
Let Nature Be Your Guide To Inner Peace

Are you feeling disconnected with yourself, your life, or the inner peace you wish you had? Maybe you're so preoccupied with everything in your daily existence that you hardly have time to realize what goes on around you.

Perhaps the only time you observe nature is when the weather has the nerve to meddle with your to-do list. Maybe you can't recall the last time you were inclined to simply sit outdoors in quiet observation, leaving your phone and your cares inside.

There is indeed an enormous amount of proof that spending time in nature has a considerable beneficial influence on mental and physical health. Strolling in a green space has been demonstrated to help with mental health issues such as depression and ADHD. 

For some of us, being in nature can become the beginning of a meditation practice, or a heightened spiritual understanding of how we are all related. For others, it is simply an incredible method to relieve tension.

Time spent in nature is a delightful way to temporarily forget oneself while concentrating on things outside of ourselves. In addition to treating mental health challenges and enhancing physical well-being.

Here are a few excellent techniques to begin bonding with the natural world around you, no matter where you want your time outside to take you.


  1. Slow your steps to the speed of nature.

Walking slowly has a calming effect on your breathing. It also opens a world of subtle beauty that often goes unnoticed in the hurried pace of modern life. When you consciously slow down your steps, you create an opportunity to engage with your surroundings on a deeper level. It's as if a veil has been lifted, revealing the intricate wonders that exist within the commonplace.

A tiny lichen thriving in a sidewalk crevice suddenly becomes a miniature forest, showcasing the resilience of life in unexpected places. Similarly, a previously overlooked tree now commands your attention with its unique branches and leaves. A testament to the diversity of nature in urban settings.

As you embark on this thoughtful exploration, you become attuned to the symphony of sounds in your environment. The rustling leaves, chirping birds, and distant traffic hum. The world around you begins to unfold in an array of colors, textures, and scents. The soft caress of a gentle breeze on your skin and the warmth of sunlight filtering through the foliage provides a sensory experience that feels deeply nourishing.

A feeling of peace may be your companion in this slower pace of life. You might even engage in spontaneous conversations with fellow pedestrians, making connections that would have remained hidden in the rush. Time stretches before you, and worries fade as you immerse yourself in the present moment.

Embrace the art of walking slowly. For it is not only a physical act but a mindfulness practice that invites you to savor the richness of your surroundings. With each unhurried step, you promote a deeper connection to the world, and in doing so, discover the extraordinary within the ordinary.


2. Test barefoot breathing.

Find a peaceful spot outside—a park nook, a quiet space in your garden, or your favorite wild location. Slip off your shoes. Shut your eyes and take 100 deep, soft breaths while feeling the sunlight on your face, the breeze on your body, and the warm heart of the ground through the soles of your feet.

Indeed, humans are unique in their tendency to separate themselves from the direct connection with the Earth's natural energies using shoes. This intriguing phenomenon highlights a reflective aspect of our relationship with the environment. When you peel away the layers of modernity and remove your shoes, it's as if you have discovered an ancient, primal connection that has been buried beneath the trappings of civilization.

Standing barefoot on the Earth is a return to a more instinctive state, a recovery of the close bond that our ancestors had with the land. The sensation of cool soil, warm sand, or dewy grass beneath your feet can be remarkably grounding. It's as if the Earth is cradling you, sharing her vital energy with your very being.

This act satisfies a need for connectivity. Reminding us that we are not separate entities in the world but a part of a vast, unified ecosystem. Through the soles of your feet, you can absorb the Earth's energy, ground yourself in the present moment, and harmonize with the natural rhythms of life.

In this simple act of shoelessness, there is a sense of liberation from the limitations of the modern world. It's a repossession of a lost connection, an appreciation of our shared existence with the planet. It’s a reminder that, despite our technological advancements, we are, at our core, earthbound beings pursuing a relationship with the spirit of the Earth.


3. Dine alfresco.

Taking your lunch or a good book outside to savor amid nature is a simple yet refreshing act. It's a chance to escape the confines of indoor spaces and embrace the great outdoors. As you settle onto a park bench or spread out a picnic blanket, you open yourself to a world of sensory delights.

