10 simple things you can integrate into daily life that will have you on the life-changing path of abundance in no time. So, let’s go!

1.  Your thoughts become your life –The mind is constantly buzzing with thoughts that dictate your perspective on the world. These thoughts truly do change your life and it’s important to be aware of them when making the shift from scarcity to abundance.

“You are transformed into a new person by changing the way you think.” Kenneth Acha, MD

Pay attention to the things going on inside your head. What thoughts monopolize your time? Are they positive or negative?

Take one day and track as many thoughts as you possibly can. Write down anything that comes to mind. What suggestions are you telling yourself through those thoughts?

I’m not good enough, smart enough, young enough, old enough. I can’t. What if I fail? What if I’m wrong? Who am I to do something big in the world?

Your thoughts have been holding you back hugely and if you want a more Abundant life, that negativity is one of the first things that must go. Once you become fully aware of what is going on, you regain control, and those thoughts lose their influence over you.

For more information read this article by Kenneth Acha MD. Your Thoughts Run Your Life


2.  Remove toxic people –One of THE best things you can do for yourself and your future success is removing toxic people from your life. Identify those relationships that are weighing you down and choose to stop sacrificing your own needs and happiness for those who don’t value you.

Put yourself first. Take a long, hard look at whom you’ve allowed into your sphere. Do they build you up or drag you down?

Toxic people will keep you mired in a cycle of drama and negativity because it suits them and their selfish agenda. They don’t want you to do any better than themselves and won’t allow you to thrive and blossom into the person you are meant to be.

Distance yourself from those who make you feel ‘less than’ and seek out those that are more Abundance minded. Find a community of like-minded people who will celebrate your wins and encourage you to be the best possible edition of yourself.


3.  Practice gratefulness –One of the most powerful things you can do to attract abundance is by practicing gratitude daily. Be focused. Decide that you are going to look for and seek out the good every day.

Notice even the smallest blessings as you go through your daily routine. Instead of dreading the day when you wake up, immediately think of a few reasons why you are excited and grateful to bounce out of bed.

Smile more. Complain less. Spend quality time with people who help you see the blessings in life.

Begin a journal. Before bedtime, reflect on the good things that transpired that day and write them down. Life is unpredictable and it won’t always be filled with happy moments.

Nevertheless, when you seek to see the good and be grateful for what you have, it makes it much easier to get through those tough times.

Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance.


4.  Don’t compare yourself to others –Society pushes perfection and plays off of our lack of confidence. It’s no wonder our comparison game is strong. The challenge is, when you compare yourself with another person, much of the time you’re comparing their strengths against your weaknesses.

You’re looking at their highlights and comparing them with your mess behind the scenes. This is a recipe for self-destruction and the quickest path to feeling miserable, bitter, and undeserving. Stop the madness and take steps to eliminate comparison from your life.

Do a social media detox or spend less time online. Accept your quirks and shortcomings –they make you, YOU. Keep in mind that there are 7 billion people on this planet –not one of them is perfect (no matter what Instagram says).

Turn the tables and let others inspire you with their contributions, their gains, and their achievements. Rather than feeling like you don’t measure up, appreciate what they have to offer while knowing that there is plenty of room for you to excel as well.


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5.  Are you living purposefully? -If you desire to cultivate more abundance in your life, the key is to be intentional about how you live. Where do you spend most of your time and energy?

Are you working towards something you are proud of or just counting the days until Friday? Make time for self-reflection and get clear on what you want out of life –what are your principles, your objectives, and your aspirations?

What lights you up inside and makes you want to leap out of bed every morning? Until we know what is essential to us, it’s hard to be purposeful with our time and effort. Be mindful of the people you allow into your group as well as the information you consume through social media, television, etc.

Make time to do things that bring you joy and choose to be kind to yourself and others. Take small steps to start embracing life on your terms.


6.  Be growth-minded –One of the absolute best gifts you can give yourself is that of knowledge. A person who lives in abundance will make every effort to explore new concepts, learn new skills, and expand their vision to see things in a new light. There is always something new to be learned.

Decide that you are going to be a life-long learner and take full advantage of all the resources you have at your fingertips today –podcasts, Ted Talks, online courses, audiobooks, etc. The list is endless and will provide you with a world of new concepts, thoughts, and possibilities that keep the juices in your brain flowing.

