
Create A Dynamic Gratitude Journaling Practice

If you've recently begun gratitude journaling, you might be contemplating whether you're optimizing the benefits of your daily ritual. Deciding this is a personal matter, but there are eight actions you can take to enhance your journaling experience and obtain maximum benefits. Whether you're on a healing journey or simply aiming to introduce thankfulness into your daily life for a more contented existence, writing down your thoughts in a gratitude journal is a powerful tool. This is why gratitude journals are so popular.

So, if you've felt stumped for ideas of what to write about, give the following eight ideas a try. I believe you'll have plenty to write about in no time!


The feelings are in the details.

Expressing gratitude for your home and cherished relationships is a heartwarming exercise. Yet, soon, it’s common to find yourself stuck in a loop of sameness. The key to maintaining this practice is to delve into the finer details, uncovering the nuances that make each experience unique. Rather than merely naming individuals or items, explore the specific reasons behind your appreciation. For instance, instead of a generic thanks to a best friend, tell them exactly what moments touched your heart. Like the time they stayed up with you all night, offering a listening ear when you needed it the most. By delving into these specifics, your gratitude becomes more reflective and authentic. This approach not only keeps your expressions of thankfulness fresh and engaging but also fosters a deeper connection with the elements of your life that bring you joy and support.

Pause and appreciate the moment.

In the rush of your daily life, taking a moment to center yourself through mindfulness or meditation can be a transformative practice. By intentionally pausing and emptying your mind, you create a space to tune into your current emotional, physical, and spiritual state. As you relax, allowing your mind to drift freely, you discover a treasure trove of simple yet beautiful moments to be thankful for. Whether it's the gentle melody of wind chimes outside or the enticing aroma of dinner wafting from the oven. These small details often go unnoticed in the rush of your routines. Writing about these recent sources of gratitude not only deepens your appreciation for the present moment but also serves as a reminder of life's small joys that enrich your daily experiences.

Ask yourself why, and then ask why again.

When expressing gratitude, take a moment to explore the layers beneath your initial thankful thought. Dive deeper into the why behind your appreciation and ask yourself probing questions until you uncover the root cause. For instance, your gratitude for chocolate chip cookies may lead you to a cherished childhood memory of your grandmother baking them for you with love. By acknowledging these underlying sentiments, you not only celebrate the surface-level joys but also the sentimental “treasures" that amplify your gratitude. This reflective practice not only heightens the richness of your expressions but also strengthens the emotional connections between you and the sources of your gratitude.

Broaden the field of your gratitude.

If your daily gratitude reflections have begun to feel repetitive, consider broadening your perspective to uncover appreciation in different facets of your life. It's natural to emphasize family, but there's a vast reservoir of gratitude in work achievements, past experiences, and the beauty of nature. By varying your sources of gratitude, you infuse freshness into your reflections and develop a more well-rounded perception of thankfulness. Here are some tips to help you explore gratitude beyond the familiar:


  • Shift your focus: Direct your gratitude lens towards areas like work accomplishments, personal growth, or moments in nature.

  • Reflect on past experiences: Revisit cherished memories or lessons learned from challenges to find gratitude in your journey.

  • Connect with nature: Acknowledge the simple wonders of the natural world around you, from a sunrise to a blooming flower.

  • Express gratitude for small wins: Celebrate daily triumphs, no matter how minor, to cultivate positivity.

  • Rotate themes: Designate specific days for different themes, such as relationships, achievements, or the beauty of the world, to keep your gratitude practice dynamic and engaging.

Take a break and do something else.

If the thoughts aren’t coming, give yourself a break. This isn’t a race. Walk away and do something else for a bit, such as emptying the dishwasher. Let your mind wander through this activity. What about this task? Can you be grateful for clean dishes? How about the time you shared with your family cleaning up the kitchen together after dinner last night? Perhaps the meal you’re going to eat next on these dishes? Come back and write about these things. Give them a new slant.