The fresh air that surrounds you carries the whispers of the natural world. The scent of blooming flowers, the earthy smell of grass, and rustling leaves in the breeze. With each breath, you inhale the invigorating essence of the environment, revitalizing your body and mind.

Natural sunlight, whether filtered through the branches of a tree or blanketing the open space, washes you in its warm embrace. The life-giving energy of the sun fills you with vitality and brightens your mood. The play of light and shadow creates an ever-changing canvas, enhancing your appreciation of the world's beauty.

As you dine or lose yourself in the pages of a captivating book, the music of nature provides a soothing backdrop. Birdsong, the distant murmur of water, and the occasional movement of wildlife become the soundtrack to your experience. Enhancing your sense of connection to the natural world.

In these moments outdoors, you're not just feeding your body or engaging your mind; you're nurturing your spirit. You allow yourself to be fully present and open to the beauty and wonder of the environment. To find solace in the simple pleasures of life. So, seize the opportunity to dine al fresco or lose yourself in a book under the open sky, for in these moments, you'll discover a sense of harmony and inner peace.


4. Give a tree a hug.

While the term "tree-hugger" may be employed with a touch of irony, there's a genuine and revitalizing practice behind it. Hugging a tree isn't just an ecological statement; it's a simple yet reflective way to connect with nature and replenish your energy reserves. When you approach a tree intending to embrace it, you're about to partake in an age-old ritual that transcends language and culture.

As you close your eyes and press your cheek against the rough, textured bark of the tree, you initiate a sensory understanding like no other. The bark, a protective layer for the tree, now becomes a channel for your connection to the natural world. It's as if you're sharing a moment of familiarity with a living, breathing entity.

Spread your arms to encircle the tree, you're engaging in a silent conversation with nature. In this embrace, you can feel the tree's steadfastness and its resilience. Its deep-rooted connection to the earth becomes a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life on our planet.

In this simple act of hugging a tree, you're forming a bond. Exchanging a bit of your vitality for the wisdom and serenity that the tree offers while also reminding you of your place in life. It's a moment of quiet communion, a chance to slow down and rekindle your connection to the natural world.


In conclusion, our connection with nature has immense benefits for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Simple acts like walking slowly, going shoeless, enjoying meals or books outdoors, and even hugging trees can nurture this connection. These practices ground us, rekindle our primal bonds with the Earth, and provide opportunities for mindfulness and renewal. Amid the fast-paced modern world, moments in nature offer a reminder of our interconnectedness with the environment. An occasion to savor the beauty and energy surrounding us, ultimately enriching our lives in beneficial ways.


My final thoughts are:

Inner peace can still be found in the outdoors. I find it there every morning when I hang my laundry. Learn to ignore other peoples’ noise and you will find inner peace in the quiet places of your mind.

Read these for more information.

How To Find Your Inner Peace.

The Restorative Value Of Mindfulness.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it.

What Makes You Feel Grateful And Happy

Gram’s wisdom 47.

Are you ready for more joy and happiness in your life? Gram had told me you won’t find happiness in stuff. That kind of happiness is short-lived because it needs constant stimulus. Instead, you need to practice daily gratitude for long-lasting happiness and contentment. I saw the truth of this as a teenager. My Gram always appeared happy with herself, and where she was in her life.

So, with Gram’s words ringing in my ears and heart, I committed to myself to write down and verbally express what makes me grateful and happy in my life. 



Consider a gratitude practice.

Gratitude sounds delightful, and you should practice it every day. Consider what happens to your brain if you don't practice gratitude and other positive emotions. Your brain is designed to give you what you think about most. In this case, if you think that your life is lacking and nothing ever goes your way, then your brain gets a mistaken idea. Your brain begins looking for more ways to decrease the joy in your life.

By turning that around, when you practice gratitude, your brain believes you want more gratitude combined with happiness and joy. It then works 24/7 looking for ways that you can show gratitude to others as it understands what you give out, will come back to you.


