
Let Nature Be Your Guide To Inner Peace

Are you feeling disconnected with yourself, your life, or the inner peace you wish you had? Maybe you're so preoccupied with everything in your daily existence that you hardly have time to realize what goes on around you.

Perhaps the only time you observe nature is when the weather has the nerve to meddle with your to-do list. Maybe you can't recall the last time you were inclined to simply sit outdoors in quiet observation, leaving your phone and your cares inside.

There is indeed an enormous amount of proof that spending time in nature has a considerable beneficial influence on mental and physical health. Strolling in a green space has been demonstrated to help with mental health issues such as depression and ADHD. 

For some of us, being in nature can become the beginning of a meditation practice, or a heightened spiritual understanding of how we are all related. For others, it is simply an incredible method to relieve tension.

Time spent in nature is a delightful way to temporarily forget oneself while concentrating on things outside of ourselves. In addition to treating mental health challenges and enhancing physical well-being.

Here are a few excellent techniques to begin bonding with the natural world around you, no matter where you want your time outside to take you.


  1. Slow your steps to the speed of nature.

Walking slowly has a calming effect on your breathing. It also opens a world of subtle beauty that often goes unnoticed in the hurried pace of modern life. When you consciously slow down your steps, you create an opportunity to engage with your surroundings on a deeper level. It's as if a veil has been lifted, revealing the intricate wonders that exist within the commonplace.

A tiny lichen thriving in a sidewalk crevice suddenly becomes a miniature forest, showcasing the resilience of life in unexpected places. Similarly, a previously overlooked tree now commands your attention with its unique branches and leaves. A testament to the diversity of nature in urban settings.

As you embark on this thoughtful exploration, you become attuned to the symphony of sounds in your environment. The rustling leaves, chirping birds, and distant traffic hum. The world around you begins to unfold in an array of colors, textures, and scents. The soft caress of a gentle breeze on your skin and the warmth of sunlight filtering through the foliage provides a sensory experience that feels deeply nourishing.

A feeling of peace may be your companion in this slower pace of life. You might even engage in spontaneous conversations with fellow pedestrians, making connections that would have remained hidden in the rush. Time stretches before you, and worries fade as you immerse yourself in the present moment.

Embrace the art of walking slowly. For it is not only a physical act but a mindfulness practice that invites you to savor the richness of your surroundings. With each unhurried step, you promote a deeper connection to the world, and in doing so, discover the extraordinary within the ordinary.


2. Test barefoot breathing.

Find a peaceful spot outside—a park nook, a quiet space in your garden, or your favorite wild location. Slip off your shoes. Shut your eyes and take 100 deep, soft breaths while feeling the sunlight on your face, the breeze on your body, and the warm heart of the ground through the soles of your feet.

Indeed, humans are unique in their tendency to separate themselves from the direct connection with the Earth's natural energies using shoes. This intriguing phenomenon highlights a reflective aspect of our relationship with the environment. When you peel away the layers of modernity and remove your shoes, it's as if you have discovered an ancient, primal connection that has been buried beneath the trappings of civilization.

Standing barefoot on the Earth is a return to a more instinctive state, a recovery of the close bond that our ancestors had with the land. The sensation of cool soil, warm sand, or dewy grass beneath your feet can be remarkably grounding. It's as if the Earth is cradling you, sharing her vital energy with your very being.

This act satisfies a need for connectivity. Reminding us that we are not separate entities in the world but a part of a vast, unified ecosystem. Through the soles of your feet, you can absorb the Earth's energy, ground yourself in the present moment, and harmonize with the natural rhythms of life.

In this simple act of shoelessness, there is a sense of liberation from the limitations of the modern world. It's a repossession of a lost connection, an appreciation of our shared existence with the planet. It’s a reminder that, despite our technological advancements, we are, at our core, earthbound beings pursuing a relationship with the spirit of the Earth.


3. Dine alfresco.

Taking your lunch or a good book outside to savor amid nature is a simple yet refreshing act. It's a chance to escape the confines of indoor spaces and embrace the great outdoors. As you settle onto a park bench or spread out a picnic blanket, you open yourself to a world of sensory delights.

The fresh air that surrounds you carries the whispers of the natural world. The scent of blooming flowers, the earthy smell of grass, and rustling leaves in the breeze. With each breath, you inhale the invigorating essence of the environment, revitalizing your body and mind.