It's sometimes surprising to see just how much there is to be grateful for, isn't it? The best part? The more you journal your gratitude, the more your attitude will shift to one of compassion and kindness. Truly, a grateful heart is a happy one!

Try a different structure.

When most people think of journaling, they think of writing letters to themselves or simply writing sentences about their feelings. But this isn’t the only structure you can journal in, and the truth is, it may not be the most effective for you. Consider changing your journal structure, or better yet, using more than one structure in your journaling. This will ensure you are getting the most out of your journaling time. Consider adding lists, photos, tables, or diagrams to your gratitude journaling.

Be complimentary to yourself.

In gratitude journaling, people tend to write about all the things or people they are grateful for in their lives. And there is nothing wrong with this, just make sure you don’t forget to be thankful for the most important person you know, yourself! The best practice is to write a few things you like about yourself each day when you journal. This way, you can reflect on how your day went and watch your transformation as you become a better version of yourself. 

Be grateful for any lessons you’ve learned.

No one’s life is perfect, and when gratitude journaling, you may find that sometimes you have days where you make major mistakes that you are embarrassed by. And this is okay, and even something you should be thankful for! Rather than viewing your mistakes as setbacks, include them in your gratitude journal as lessons, approach them with an open mind, and be grateful for having had the opportunity to learn. This will help keep you from making the same mistakes again.


Fostering gratitude is not just about listing the people or things you're thankful for but noticing and recording the details that make each moment special. By exploring the nuances of your appreciation, expressing gratitude becomes a richer and more authentic practice. Whether you're uncovering the buried moments of your past, savoring the small joys in everyday life, or broadening your scope to new areas, gratitude is a dynamic force that can bring positivity and depth to your reflections. Remember to center yourself, allowing your mind to drift and find unexpected sources of thankfulness. With these tips in mind, your gratitude practice can evolve, staying fresh and meaningful every day. Embrace the variety of your experiences, and let gratitude become a powerful and transformative thread woven into the fabric of your life.

My final thoughts.

Wherever you are in your gratitude journaling journey, you are certainly benefiting from the practice. But if you truly want to make sure you are getting the most from it, don’t forget to compliment yourself, and don’t be afraid to see your mistakes. After all, your gratitude journal is a safe space for you to express everything you are grateful for without any outside judgment. 


For more information, check out these posts.

5 Reasons Keeping A Gratitude Journal Will Change Your Life.

It’s Never Too Late To Begin A Journaling Habit.

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What Makes You Feel Grateful And Happy

Gram’s wisdom 47.

Are you ready for more joy and happiness in your life? Gram had told me you won’t find happiness in stuff. That kind of happiness is short-lived because it needs constant stimulus. Instead, you need to practice daily gratitude for long-lasting happiness and contentment. I saw the truth of this as a teenager. My Gram always appeared happy with herself, and where she was in her life.

So, with Gram’s words ringing in my ears and heart, I committed to myself to write down and verbally express what makes me grateful and happy in my life. 



Consider a gratitude practice.

Gratitude sounds delightful, and you should practice it every day. Consider what happens to your brain if you don't practice gratitude and other positive emotions. Your brain is designed to give you what you think about most. In this case, if you think that your life is lacking and nothing ever goes your way, then your brain gets a mistaken idea. Your brain begins looking for more ways to decrease the joy in your life.

By turning that around, when you practice gratitude, your brain believes you want more gratitude combined with happiness and joy. It then works 24/7 looking for ways that you can show gratitude to others as it understands what you give out, will come back to you.


Now, let’s look at some fundamental ways that gratitude can make you happy today and into your senior years.


Believe in your worth.

You have several emotions that can be felt on any given day. You may have a day when you feel drained, and nothing goes your way. It leaves you floundering with your self-worth and self-esteem. This, in turn, diminishes the amount of daily happiness you feel as you struggle to believe you are worthwhile.

When this happens, it leaves you feeling like you don’t deserve what you have in life. Practicing daily gratitude for what you do well and what you currently have in life will improve your self-worth. You will start to stand a little taller and speak with more confidence. You already have enough knowledge in your life, and daily gratitude will make you grateful and start you on the path to helping others.