Now, let’s look at some fundamental ways that gratitude can make you happy today and into your senior years.


Believe in your worth.

You have several emotions that can be felt on any given day. You may have a day when you feel drained, and nothing goes your way. It leaves you floundering with your self-worth and self-esteem. This, in turn, diminishes the amount of daily happiness you feel as you struggle to believe you are worthwhile.

When this happens, it leaves you feeling like you don’t deserve what you have in life. Practicing daily gratitude for what you do well and what you currently have in life will improve your self-worth. You will start to stand a little taller and speak with more confidence. You already have enough knowledge in your life, and daily gratitude will make you grateful and start you on the path to helping others.


Remember the people you feel grateful for.

Going through traumatic experiences in life can severely reduce the amount of happiness you feel daily. Gratitude will help you regain that happiness. Emotional trauma can be caused by one person or even an entire family. When this happens, you need to remember the people you feel grateful for, like the person who stands up for you, or that friend who always listens.

Focus on the people who did not cause you injury in your life and list why you are grateful for them. Gratitude and suffering are an unusual pair; but, people who have suffered a terrible accident or illness often find gratitude helps. They increase their happiness by focusing on gratitude for what they have, what they have now, and the lessons that they have learned from their trauma.


Gratitude is like water.

Gratitude is like water. We need water to dilute liquids we find hard to drink. We need water to promote growth. We need water to soften our skin and hydrate us. Gratitude dilutes our harsh emotions, such as anger, frustration, and stress. When those negative emotions become diluted, it provides room for positive emotions such as joy and happiness to grow.

Gratitude not only helps to grow happiness but also takes existing happiness and boosts it. Think of happiness as an ice cream sundae. It tastes great and makes you feel good. But what happens when you add one or two cherries to the top of that ice cream? The flavor is now boosted to the point that your taste buds are screaming with joy.

So, gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. You experience an event such as your niece's 1st birthday party. Without gratitude, you are happy and exchange pleasant words with your sibling. With gratitude and happiness, you double down. Your pleasure now lights up the room, and people want to spend more time with you. They want to absorb the joy and happiness you bring wherever you go.


Compassion and service.

Are you a caring and sharing sort of person? If you are, happiness is part of your life because you serve others. When your gratitude bank is low, you may not be looking out for the best interests of others. It becomes harder to volunteer when help is needed.

Focus on building up your gratitude. Selflessness, when you spread your love and joy to others, can help you receive a boost in happiness. To stand by not serving others will decrease your happiness, and we know that it is not what you want for yourself. As you help others with problems, you will feel happier. In your heart, you will know that you are part of the solution to life's problems.



There are many things seniors can be grateful for.

As you age, you may find it difficult to discover things to be grateful for. Could there be a chance your family or career didn’t turn out as you had pictured it? There is also the possibility that your health will not let you do many activities that you once had done. This is where gratitude can be beneficial for you. Here are 8 things you can appreciate as you age.


  1. This is an amazing opportunity as you are already retired or soon to be. Many seniors lament the feeling that without a job they are now useless. Others sit at home and complain that they have nothing to do. If you didn't plan for activities after retirement, get started now. Working and looking after children can be time-consuming. As a senior, you can say, "my time is my own.” Make a list of things you are grateful for that you can do but couldn't do in your middle age. This could include travel, volunteering, or even going back to school.

  2. Count the friendships you have had over the years. Some have come and gone for different reasons. You may have even ended a few because you realized it was an unhealthy relationship. Now be grateful for those long-lasting relationships you formed and take the time to make the bond stronger. Be there for each other as you age and express your gratitude for each friend verbally and with written notes. Make time to meet for lunch or maybe coffee occasionally.

  3. As we go through school and 40-odd years of work, we may lose a sense of who we are as people. The pace of life was hectic. Now that you are older, you can reflect on your overall makeup, and if you see a need to improve areas of your attitude or mindset, you can do that. Be thankful for the opportunity to fine-tune who you are. Next, find ways to show your gratitude and wisdom to younger people who may be struggling in different areas.