Natural sunlight, whether filtered through the branches of a tree or blanketing the open space, washes you in its warm embrace. The life-giving energy of the sun fills you with vitality and brightens your mood. The play of light and shadow creates an ever-changing canvas, enhancing your appreciation of the world's beauty.

As you dine or lose yourself in the pages of a captivating book, the music of nature provides a soothing backdrop. Birdsong, the distant murmur of water, and the occasional movement of wildlife become the soundtrack to your experience. Enhancing your sense of connection to the natural world.

In these moments outdoors, you're not just feeding your body or engaging your mind; you're nurturing your spirit. You allow yourself to be fully present and open to the beauty and wonder of the environment. To find solace in the simple pleasures of life. So, seize the opportunity to dine al fresco or lose yourself in a book under the open sky, for in these moments, you'll discover a sense of harmony and inner peace.


4. Give a tree a hug.

While the term "tree-hugger" may be employed with a touch of irony, there's a genuine and revitalizing practice behind it. Hugging a tree isn't just an ecological statement; it's a simple yet reflective way to connect with nature and replenish your energy reserves. When you approach a tree intending to embrace it, you're about to partake in an age-old ritual that transcends language and culture.

As you close your eyes and press your cheek against the rough, textured bark of the tree, you initiate a sensory understanding like no other. The bark, a protective layer for the tree, now becomes a channel for your connection to the natural world. It's as if you're sharing a moment of familiarity with a living, breathing entity.

Spread your arms to encircle the tree, you're engaging in a silent conversation with nature. In this embrace, you can feel the tree's steadfastness and its resilience. Its deep-rooted connection to the earth becomes a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life on our planet.

In this simple act of hugging a tree, you're forming a bond. Exchanging a bit of your vitality for the wisdom and serenity that the tree offers while also reminding you of your place in life. It's a moment of quiet communion, a chance to slow down and rekindle your connection to the natural world.


In conclusion, our connection with nature has immense benefits for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Simple acts like walking slowly, going shoeless, enjoying meals or books outdoors, and even hugging trees can nurture this connection. These practices ground us, rekindle our primal bonds with the Earth, and provide opportunities for mindfulness and renewal. Amid the fast-paced modern world, moments in nature offer a reminder of our interconnectedness with the environment. An occasion to savor the beauty and energy surrounding us, ultimately enriching our lives in beneficial ways.


My final thoughts are:

Inner peace can still be found in the outdoors. I find it there every morning when I hang my laundry. Learn to ignore other peoples’ noise and you will find inner peace in the quiet places of your mind.

Read these for more information.

How To Find Your Inner Peace.

The Restorative Value Of Mindfulness.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it.

Key Components For Life Balance And Harmony

Gram’s Wisdom 45 Balance is an action.

Gram told me life is about balance and most of us don’t manage it very well. From our personal lives to the office, through the natural world, and back home to our communities. The bad news is that it’s hard to be all and do all. The good news is no one expects it from you!


Gram felt that balance in life is not an act, but an action. Like many other parts of life, it’s a journey, not a destination. Her theory was that we should take action to move all the different parts of life forward, understanding that not all parts move at the same rate. Relax and play too long, and you could go hungry. Work too much and you put your health at risk.


Navigating the challenges of life can be an experience filled with many ups and downs. While seeking knowledge of specific topics is essential for success, Gram thought the nature of learning life skills should go wider than just learning how to find a job or pay the bills, important as they are. She believed you must also act on what you learn.


With that in mind, here are 10 actions you can take to add more balance to life.



Learning balance.

Balance is a learned quality that is about constantly improving. The value of seeking balance in all areas of life is that it can be the thin line between flying and falling. Imagine your quality of life if you dedicated 100% of your time to work and had no time for relaxation. The outcome may be a successful career, or it could be so much stress and exhaustion you have no life at all. In all aspects of life, balance can restore your energy while preserving your future.


One way this balance can be achieved is by practicing mindfulness. When considering your diet, are you being mindful of what you eat? When looking at your time spent on recreational activities, are you spending more time having fun rather than feeling you are neglecting your responsibilities?


Considering where you are putting your energy will help you to see where you need to make needed changes.


Mental balance.