Consistent learning allows you to endlessly grow and change into a better version of yourself all while you gain a better perspective about the world around you.

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7.  Give to others –There are billions of people on this planet, but we are all connected when it comes to giving and receiving. When you add value to someone else’s life, it will always add to the abundance in yours.

Become good at being an unconditional giver of your time, energy, money, and resources. Don’t expect something in return when you give -just let it be.

There are so many ways to be of value to another person. Go through your house or garage and donate things you don’t use anymore.

Give away bags of clothing or toys that your kids no longer play with. You get to help someone else and declutter your space at the same time –that’s a win-win in my book.

Buy groceries for a family in need or pay a bill or two for someone who is behind. Keep in mind, it doesn’t always have to be about money or material things.

Pray for someone or offer a helping hand when they are struggling. Offer to listen to a co-worker who is going through a hard time.

Be friendly to a stranger and extend them a smile or a few kind words –you never know what someone is going through. It could be the one thing that gets them through the rest of their day. Don’t take that for granted.  Just love people without judging whether they deserve it.


8.  Leave your comfort zone behind –One of the major mistakes you can make is to allow countless opportunities to pass you by because you refuse to be uncomfortable. Stepping beyond your comfort zone is tough. 

It means forcing yourself to do things you’re not accustomed to. It means going into unknown territory. You fear getting burned. You fear disappointment.

It’s so much easier to shrink back and stay unseen than leap into the unfamiliar. But staying hidden isn’t the answer. It won’t help you develop and it’s not stimulating you to reach your full potential.

Up until now, you’ve been blind to all the possibilities which life has to offer. Developing an abundance mindset is about taking off those blinders and waking up to all the things you’ve been missing.

It needn’t be difficult –reach out to someone you admire to ask them questions. Make a phone call about that job you’ve been ogling.

Write that blog post and then hit publish! Once you begin taking small steps outside your comfort zone, a world of prospects will reveal themselves.


9.  Jettison the excuses –If you want to live with more abundance, you must discard the excuses as to why you can’t have a better life. Excuses are powered by fears and insecurities. They keep you rooted in perfectionism and procrastination so that you don’t tiptoe too far outside your comfort zone.

You make up reasons why you can’t before you’ve tried. Fear of failure. Fear of what others will say. Fear of looking foolish. It’s an endless cycle that keeps you stuck in a rut, never allowing you to grow into the person you are meant to be.

To live a more abundant life, you must decide to ditch excuses from your vocabulary and your life. When you notice yourself making an excuse, go to the core cause. What is preventing you from action?

Frequently overwhelm is the big culprit here. Some projects are so large they seem to have no end. That is when it helps to break down bigger objectives into smaller tasks, so they are easier to achieve.


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10.  Healthy mind and body habits –It’s impossible to have a healthy mindset if you don’t take care of your body too. We live in a microwave society where unhealthy habits run unchecked. We get so caught up in the daily madness of life that we sometimes tend to put our health on the back burner.

It’s a good idea to look at your daily habits and see which ones might need some adjusting. You don’t have to join a gym and eat lettuce every day. Simply try to start putting yourself first and create a routine that works for you.

Be deliberate about what you are putting into your body. Make time for self-care. Eat more veggies. Get outside in nature, breathe the fresh air, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Decrease your stress by learning to say a firm no, to the things that don’t serve you. Love yourself enough to put your health and wellness at the top of the priority list. Your mind and body will thank you for this.


My final thought

You can, and you should, easily begin developing your abundance mindset today by incorporating some of these tips into your daily routine. No matter how long your scarcity mentality has been a weight you’ve carried, you have the power to start over at any given moment.

By acknowledging that you have a choice, that you don’t have to be mired in scarcity for the rest of your life, you can begin to transform your life and create your reality from this day forward. You deserve it. Give yourself patience and grace and enjoy the journey.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you are interested in more information, check out this previous post.

Shift Your Mindset and Abundance Will Come More Easily.