  4. Hitting senior years means that you will now get small rewards. There may have been times in your life when you wished you had a discount at the drugstore or for something such as travel. Yes, the senior's discounts are not huge, but something is better than nothing. Feel gratitude for having made it this far when so many do not and being around to get that freebie just because you have silver hair.

  5. This is a golden opportunity to spend more time with your loved ones, including children and grandchildren. While they love seeing you, they are also grateful that you are there to lend an ear or even do something special for them. Social media shows us several videos of elderly parents doing special things for their children. One video shows a father driving to his daughter's house and spreading salt, so she doesn't slip on her way to the car. Feel the gratitude that you are here and able to treat your children with love and respect. You may have had a career that cut down on the amount of time you could spend with your children. Now is your time to shine.

  6. As you move along in your senior years, you now have time to spend going through your positive memories. One special activity you can do is build a collage or scrapbook of old photographs. Take each special photograph and consider why you were grateful for that moment. Flesh this scrapbook out by writing down the details such as names, dates, and places. Once you have built your collage, have a special dinner with your loved ones and share what you have done. They will be grateful for your love, and in time it will be a keepsake for them.

Photos for collage or scrapbook.

7. You now have the time to pursue not just one hobby but many. Working on hobbies will keep you mentally sharp. This is also a chance to be grateful for the grandchildren, and you can even share your hobby. For example, woodworking is an amazing hobby; any grandchild would love to do it with you. A hobby shared across a table is one of the best ways to talk with a grandchild.

8. While technology can sometimes be overwhelming, it is something you can be grateful for as a senior. Think back to when parents had to write a letter to one of their children who had moved to another country. You can connect instantly with your children no matter where they are. You can also be grateful for the amazing advancements in medicine and overall self-care. You have specialized vitamins for seniors to keep you healthy, whereas your grandparents did not. Think about how technology is helping you and be grateful for it.


My final thoughts.

Gratitude has played an immense part in my life. It was my Gram who shared with me that gratitude is a feeling of the heart and mind. I have seen and felt throughout my life that happiness and contentment are a direct result of the gratitude in your heart.


For further information, read these posts.

Six Benefits Of Practicing Gratitude For Seniors.

3 Awesome Benefits From Daily Gratitude.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Pass it on to someone you know who would find it beneficial.

What Is The Essence Of Contentment?

Gram’s Wisdom 41

I’m sure you are more than familiar with the phrase or idea that you should be happy with what you have. All the same, when you don't have much, it’s easy to question such a notion. For a lot of people, contentment is elusive, a willow the-wisp. It's impossible to hold onto and there's always some piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit in their life.

My Gram told me in a perfect world we wouldn’t worry or fret about anything, we would be content, and then she’d go on to remind me that it is not a perfect world. I never saw Gram flustered because she felt inadequate or that she didn’t get enough done in a day. She once told me that busyness without purpose is just an unnecessary activity. She believed we should give ourselves the space to focus on what we love. As in many other things, Gram’s contentment was fueled by gratitude for her health, her strength, and her blessings.

In a perfect world, we would all be on the path toward wellness and contentment. So, this is an opportunity to set yourself on the path to contentment, and acceptance is key. The concept of contentment through acceptance comes from the idea that someone can feel satisfied with life, feel at peace with who they are, and be comfortable with where they are in life if they simply accept it.

Through self-appreciation and self-acceptance of the present moment, (mindfulness), you can achieve a level of life-contentment that has so far eluded you. You can achieve a level of tranquility and inner peace that you can move forward with.



A life minus contentment.

For many people, life is a competition. They constantly strive for more because they are comparing themselves with others. They are frantic to increase what they have and claw ahead of the pack. Whether it's their wealth, job title, home, or car.

There's always something to upgrade or add to. This sort of feeling will always impede your way of contentment, because how can you identify your good fortune if you are so focused on getting more than what you already have?

These types of people struggle to recognize true milestones and successes because it never feels like it's enough. The urge to push on overpowers any feeling of contentment. It's a burden, and it can be overwhelming.