Remember the people you feel grateful for.

Going through traumatic experiences in life can severely reduce the amount of happiness you feel daily. Gratitude will help you regain that happiness. Emotional trauma can be caused by one person or even an entire family. When this happens, you need to remember the people you feel grateful for, like the person who stands up for you, or that friend who always listens.

Focus on the people who did not cause you injury in your life and list why you are grateful for them. Gratitude and suffering are an unusual pair; but, people who have suffered a terrible accident or illness often find gratitude helps. They increase their happiness by focusing on gratitude for what they have, what they have now, and the lessons that they have learned from their trauma.


Gratitude is like water.

Gratitude is like water. We need water to dilute liquids we find hard to drink. We need water to promote growth. We need water to soften our skin and hydrate us. Gratitude dilutes our harsh emotions, such as anger, frustration, and stress. When those negative emotions become diluted, it provides room for positive emotions such as joy and happiness to grow.

Gratitude not only helps to grow happiness but also takes existing happiness and boosts it. Think of happiness as an ice cream sundae. It tastes great and makes you feel good. But what happens when you add one or two cherries to the top of that ice cream? The flavor is now boosted to the point that your taste buds are screaming with joy.

So, gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. You experience an event such as your niece's 1st birthday party. Without gratitude, you are happy and exchange pleasant words with your sibling. With gratitude and happiness, you double down. Your pleasure now lights up the room, and people want to spend more time with you. They want to absorb the joy and happiness you bring wherever you go.


Compassion and service.

Are you a caring and sharing sort of person? If you are, happiness is part of your life because you serve others. When your gratitude bank is low, you may not be looking out for the best interests of others. It becomes harder to volunteer when help is needed.

Focus on building up your gratitude. Selflessness, when you spread your love and joy to others, can help you receive a boost in happiness. To stand by not serving others will decrease your happiness, and we know that it is not what you want for yourself. As you help others with problems, you will feel happier. In your heart, you will know that you are part of the solution to life's problems.



There are many things seniors can be grateful for.

As you age, you may find it difficult to discover things to be grateful for. Could there be a chance your family or career didn’t turn out as you had pictured it? There is also the possibility that your health will not let you do many activities that you once had done. This is where gratitude can be beneficial for you. Here are 8 things you can appreciate as you age.


  1. This is an amazing opportunity as you are already retired or soon to be. Many seniors lament the feeling that without a job they are now useless. Others sit at home and complain that they have nothing to do. If you didn't plan for activities after retirement, get started now. Working and looking after children can be time-consuming. As a senior, you can say, "my time is my own.” Make a list of things you are grateful for that you can do but couldn't do in your middle age. This could include travel, volunteering, or even going back to school.

  2. Count the friendships you have had over the years. Some have come and gone for different reasons. You may have even ended a few because you realized it was an unhealthy relationship. Now be grateful for those long-lasting relationships you formed and take the time to make the bond stronger. Be there for each other as you age and express your gratitude for each friend verbally and with written notes. Make time to meet for lunch or maybe coffee occasionally.

  3. As we go through school and 40-odd years of work, we may lose a sense of who we are as people. The pace of life was hectic. Now that you are older, you can reflect on your overall makeup, and if you see a need to improve areas of your attitude or mindset, you can do that. Be thankful for the opportunity to fine-tune who you are. Next, find ways to show your gratitude and wisdom to younger people who may be struggling in different areas.

  4. Hitting senior years means that you will now get small rewards. There may have been times in your life when you wished you had a discount at the drugstore or for something such as travel. Yes, the senior's discounts are not huge, but something is better than nothing. Feel gratitude for having made it this far when so many do not and being around to get that freebie just because you have silver hair.

