
The 6 Qualities Of New Success

Gram’s Wisdom: 46 A new style of success.

Success has a new look these days. Success used to mean a solid work ethic, plus keeping your nose to the grindstone. That, and a dog-eat-dog competitive edge was what it took to get ahead. When you picture the successes of old, you likely imagine grim titans of business who measured success by how much was in the bank at the end of the day and how much power they wielded over others.

Things are different today. My Gram began giving me success tips for my life at an early age. Yes, we need to feed, clothe, and put a roof over our heads. So, money is still important, and it continues to be used as a scorecard sometimes, but other things have come into play. Not everyone measures success in the same old way. The people who succeed appear different and their approach to success has changed.

I remember Gram telling me you should always be you and no one else. That, she said, will make your path to success easier. Today we call that being authentic. Gram liked to keep things simple. For people who have more than you do, be genuinely happy because jealousy only hurts you. Then she went on to say that compassion and kindness grease the wheels of life. So many people that we meet could benefit from a kind word, a smile, or thoughtfulness on our part.

Now, it's time to look at some of the qualities you need for new success.




In the old definition of success, being fearless meant not being afraid to take chances. But this has shifted. Today your success is bold, it’s unafraid of other people's judgments. You have confidence in yourself and what you're doing, which surpasses public opinion.


Being open.

The successful people of today keep others informed. They're not afraid to communicate with an openness that contains a hint of vulnerability. This kind of communicator has left their ego at the door and is willing to take responsibility when things go wrong. There's no need to put a slant on things to make them sound better because they're not afraid to tell it how it is.


Feeling empowered.

Today's success means you're able to make decisions for yourself and have confidence in your capabilities, so you know you're doing the right thing. Now more than ever, this is a necessary quality to have. Self-knowledge is central to being able to reach the goals you set for yourself.


Being a visionary.

New success knows how to keep the goal at the forefront of all you do. You focus on the big picture without getting bogged down in competition or worrying about whether you're going to fail. After all, failure is just part of the process, and often teaches valuable lessons you'll need to find your way to success.



When you're successful today, it means you haven't dropped the ball. You see an opportunity to do something, and you go after it with all you've got. Successful people understand these kinds of opportunities don't come around often and don't waste the chance when they see them.


Balanced life.

The successful person of today can balance the pursuit of goals and ambition with remembering what's important to them. They make time for family and don't have regrets because they have their work-life balance in order. Of all the traits of New Success, this is perhaps the greatest one of all.



Ways authenticity and new success go together

Have you ever given thought to how others see you? Or even what effect this has on your ability to succeed? Too often, we worry about the other facets of success, such as developing leadership abilities, raising creativity, or enhancing our talents through learning new skills.

But authenticity has to do with how people perceive you. In the new success world, your reputation, your purpose, and even your character are all likely to be examined intensely by others.

Don't believe it? Then consider the reasons that authenticity and new success go hand in hand.


Certainty of values.

You'll find it's a lot easier to make decisions simply because everything you do follows your values code and honors your goals. With this kind of authenticity, you'll always know the correct path to take. You'll be astonished at how this saves time and keeps you on track for your goals.


Clarity of vision.

Authenticity means you have a solid image of who you are and what you stand for. There's never any doubt in anyone's mind about what you're doing and why. Your vision is your North Star, and your goals are clarified. You know what you're going after and why, without pretense or deceit. You stay on the path and are more likely to succeed in what you're doing.


Courage to be yourself.

Being authentic can feel scary sometimes.  It can be challenging to step out and away from the crowd and forge your path. But when you're authentic, you're developing courage where it counts. Courage matters when you're working hard to succeed at whatever you do.


Happiness in life.

Authentic people seem to be naturally happier with their lives. They're not trying to live up to phony expectations and are just apparently more content with who and where they are in life. There is a growing body of research that demonstrates that happy people tend to experience success more frequently than people who aren’t.


Self-honesty and modesty.

You know exactly who you are, and you're aware of your strengths and weaknesses. You can take advantage of your abilities and at the same time be humble enough to ask for help when you need it - no need to waste time figuring out where you're going wrong.