The importance of protecting your mental health has never been a higher priority—and it has never been a more difficult task. The National Institute on Mental Health recommends getting regular exercise, prioritizing sleep, practicing gratitude, and staying connected to friends and family to help with mental health. If you have trouble sleeping or concentrating, have appetite changes that lead to weight change, or lose interest in activities that you usually enjoy, it’s time to seek help from a professional.


Emotional balance.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, emotional health is a “positive state of well-being which enables an individual to…meet the demands of everyday life.” It begins with identifying your emotions and holding them up to a mirror to determine their validity.


Emotions may at times tell you negative things, but by taking a step back and scrutinizing your thoughts you can realize that emotions are not facts—they are reactions. Balancing emotional health is about recognizing your strengths, realizing, and accepting your weaknesses, then moving forward with a positive perception.


Persistence and endurance.

Life is full of loveliness, but it is also filled with its fair share of challenges. Being able to endure tough circumstances is an essential part of survival. When a runner loses focus and grows tired during a race, she falls behind and eventually gives up.


Cultivating persistence involves staying focused on your end goal, and not allowing the distractions of life to blow you off course. One primary way to build your persistence and endurance is to completely immerse yourself in your goals. Educate yourself, stay motivated, and make your dream real. This will allow you to maintain your focus.


Create a spiritual practice of your own.

When your life is jam-packed with to-do lists and errands, it’s easy to neglect spiritual health. Cultivate your spiritual life by creating space in your schedule to sit quietly—in harmony with nature, if possible—and reflect on the deeper meaning of your life.


What is your purpose? Are your habits and activities working in harmony with that purpose? If not, consider how you might rearrange your priorities to create spiritual synergy in your life.


Physical balance.

Author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.” Your body is a menagerie of working parts, and balancing your physical health can be overwhelming, so consider adopting these tips.

  • Strive for a balanced circadian rhythm by going to bed and waking at roughly the same time each day.

  • Take two 15- to 30-minute brisk walks every day.

  • Strive to eat mostly foods that contain only one ingredient. A tomato is a tomato. An apple is an apple. Broccoli is broccoli. Removing processed foods from your diet will help your body remain balanced.


Relationship balance.

It seems you spend most of your life figuring out how to balance relationships. Siblings, parents, friends, and ultimately a spouse. The key to balancing relationships lies in your ability to nurture both yourself and your partner.


When you enter a committed relationship, it’s as if there are suddenly three lives to look out for: yours, your partners, and the life of the relationship you’re forming.


 These tips can help maintain a healthy relationship balance:

  1. Listen: You have two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as often as you speak.

  2. Communicate: When you do speak, positive and encouraging words build up your partner and your relationship.

  3. Be Their Biggest Fan: Celebrate all your partner’s wins and let them know you think they are amazing.

  4. Make Time: Pursue your interests and extend the same courtesy to your partner. Then create hobbies you can pursue together.

  5. Become comfortable with your feelings and learn how to articulate them in a way that is respected. By doing so, you will get your needs met without feeling as if you must compromise.


Make your friends count.

Demanding careers plus the ability to work from home can cause our social lives to be put on the back burner.


If it’s been ages since you connected with friends, consider these tips to bring some fire back to your social life.

  • Schedule It: If you’re someone who lives and dies by their calendar, then use that to your advantage and carve out regular time for social activities.

  • Take a Device Break: Business emails and calls have a way of stealing from social time, so take advantage of the “Silence Notifications” feature and focus on the people who are right in front of you.

  • Learn To Say No: If professional obligations are getting in the way of personal events that are important to you, evaluate your assignments and see if there are things that can be delegated. Don’t be afraid to share your situation with your boss—good bosses want happy, balanced employees who aren’t burned out by their jobs.


Community balance.

The world’s troubles are relentlessly beamed into your consciousness, and in most instances, you are powerless to help. However, you have immense power when you help an elderly shopper reach a product high on the shelf. Show empathy and kindness by checking on a sick neighbor to see if she needs anything from the store. Small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness in your community are a way to bring a healthy balance to the communities where you live—not to mention the positivity it contributes to your mental well-being.


Take ownership and responsibility.

One of the principal markings of maturity is the ability to take ownership of your actions. Every action comes with a set consequence, whether positive or negative. When making a choice that negatively affects yourself or others, do you have the maturity to own up to your mistakes and seek reconciliation?