How To End Procrastination

Procrastination perceptions

Procrastination. I am guilty. We are all guilty of doing it, more often than we would like to admit. Procrastination may not be just about turning in your school report/work project at the last minute. You may also be putting off important life decisions like whether or not you should ask your boss for that raise he promised last month, or whether you should join a gym, leave your boyfriend, have a baby - it’s endless.

And if you can’t learn how to stop putting things off, it becomes a bad habit you will have to deal with your whole life. This can hurt your relationships, career, and personal health. Others perceive you as being lazy, unable to meet your time commitments, or incapable of making up your mind.

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The thought process behind procrastination is that you believe there is always tomorrow, so why not steer clear of the stress and anxiety and just put it off until later. But guess what? This is the first thing you need to tackle. The stress is not going anywhere and will always be there whenever you get around to doing what you delayed. It will not be easy but try to figure out what the stress factor is behind your procrastination. It could be fear of failure, fear of confrontation, fear of not being perfect.

Don’t be too critical of yourself

Waiting to start a project pushes you to bite off more than you can chew. Partnering that with a leap into the deep end usually results in a finish nowhere near what you had envisioned.

So, you judge your flaws and faults way too harshly. Yet, studies show that when you forgive yourself for putting things off or not getting things done as perfectly as you would have liked, it can help fend off procrastination. Additionally, setting realistic goals and not spreading yourself too thin can also help with a procrastination problem.

You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.
— Jerry West

Following these tips may help you combat procrastination

1. Make tasks into good habits

We all have enough willpower to get about 3 or 4 tasks done each day. Habits use other parts of our brain rather than the prefrontal cortex which is associated with rational thinking. So, when you train yourself to do something out of habit, rather than look at it as a mundane task, you think about it less which means you’re using less willpower and you won’t fall into the procrastination rut.

Things like brushing your teeth or making your bed have all become daily habits that you automatically perform without even considering putting them off. Why not turn healthy eating, daily exercise, or turning in reports ahead of time into daily habits as well?

After, that it becomes easier, but you still must keep yourself motivated and inspired. Procrastination is all about avoiding that dreaded first step. So, why not ease into it with the knowledge that after a certain amount of time, or once I’ve finished X, I can watch videos on YouTube or go get a cup of coffee. Make it pleasant for yourself because the reward is the part that the brain assimilates to gauge your enjoyment level. If it makes you happy, then your brain slowly turns this task into a habit that you look forward to, instead of something you dread each time.

2. Divide work tasks into pieces

Instead of cleaning out the entire garage, do the right side first, take a break, then do the left side, take a break, then finish off the rest. At work, big tasks may seem daunting when you look at them. The answer? Break it down into smaller tasks. Outline the entire project, and then divide it up into smaller tasks.

Working in 30-minute increments also helps break down tasks into smaller chunks that are manageable and not so intimidating. After 30 minutes, take a break and assess your work. Seeing how much you’ve accomplished will give you that boost of confidence you need to keep at it.

3. Eliminate distractions

Checking your email every 5 minutes doesn’t do you any good. So, once you’ve committed to doing the job, limit distractions by putting your phone away. You can find apps that help you stay on track, but some will say that’s completely missing the point.

The important thing is that you set up a certain time for checking emails or your social media, and once you’ve started your task, you should try to avoid the urge to sneak a peek.

Another serious distraction is multi-tasking. Even though it may seem that you’re being productive, the truth is it wastes time and energy. Think about it, it takes your brain about 20 minutes to completely focus on one task and give it 100%, and then you bring in another task which means you decrease your focus level by half, bring in a third task and the focus drops even lower. So even though you’re working more, your results will be below average for those 3 tasks.

4. Work during your optimal hours

We all have certain times during the day when we’re most energetic and alert. Some of us are morning people, some are night owls, and others do best in the late afternoon hours. This is the time you usually find it easiest to accomplish your hardest tasks. But, whenever your peak hours are, that’s the time to tackle your most difficult and demanding tasks. You’ll be a true powerhouse then with your brain working at its maximum capacity.

My final thought

These tips are general and can help to a greater or lesser degree any person who procrastinates. Keeping in mind not all people procrastinate for the same reason it follows that some tips are better than others, but you may need to think outside the box. Tip number 2 works best for me because unfamiliar things make me feel overwhelmed and I need a list of steps to take.

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