  5. This is a golden opportunity to spend more time with your loved ones, including children and grandchildren. While they love seeing you, they are also grateful that you are there to lend an ear or even do something special for them. Social media shows us several videos of elderly parents doing special things for their children. One video shows a father driving to his daughter's house and spreading salt, so she doesn't slip on her way to the car. Feel the gratitude that you are here and able to treat your children with love and respect. You may have had a career that cut down on the amount of time you could spend with your children. Now is your time to shine.

  6. As you move along in your senior years, you now have time to spend going through your positive memories. One special activity you can do is build a collage or scrapbook of old photographs. Take each special photograph and consider why you were grateful for that moment. Flesh this scrapbook out by writing down the details such as names, dates, and places. Once you have built your collage, have a special dinner with your loved ones and share what you have done. They will be grateful for your love, and in time it will be a keepsake for them.

Photos for collage or scrapbook.

7. You now have the time to pursue not just one hobby but many. Working on hobbies will keep you mentally sharp. This is also a chance to be grateful for the grandchildren, and you can even share your hobby. For example, woodworking is an amazing hobby; any grandchild would love to do it with you. A hobby shared across a table is one of the best ways to talk with a grandchild.

8. While technology can sometimes be overwhelming, it is something you can be grateful for as a senior. Think back to when parents had to write a letter to one of their children who had moved to another country. You can connect instantly with your children no matter where they are. You can also be grateful for the amazing advancements in medicine and overall self-care. You have specialized vitamins for seniors to keep you healthy, whereas your grandparents did not. Think about how technology is helping you and be grateful for it.


My final thoughts.

Gratitude has played an immense part in my life. It was my Gram who shared with me that gratitude is a feeling of the heart and mind. I have seen and felt throughout my life that happiness and contentment are a direct result of the gratitude in your heart.


For further information, read these posts.

Six Benefits Of Practicing Gratitude For Seniors.

3 Awesome Benefits From Daily Gratitude.


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You Can Choose To Live A Balanced Life

Life is full of choices but for many of us, moving us from one task to the next with little time to think or relax, we feel they are made for us. We overschedule, overwhelm, and overstress ourselves because we want to be the best, stand out, or maybe just because we don’t know any better.

Our western society puts a lot of focus on staying busy and accomplishing as much as possible to “keep up,” but this often leads to burnout and feeling tired, anxious, stressed, and frustrated. This is because often by living this way, we forget to develop our basic values, priorities, and needs. In other words, our life is out of alignment.

It needn’t be this way. You can choose to live a balanced life. Creating balance will help you feel in control of your life and ready to take on any task or adventure. Without it, you will continue to feel drained and overwhelmed.

Obtaining life balance cultivates a calm, clear-headed feeling and allows you to find a calm, peaceful mindset.

What does life balance mean?

According to the Medical Dictionary, life balance means “A harmonious blend of occupational, familial, social, and leisure pursuits.”

Life balance means that you give even attention to all areas of your life including:

· Work

· Recreation

· Rest

· Self-care

· Family Time

· Personal Time

When you are untrue to yourself, your mind and body feel more worn down and exhausted due to lack of purpose and most likely lack of rest.


When you feel your life is out of balance.

The first objective when defining if your life is out of balance is to evaluate and acknowledge your situation. Most likely you are here reading this because you sense that something is just not quite right in your life. This indicates that you are feeling like something is out of place or not working, and you are ready to search for a new path. Be extremely honest with yourself.

How is your state of mind, how are you feeling on a day-to-day basis, and are there areas of your life that are being neglected? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your life balance needs work. 

Here are indications that you lack balance in your life:

  • You are often angry - maybe even experiencing outbursts that are disproportionate to the issue.

  • More forgetful - it may feel as though there isn’t room left in your brain to remember big or little things throughout your day.

  • Feeling unease or discontent without an obvious reason - may indicate that you know something is unbalanced.

  • Difficulty sleeping well – lack of balance can leave it difficult to wind down and feel at ease, affecting how deeply you sleep once you do manage to rest.

  • Lethargy - overwhelm and stress can affect how well you recharge, leaving you feeling depleted.