When it comes to managing priorities, are you emphasizing taking care of your responsibilities first? Ownership and responsibility work hand in hand when it comes to growth. In addition, taking ownership of yourself demonstrates self-esteem and respect.


You will not succumb to unhealthy changes to appease others. You will know what you want out of life and accept nothing less. This encourages others to show you the same amount of respect.


My final thought.

Modern life, for most people, is frenetic. We are exposed to a numbing number of opportunities that come with a steep price. The cost for this is chronic stress and often a general dissatisfaction with our joyless lives.


A life of balance isn’t unreachable. Choose one small thing from the list above that you want to change and do it consistently. Watch and be amazed at the balance and harmony you can bring to your life.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


For more information, check out these posts.

5 Reasons You’re Struggling To Find Balance in Life.

Finding Harmony Within The Stillness.

Surround Yourself With Harmonious People


Everyone wants to be accepted just the way they are. Open-mindedness is essential among all people because we’re all different. Focusing on the commonalities we have while acknowledging our differences can allow us to meet each other harmoniously.


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Familial relationships

These are usually the most important relationships we have and just as often the ones most fraught with the potential for hurt feelings or other painful complications. Disharmony with the people you care for most in the world is one of the quickest ways to put you out of sorts and ruin what may have been a peaceful day.

To live in harmony with these especially important people that we see at the breakfast or dinner table each day is a matter of self-interest. No one wants to live in icy silence for any length of time. It’s up to you to be the one who adjusts when necessary. Why you may ask?

The simple answer is that they may not care as much as you do about the harmony in their lives. Remember ultimately you are doing this for your peace. This is your chance to be both the teacher and the student.

Hopefully, if they are on the same page, they too are striving for harmony and will willingly meet you halfway.



If you have a handful of people you can call “friends” then you are blessed. Many people come into your life and leave after a while. That is normal and natural. The few who remain and withstand time and difficulties become like a second family. Any disharmony with them can become a major pain-point in both of your lives.

Again, it must be you who works to maintain the harmony in that relationship. Often this involves encouragement, forbearance, or forgiveness. Yes, we all must live our own lives, but most of us are not equipped to do it alone.

So, you need to be worthy of this friend because you know the loss of this friendship can be a massive hole in your life and disrupt the overall harmony you want to experience.

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Harmony with others begins with yourself.

Negativity is the enemy here, as in most things. You won’t find harmony in your life by being inconsiderate, rude, selfish, irritable, unscrupulous, or insincere. This kind of behavior brings only strife and keeps the people you want to be close to at bay.

Instead, surround yourself with harmonious thoughts and things that bring you peace. Reduce your negative aspects. Create a harmonious ritual for yourself. Keep it simple. Share it with others.


Do good deeds selflessly.

This is perhaps the most perfect harmony circle. When you do things for others without a thought for yourself, the depth of good feeling you receive is nearly indescribable.  



My final thought

Look for the blessings in your life rather than the problems. Be grateful for them. Say them aloud and write them down. I believe we should be respectful of all beings in the world. We don’t live in a vacuum, our world is a connection of intersecting pieces in a universal whole. It all needs to be cherished if we are to truly live harmoniously.


I sincerely hope you will share this post with your family and friends.

Finding Harmony Within The Stillness

Gram’s Wisdom 25: Internal harmony

As a teenager, I fell prey to the feeling that I’d be missing out on something if I didn’t have a school and social calendar with every moment filled. Unfortunately, what I felt was frazzled and drained. Nothing was fun

My Gram took me to task when she noticed I was burning the candle at both ends. First, she told me that I was out of harmony with my personality. Second, she said that doing too much didn’t allow me time to appreciate any one thing.  

Gram and I discussed the necessity of being still and listening to that inner voice that we all have. She told me that if I quietly listened this would be the place from which I could make my decisions and find internal harmony.

I bet you probably have friends and family who are always rushing about and complaining about their lack of alone time. Perhaps they don't even say anything about it because this is the way they have always been, and it seems normal to them. Every moment, they're busy. Maybe you're one of them.

If you examine the lives of overly busy people, you'll probably find that they're not contented, happy people. There's always much to do and so little time. Their lives are often out of sync. Perhaps you're reading this because you feel in a hurry yourself. Do whatever it takes to slow down and reap the benefits of being still.