For people who shape their lives around chasing accomplishments and goals, it can be challenging to appreciate those accomplishments. Even if they realize the vision they created of their ideal life and lifestyle, even if they check every box on their list, it might never be enough.

Learn to love yourself.

Contentment is an essential part of the human experience, even though it eludes many. It might not provide you with immediate, noticeable benefits, yet the qualities contentment brings can change your daily life and help you improve your relationships.

The first step to achieving contentment is acceptance. It's the acceptance of who you are right now. It's the acceptance of who you were in the past, even if you didn't like yourself. Contentment is the acceptance of your situation. It's acceptance of your position, your family, and every part of your life. The second step to contentment is not criticizing yourself, and the third is never trying to change others. When you finally accept these, what comes next?

Contentment can bring you peace of mind. Through acceptance of your life, you can enjoy a renewed positivity and peace of mind that will permit you to enjoy your days more. It doesn't mean you can't continue working toward improving yourself or your future.

Contentment can improve your feeling of happiness. It's so closely tied to feelings of happiness, that accepting your situation can boost your happiness levels. When you spend time feeling more grateful for what you have and what you've done, you can stop obsessing over doing more, which is going to improve your overall quality of life.

Contentment can lead to healthier relationships. As you accept your current situation and embrace contentment, you become a more positive person to be around. You also find it easier to accept others despite their shortcomings or flaws. It's easier to build healthier relationships when you accept your situation and find contentment.

Acceptance doesn't mean you let go of goals or give up on your dreams. It's normal to want to improve yourself and, you can do so while still feeling content. With a positive outlook and a degree of acceptance, you can lead a life of contentment.



Health and well-being.

Much of the unhealthiness that people experience is due to discontent. The mindless eating of junk food, while providing comfort and stress relief, can build up many health issues. Add this to a reluctance to exercise because of poor self-image, tiredness, or that same ill health, and what you have is a dangerous cocktail.

Depression is on the rise, and stress is out of control. How can anyone find contentment in this economy? It appears there's always something lurking there to bring you down.

From an endless stream of more bad news to outrage on social media and a growing ever-connectedness… it is tough out there. It all contributes to where you are now. One of the best ways to alleviate the stresses of the modern world, and stimulate contentment, is mindfulness.

Contentment is a state of being, and while it's linked to happiness, it doesn't mean you will always be happy. There are many ways you can build your contentment levels, but one of the biggest drivers of it is simplicity. Focus on the little things that give you simple joys. More to the point, focus on the present, which is exactly what mindfulness focuses on.


Mindfulness fuels peace and contentment.

First, there's that peace or inner calm. It's the state of being agitation-free. Perhaps a more accurate definition would be when the ocean of life is calm. You can better cope with what waves come when you begin from a place of peace.

When you mindfully meditate, it stimulates the area of your brain in control of emotions and thoughts It also engages the part of your brain that controls your worry levels. So, by engaging these parts of your brain and encouraging a sense of calm, mindfulness helps promote contentment.

I have always described happiness as a choice. It's something within you that you choose every day. While contentment might not be quite the same as happiness, there are a lot of choices involved that contribute to your sense of contentment.

While happiness is associated with pleasant emotions, contentment runs deeper. Often, happiness is a byproduct of contentment. Contentment is about being satisfied with your life, your situation, yourself, and the present moment. Wherever you mind yourself, you find a way to make the most of it. That is exactly what mindfulness promotes.


5 Characteristics Of Contentment PDF


Practicing mindfulness.

So, let's put you on the path to contentment by practicing mindfulness. With that in mind, I want to provide you with several choices on how to practice mindfulness.


Compassionate communication.

The most challenging time to practice mindfulness is when everything is topsy-turvy, and you are in defense mode. Often, those moments are when you are trying to communicate difficult ideas or emotions to someone. So, practice communicating with compassion.


◦          When you feel tense, and emotions are running high, pause and take a breath before you respond. Take a moment to reconnect with your compassionate self before you engage any further.