  • Increased instances of contracting an illness - your mental health plays a role in your physical well-being and feeling out of balance can affect your physical health.


How to create life balance.

Two segments of your life need to be evaluated to determine where your life is out of balance. These are the internal factors and external factors. Sometimes only one part is affected, but it could also be both or just certain pieces of one area.

Creating internal balance.

Internal balance applies to our mind, our heart, and our health; in other words, the things that we have control over within ourselves. This includes giving our minds the time to rest, challenging our minds if we are being lazy or unmotivated, loving someone or allowing ourselves to be loved, and taking care of our physical being with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest.

Good life balance allows you to get in touch with yourself. Creating balance will make you feel empowered and in control of your life. You have authority over your boundaries and what activities receive your energy.

A proper life balance will help you be physically healthy. When you provide yourself with the proper nutrition and physical exercise, you will be at your best physically and mentally. Exercise boosts chemicals in your brain that will enhance your happiness and confidence.

Creating external balance.

External balance relates to things like work, our social interactions, our family, and if we are making time for fun in our lives - the things that happen around us and directly impact our lives.

One aspect of a good life balance is identifying values and setting goals at work that help you achieve them. When you focus your energy where it truly counts, you increase your productivity. This brings you closer to your goals at a quicker pace and to become more successful in your career.

Creating life balance will help you nurture your interpersonal relationships. Having balance means you take time to be truly present in the lives of the people who mean the most to you. Engaging in and embracing these relationships will help you feel whole.

Creating life balance allows more time for fun. When you make time for the important things, don’t forget the fun. Balance leaves room for laughter and relaxation. Remember to enjoy life.

By avoiding devoting a disproportionate amount of time to work, and social interaction but leaving time to be an introvert, being present for your family but including healthy boundaries, and making time for play, a balanced life can be yours.


Identify what area needs work and get results.

  1. Honestly evaluate your life - determine what areas of your life are doing well and which areas might be suffering

  2. Plan - outline some new goals to return balance to your life and write them down! Then make a list of tasks to complete to achieve these goals. If you have already tried things in the past, reflect upon what has worked and what has not

  3. Look inward - think about situations in your past where you have been successful and where you have failed. Then identify the things you did in the past that helped you with success. Actions? Thoughts?
    Do the same for your failures. Recognizing these help and hindrances will give you thoughts and actions to use and to avoid reaching your new goals.

  4. Create backup - find affirmations to say to yourself when the going gets tough, maybe even put them on a post-it and hang them around the house for daily reminders.
    Then find someone to be your support on your new path. This person should be positive yet honest and there to push you forward when you are slacking and celebrate when you are successful.


More ideas to discover balance

  • Have fun! Make jokes, be playful, reflect on activities you enjoyed as a kid, and then do them!

  • Make time to be alone. Downtime is important to revitalize your mind and body. Try solitary activities like meditation, yoga, or journaling.

  • Cultivate your social life. It’s important to find time to be with the people you enjoy, such as family and friends. Spend meaningful time with them and focus on being present during that time.

  • Take an electronic break. Disconnecting from electronics can be hard for many, but it’s important to reset yourself. Set aside some time to be present in the world around you.

  • Treat yourself. Get a massage, buy a nice coffee, or take yourself on vacation.

  • Set goals. This provides direction and meaning and gives you motivation in life.


Final thoughts.

Finding balance in your life will create a sense of joy and motivation that many people in our fast-paced society are lacking. When you focus too much on work and all the to-dos on your list, you inevitably ignore self-care, recreation, family, and all those things that keep you well and thriving. When you create life balance, you will be surprised at how good you will feel both mentally and physically.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


For more information, check out this post.

How To Create A Balanced Life: 9 Ways To Feel Calm And Grounded

Don't Miss Out On Living Your Best Life

What makes up your best life? What is the meaning of making each moment count? These are subjective terms, and the truth is that we all live differently, and have different life goals, and responsibilities. Our specific paths to a fulfilling life may look different, but common elements are shared between us all. We are all human, and we all want a life that looks like it was tailored to us. Following this universal thought, we can all take positive steps to live our best lives and make every moment count.