Versatility plus freedom.

When you're authentic, you're not afraid to try new things, because everything you do points to your goal. You don't lose sight of who you are and what you're working toward, so you have a lot more latitude in how to get there, which allows you the creativity and freedom you need to get ahead.


My final thoughts are.

It has been many years since my Gram, and I spoke of what success could look like and how to get there. She was such a people person that I believe she would be pleased to see the many people who hear the call of success but choose to answer it as their authentic selves.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post and found value in it.


For more information, please visit these posts.

How To Define What Success Looks Like In Your Life.

Successful Days Lead To A Successful Mindset.

Make Room For Harmony In Your Life

Harmony, Isn’t About Doing All The Things

What do you imagine when you hear the word HARMONY? I looked it up in my Webster’s Dictionary. One of the definitions describes it as a “pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts.”

So many people believe harmony is all peace and life falling into place just the way it’s supposed to do. Except when it doesn’t, and then you fight an overwhelming tide rather than go with the flow of the universe.

Think again about that definition. Face it. What pleases isn’t always congruent with the parts and what is congruent with the parts isn’t always pleasing.

So, what small changes can you implement that will create a more harmonious life?

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 Slow down

Are you trying to do too much? Can you become a billionaire, marry the man of the year, have a happy family, be a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and raise champion Corgis? Will doing all the things add harmony rather than chaos to your life? Probably not. But I bet you already knew that.

Sure, there’s a lot you can do, but there’s a lot you can’t do, too. Whatever you do there is a cost. This is real life we’re talking about. However, you can have a lot, and it can be harmonious.


Take a quick look at why you can’t do it all

1.  There’s a limited amount of available time.

You can’t have everything; you can’t do everything necessary to have everything. Everything you do requires time.

● Getting and maintaining the perfect abs takes time.

● Becoming a great chess player takes time.

● Building a billion-dollar company takes time.

● Creating and maintaining a successful relationship takes time.

● Being an expert figure skater takes time.

● Writing a great book takes time.

● Creating harmony takes time and is best achieved in the present moment. What do you want the most?

2.  Some things don’t play well together.

You can’t become the world’s greatest pick-up artist and be married. You can’t be the strongest woman in the world and be healthy while yo-yo dieting. You can’t live like a playboy and maximize your spiritual development.

● Certain activities just get in the way of other activities.

3. Emphasis on one thing leads to sacrificing others.

Time spent on one area of your life leaves less time for other areas of your life. There are always sacrifices to be made. Balance in life is, well, a balancing act.

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Harmony, what it takes to have a lot

  1. Choose your priorities.

Since there isn’t time to do everything, it becomes necessary to prioritize your time and actions. Accept that things will change when you do this. Consider the most important things you want to have.

2.Determine what you’re willing to let go of.

Prioritizing doesn’t just mean choosing what’s important. It also means deciding what you’re not going to spend time on anymore. That could be the negative inner talk that no longer serves you.

● Maybe writing that novel isn’t that important to you. Or maybe beating yourself up isn’t the best use of your time. If that’s the case, make it a point to avoid those activities.

3. Assign your time accordingly.

Once you know your priorities, use your time accordingly. If you’re ever confused about what to do, remind yourself of your priorities. Ask yourself how you can best use your time according to your priorities.

The idea that you can do everything you want isn’t true. It’s something motivational speakers and your mother told you to make you feel better. You can’t do it all. Especially if you want a harmonious life that brings you happiness rather than a life trying to do all the things that leave you feeling overwhelmed.

But you can still manage to do and have a lot. Having a lot means prioritizing how you spend your time. Wasting time is the ultimate way to limit yourself. Spreading yourself thin between too many things is also detrimental.


Always remember–you can have a lot! What do you want? Keep these ideas in mind and make it happen!


My final thought

I have lived a harmonious life filled with peace, love, laughter, joy, and happiness for forty years. Not every day but more days than not. I believe the secret is to choose what is most important to you and add any congruent parts that show up, as you go along.


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