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Harmony is found in the quiet of mind and body

Gram said to me “You can be quiet in body and quiet in mind. Both are important.”  Being still physically saves you much energy and effort. You feel less depleted by the end of the day. Mental quietness has a similar effect on your psychological, intellectual, and emotional energy.

All you must do to achieve stillness of body is to finish your chores and then relax. Even while you complete your tasks, you can conserve energy by using little movement. If you batch similar tasks or confine yourself to tasks in a small area you use less energy.

The stillness of the mind is trickier to achieve. However, this kind of quietness is more crucial to your overall contentment because it also brings inner harmony. 

How do you feel when you get some shocking news? How about when you finally reach your target at work, win an award, or find yourself suddenly in a crisis? You feel a rush of adrenaline and you're off, letting off steam in a gush of emotion, words, or action.

So, if this is such an instinctive response to big changes, why do you need to nurture stillness? When you're in the middle, when you're centered, you can see both ends of the spectrum.

When you refrain from extreme reactions, you can regulate your response to the situation. You can be unbiased. Most importantly, you can learn from your circumstances and use them for self-development.

From another perspective, when you've adopted internal quietness, you're less likely to face extreme highs and lows.


These tips can aid your development of a still mind:

1.  Stop. In an extreme situation, pull away from the circumstance for a moment. Take a deep breath before you react. You are the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior

2.  Listen. Listen carefully to what's being said. If your mind jumps the gun with words you feel compelled to speak, bring it back to the moment. Return your attention to what the other is saying.

3.  Think. Consider why you're facing the situation. Did you play a part in creating it? Is the other simply mirroring you? What lesson can you learn from this circumstance?

If you take these steps, you'll be able to avoid overreacting or reacting negatively in haste. This means your response, when it does come, will be the right one for the circumstances and you.


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 The value of silence to harmony

Another way to develop mental stillness is to practice silence. Speak only when necessary. Speak only when you have something important to say or something that will help the other. Stillness speaks, be the presence that listens.

Before you speak, examine your motivation for saying what you want to say. Is it to further the welfare of the other? Or is it to praise yourself or prove that you're right and the other wrong? A need to always seem right is the basis of many conflicts.

Moreover, when you're normally silent, your words have more impact. People pay attention when you speak.

As you work toward greater self-awareness, try developing internal stillness and inner harmony. Just follow these guidelines as a start. As you practice, you'll receive many rewards.


My final thought

I won’t say finding inner harmony is easy. It’s probably one of the more difficult things to achieve for yourself and one of the most beneficial. Though Gram and I always had a great rapport, I fought her on this. I was a know-it-all teen, so sue me. But the habit of a lifetime kicked in and I began to explore the idea. For nearly fifty years I have been grateful I did. Inner harmony brings happiness and peace that outer circumstances can’t take from you.


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Make Room For Harmony In Your Life

Harmony, Isn’t About Doing All The Things

What do you imagine when you hear the word HARMONY? I looked it up in my Webster’s Dictionary. One of the definitions describes it as a “pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts.”

So many people believe harmony is all peace and life falling into place just the way it’s supposed to do. Except when it doesn’t, and then you fight an overwhelming tide rather than go with the flow of the universe.

Think again about that definition. Face it. What pleases isn’t always congruent with the parts and what is congruent with the parts isn’t always pleasing.

So, what small changes can you implement that will create a more harmonious life?

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 Slow down

Are you trying to do too much? Can you become a billionaire, marry the man of the year, have a happy family, be a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and raise champion Corgis? Will doing all the things add harmony rather than chaos to your life? Probably not. But I bet you already knew that.

Sure, there’s a lot you can do, but there’s a lot you can’t do, too. Whatever you do there is a cost. This is real life we’re talking about. However, you can have a lot, and it can be harmonious.


Take a quick look at why you can’t do it all

1.  There’s a limited amount of available time.

You can’t have everything; you can’t do everything necessary to have everything. Everything you do requires time.

● Getting and maintaining the perfect abs takes time.

● Becoming a great chess player takes time.

● Building a billion-dollar company takes time.

● Creating and maintaining a successful relationship takes time.

● Being an expert figure skater takes time.

● Writing a great book takes time.

● Creating harmony takes time and is best achieved in the present moment. What do you want the most?

2.  Some things don’t play well together.

You can’t become the world’s greatest pick-up artist and be married. You can’t be the strongest woman in the world and be healthy while yo-yo dieting. You can’t live like a playboy and maximize your spiritual development.