◦          Listen with an open heart and an open mind. You don't have to accept verbal abuse, but you can actively listen with compassion.


Practice gratitude.

There are a variety of ways you can practice gratitude. It isn't a complicated process, but what it does require is mindful commitment. You must commit to carving out a few minutes every day to practice. It's easy – just close your eyes and think of a few things you're truly grateful for.


Or you can keep a journal and make a list of three to five things you appreciate. It doesn't have to be complicated – it could be a thunderstorm to break the humidity, the strong coffee you had with breakfast, your body for getting you through the day, your job providing for your basic needs, your partner, children, or pet. Once you begin, you will soon see just how much you truly have.


Be an outside observer

When the ocean of life is calm, it's nice. But, what about when the waves are riding high? Practice observing them as an unemotional observer. When you deal with big emotions, you associate certain stories with them, and it becomes difficult to detach them from each other. It's the quickest way to drown in all that negativity.


You can use meditation to observe these emotions, label them, and separate them from what's going on.


Mindfulness meditation focuses on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones to break the negative mindset habit. It's something you can practice every day and in everyday situations. It increases your sense of gratitude, which further fuels your sense of contentment.


My final thoughts.

I believe that gratitude is the most important fuel we add to our lives. If you begin with gratitude, you will feel a noticeable amount of contentment. Add any of the above-mentioned changes to your day, and you will have life-changing contentment.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.


For more information, read the posts below.

Gratitude, Mindfulness, And Positivity, 3 Valuable Mindsets

The Simple Practice That Can Bring You Deep Contentment

Surround Yourself With Harmonious People


Everyone wants to be accepted just the way they are. Open-mindedness is essential among all people because we’re all different. Focusing on the commonalities we have while acknowledging our differences can allow us to meet each other harmoniously.


Are you in harmony with your family_.png


Familial relationships

These are usually the most important relationships we have and just as often the ones most fraught with the potential for hurt feelings or other painful complications. Disharmony with the people you care for most in the world is one of the quickest ways to put you out of sorts and ruin what may have been a peaceful day.

To live in harmony with these especially important people that we see at the breakfast or dinner table each day is a matter of self-interest. No one wants to live in icy silence for any length of time. It’s up to you to be the one who adjusts when necessary. Why you may ask?

The simple answer is that they may not care as much as you do about the harmony in their lives. Remember ultimately you are doing this for your peace. This is your chance to be both the teacher and the student.

Hopefully, if they are on the same page, they too are striving for harmony and will willingly meet you halfway.



If you have a handful of people you can call “friends” then you are blessed. Many people come into your life and leave after a while. That is normal and natural. The few who remain and withstand time and difficulties become like a second family. Any disharmony with them can become a major pain-point in both of your lives.

Again, it must be you who works to maintain the harmony in that relationship. Often this involves encouragement, forbearance, or forgiveness. Yes, we all must live our own lives, but most of us are not equipped to do it alone.

So, you need to be worthy of this friend because you know the loss of this friendship can be a massive hole in your life and disrupt the overall harmony you want to experience.

You want to live in harmony with nature and each other.png


Harmony with others begins with yourself.

Negativity is the enemy here, as in most things. You won’t find harmony in your life by being inconsiderate, rude, selfish, irritable, unscrupulous, or insincere. This kind of behavior brings only strife and keeps the people you want to be close to at bay.

Instead, surround yourself with harmonious thoughts and things that bring you peace. Reduce your negative aspects. Create a harmonious ritual for yourself. Keep it simple. Share it with others.


Do good deeds selflessly.

This is perhaps the most perfect harmony circle. When you do things for others without a thought for yourself, the depth of good feeling you receive is nearly indescribable.  



My final thought

Look for the blessings in your life rather than the problems. Be grateful for them. Say them aloud and write them down. I believe we should be respectful of all beings in the world. We don’t live in a vacuum, our world is a connection of intersecting pieces in a universal whole. It all needs to be cherished if we are to truly live harmoniously.


I sincerely hope you will share this post with your family and friends.