
How to Help the Universe Manifest Your Blessing?

Allow the universe to manifest your blessing

Before the universe can manifest, what you’ve asked for, it’s up to you to explain exactly what that is. Some people find that visualization of their dreams or desires to be a powerful tool for clarifying what they want. Others use mood boards, while many use the spoken or written word in the form of affirmations. You will be best served when you use the method that suits you.

Why? The better you understand and describe your desire the easier it will be for the universe to assist you in the realization of it.  

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Let’s try scripting

When you’re scripting, you can write your script on paper as individual notes or in a journal, or type it on a computer using your favorite note-taking app. The style and form don’t matter. It’s the substance that counts. Don’t worry over every word or phrase. Script from your heart and allow the universe to understand your intention.

These 5 steps can help train you to script

1.  Be specific

Before you write your script, ask yourself what your intentions are. Your understanding of your desire is necessary, if you don’t know what it is, you won’t be able to ask the universe to fulfill it. Vague requests are difficult for the universe to answer.  Your spirit knows what you need, listen to your inner voice.

Asking the universe to be a nicer person is too vague. And asking to smile more is a subjective request. Be clear in your intention by specifying exactly what you want, like smiling and saying a kind word to strangers. Giving the universe a clear request helps you focus on your manifestation

2. What is your reason?

Why do you want this blessing? What are you trying to achieve? Your intention should be clear when you script. How will granting your desire allow the universe to help you?  Knowing the reason, you want something is as important as knowing what you want. Use caution here because blessings are meant to be beneficial, not hurt. If you don’t understand why you want something, you may not be asking the universe for a blessing that will help you.

Manifestation blossoms when we turn down or tune out doubtful noise.
— T.F. Hodge

3.  Allow the feeling to wash over you

Scripting takes your desires and makes them manifest by allowing you to feel the blessing. Let your spirit see you with your blessing and ask yourself how it feels to have it. What is your life like now that you have received this gift? The idea of scripting is to put into words what it is like to be blessed.

Consider how this blessing changes your life.

You should feel positive, empowered, and whole. If you don’t feel right having this blessing, you may be letting negative thoughts and emotions cloud your request. If scripting your blessing isn’t bringing you peace and happiness, go back and redefine the clarity and why of your intention

4.  Can you believe it?

If you’re scripting that you smile and say a kind word to strangers, consider the possible benefits. Manifestation makes the impossible, possible, but it doesn’t supplant reality.  Your script needs to be believable for the universe to grant your blessing.

Smiling and saying a kind word to strangers will not automatically make you the boss at your job, Mayor of the city, or a superstar. Keep your scripting believable. You may desire this blessing so you can meet a new friend or partner. Perhaps you want to bring more joy into your life by showing kindness to strangers. Realistic and believable outcomes are the foundation of scripting your manifestation.

5.  Gratitude for your blessings

Once you’ve scripted your new blessing, continue the process by scripting your gratitude for having it. The Law of Attraction brings you what you send out into the universe. Gratitude is a universal current of life. Your blessing may not be as powerful if you don’t take time to be grateful for it. 

Without gratitude, you may lose focus on your manifestation and miss the benefits you’ve been given. Moving too quickly from asking to having to asking for something else is not consistent with the universe’s plan to provide you with everything you need when you need it

My final thought

Scripting helps increase your vibrational energy to bring your manifestations into focus. The Law of Attraction is stronger when you focus on your intentions and get clear about what you are asking from the universe. Scripting is an excellent habit to build as part of your journey. 

Daily scripting can be done every morning or even the night before as you close one day and prepare for the next. Using scripting as a daily habit helps you discover your deepest desires and then send your requests to the universe, knowing you are blessed.

Scripting may be a good choice for you, if like me, you have Aphantasia and are unable to see pictures in your mind’s eye when you try to visualize.

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Manifest Your Desires by Taking Action

Gram’s Wisdom 14: Manifestation motivation

My Gram told me if you are motivated enough you can have whatever you desire. This statement probably always came after I said, “gee I wish I had…” Having raised 6 children as a young widow during the depression, I’m sure she knew a lot about what children wished for. But she always took me seriously and would ask me how badly I wanted that thing, and what was I willing to do to get it. Then she would tell me, “you work harder to get what you want when the motivation is there.” But along with the hard work, she believed a good plan was also important. “Without a plan, you are only wishing” is what I was told.

No, she didn’t call it manifestation or law of attraction but that’s exactly what it was.

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Manifest your reality

Manifestation is the action you take to create a new reality or accomplish a goal by using the power of your thoughts. But, one of the largest misconceptions and most misunderstood principles of manifesting a dream is that it ONLY involves thinking. In other words, many people believe that, if you think it, it will happen. Or just dreaming something will cause it to appear magically out of thin air.


These misconceptions are why so many remain skeptical of manifestation as a legitimate strategy for improving your life. While your thoughts and beliefs are indeed the foundation for manifesting your goals, without action, they continue to stay in the realm of dreams. Manifestation is about using your ideas to transform your efforts to get what you want. It is about Being, Doing, and Having, not just thinking. Let’s look at how taking action affects your ability to manifest your desires.


A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.
— Colin Powell


Your thoughts into action

Whether or not you believe in manifestation, you likely would agree that actions get results. And that those who expend the effort to do something are much more likely to achieve a goal than those who just sit thinking about doing something. After all, if thinking about losing weight worked, the diet book and weight loss market would not exist!


So, there is no denying that by acting in a specific way you can cause a particular outcome. This is known as cause and effect. Do this, cause that. What manifestation theory tells us is that you can indirectly cause things to happen, as well, through using your thoughts, values, and goals. The results are not all arising from a direct cause nor action but by the effects of your focused attention, desires, and intention, which can change how you behave as well as the choices you make.


What you believe and who you are will inform your choice, habits, and behaviors. Therefore, when you want to manifest something, you must believe that you can achieve it, which changes your desire to try, your awareness of opportunities around you that could help you reach your goal, and much more that influences the actions you take.


So, your thoughts can nurture your actions. But does it work the other way around? Yes! When you actively work on attaining your goals, by doing the things that need to be done, you are learning and gaining confidence, which will change your beliefs and inform your values. When you are successful in making progress toward a goal, you want to reach it and become more invested in its success.


Other essential components of manifestation

While your action is an important ingredient in manifesting what you most desire, it is not the most essential component of this powerful process. To manifest your dreams, you must embody the desire; you must believe that you are capable and worthy of achieving it, and you must focus your thoughts and energy on making it come true. Your thoughts and beliefs guide all your actions and choices, so without the right mindset and outlook, your efforts could be wasted or ineffectual.


All the action in the world can’t make you happy and help you accomplish what you most desire unless your mind is ready and willing to accept it. Having clear intentions, positive expectations, and focused values will drive your actions in the right direction and help pave the way to realizing everything you have always wanted.


My final thought

Action is just one of the necessary steps of the manifestation process. You must also have a plan to guide you toward your goal. And, you must believe you can get the results you want if you consistently take action and work your plan.


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