● Certain activities just get in the way of other activities.

3. Emphasis on one thing leads to sacrificing others.

Time spent on one area of your life leaves less time for other areas of your life. There are always sacrifices to be made. Balance in life is, well, a balancing act.

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Harmony, what it takes to have a lot

  1. Choose your priorities.

Since there isn’t time to do everything, it becomes necessary to prioritize your time and actions. Accept that things will change when you do this. Consider the most important things you want to have.

2.Determine what you’re willing to let go of.

Prioritizing doesn’t just mean choosing what’s important. It also means deciding what you’re not going to spend time on anymore. That could be the negative inner talk that no longer serves you.

● Maybe writing that novel isn’t that important to you. Or maybe beating yourself up isn’t the best use of your time. If that’s the case, make it a point to avoid those activities.

3. Assign your time accordingly.

Once you know your priorities, use your time accordingly. If you’re ever confused about what to do, remind yourself of your priorities. Ask yourself how you can best use your time according to your priorities.

The idea that you can do everything you want isn’t true. It’s something motivational speakers and your mother told you to make you feel better. You can’t do it all. Especially if you want a harmonious life that brings you happiness rather than a life trying to do all the things that leave you feeling overwhelmed.

But you can still manage to do and have a lot. Having a lot means prioritizing how you spend your time. Wasting time is the ultimate way to limit yourself. Spreading yourself thin between too many things is also detrimental.


Always remember–you can have a lot! What do you want? Keep these ideas in mind and make it happen!


My final thought

I have lived a harmonious life filled with peace, love, laughter, joy, and happiness for forty years. Not every day but more days than not. I believe the secret is to choose what is most important to you and add any congruent parts that show up, as you go along.


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The Restorative Value Of Mindfulness

Add mindfulness/presence into your life with nature

Are you longing for a little more mindfulness in your life, but find yourself unsure where to begin? I suggest you connect with nature it feels wonderful. It’s restorative to mind, body, and spirit while allowing you to step outside the business of life for a while and breathe deeply.

You have so many demands on your time each day, work, study, family, that carving out some nature time rarely makes the to-do list. The great news is that you don’t need to commit to a marathon hike in the mountains or woods to visit with nature. It can be a fast, restorative boost that’s easy to coordinate into your day.

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Give one of these mindfulness suggestions a try to get a quick nature fix.

A | Feel nature

One of the easiest ways to reconnect with Mother Nature is to remove your shoes and wiggle your toes in the grass. Any grass will do, whether it’s your back yard or a nearby park. Notice the warmth or the coolness of the grass.

Choose to spend your lunch break in the park, rest your eyes on the soft greens and feel the textures of grass, tree trunks, and leaves, in your hands or toes.

B | Garden where you are able

The scent and feel of newly turned earth are magical properties. Nothing connects you faster to the rhythms and energy of the natural world than working in a garden. It doesn’t matter if your garden is a traditional lawn and garden plot, a communal vegetable garden, or your favorite herbs in pots on the windowsill.

Even a potted plant or flowers on your desk will change the energy levels and make you feel good.

C | The sky is the limit

Practice daily the habit of looking up at the sky. Look out of your window, see what kind of clouds there are, the direction they are traveling and the position of the sun. Use all your senses to be aware of what’s happening in nature right now. Are there birds singing? Are they making nests? What color are the leaves on the trees? What’s flowering right now? How does the air feel on your skin?

You can ‘read’ the environment through your senses – you need only to pay attention.

D | Walk with presence

As you walk down the street, is your mind already in your next interview or worrying about how the last meeting went? So many people spend their lives in their heads, unaware of the world around them or how they are moving through it. They commonly complain of how life seems to just pass them by.

The Buddhist teacher and philosopher Thich Nat Hanh reminds us to slow down and be fully present in the world. One of his best-loved sayings bids you to “Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” It takes just a small but meaningful mental shift to stay connected to the earth and nature with every step.

My final thought

The restorative effects of mindfulness in your life are far-reaching. Once you take the time to be mindful of the natural world around you, your senses become increasingly more in harmony with nature. The boost of harmony will be evident also when you are more present in the lives of others.

I hope you enjoyed this post and will recommend it to your family and friends.

You may want to look at this previous post on mindfulness:

How Mindfulness Helps You Enjoy The Journey