What do your goals look like?

While you may have an idea of what you want on a day-to-day basis, do you know and understand your long-term goals? When you imagine a happier life, a more secure one, a more adventurous one, what does that life look like to you? Take a good look at all your existing goals, dreams, and aspirations. Do they suit your interests, or have you chosen them to please someone else?

Take some time to assess what you want in your life – not what others expect you to want – then decide if your path needs to change, so you can be in command of your life and future. When you’re setting goals, try to find reasons with meaning that promote the well-being of your mental and physical health. 

The human mind desires to work towards an end goal, without one, you are more prone to psychological or emotional distress from a life without purpose. A study titled “Purpose in Life Predicts Better Emotional Recovery from Negative Stimuli” by Stacey M. Schaefer et al. reinforced the idea that a life of purpose not only supports mental health but also helps you build resilience to face life’s challenges.


List your priorities.

Prioritization is the process of taking the elements of your life and spelling them out numerically. From short-term to-do lists to longer-term, five or more years, plans, your capacity to organize and prioritize plays a huge part in your ability to carry out your goals. Take a deep breath in, exhale, and accept that you can’t do everything. When you know your limits, you can begin determining what to accomplish first so that you can begin living your best life.

One of the largest contributors to stress and anxiety is a life lived without priorities. Goals without priority often leave you feeling frustrated or ‘stuck.’ Time is divided between responsibilities, work, school, family, and friends, the list is endless. Often you prioritize in the wrong order; work that keeps you from relationships, relationships keeping you from your goals, and habits that prevent you from saving, or realizing your purpose.

So, first, with your goals in mind, sit down and prioritize your time. This can be as specific as you need it to be. Second, since your life is not lived in a vacuum, be sure to include those close to you in the process as family members and friends may need to adjust to changes.


 Who are you?

When you know who you are, you have a full awareness of who you are now and who you want to become in the future. People constantly change throughout their lives; though there are some characteristics of themselves they hope to grow and develop, there are other parts of themselves that may remain the same.

Owning who you are means that you’re able to embrace those desires to evolve while also honoring the steadfast features of who you essentially are. Often, this appears as a set of strengths and weaknesses. Just as you are strong in some areas and abilities, you may be weaker in others.  

Learning how to accept and embrace both sides of who you are is a crucial part of understanding yourself. You can more easily become who you want to be when you accept your whole self – not just select parts of it. Practice accepting your shortcomings and flaws; if you can work on them, do it. If these are parts of yourself you can’t change, embrace them.



Who do you want to be?

When you realize how much control you really can have over your life, it opens your view. You recognize that you are quite powerful and have a lot of say over your life and how things work for you. Whether it’s imagining yourself in the next five years, or six months, imagine the person you want to be by that point in time. What do you want to accomplish? What would make you feel happier and more successful?

Knowing who you want to be means you have a clear vision of whom you want to become, as you move forward into the future. This image of yourself may be based on personal goals, ambitions, or changes you want to make within yourself. Owning that image of your future self means you know what’s possible to achieve with hard work, commitment, and persistence. Treat the image of your future self like a roadmap – it will help you determine what tools you already have at your disposal to achieve those goals, and what you need to do to get there.


 Surround yourself with good influences.

The people you surround yourself with, the places you hang out, and the activities you participate in heavily influence your goals. Furthermore, a study has found that being surrounded by happy people promotes happiness.

Your family and friends are a good place to find love and support. Like-minded people can often be found in a hobby or work-related clubs. Mutual encouragement and inspiration are often the currency of these interactions.

Build circles that support life goals. Learn to speak positivity into your life, offer grace and empathy when needed, and strive to always foster mental, physical, and emotional health.


Do hard things.

The last step in any plan is implementation. You’ve set your goals, you’ve prioritized your time, and you’ve surrounded yourself with supporting figures who will encourage you, now you need to go out and do the hard things.

The hard things are those things that make you uncomfortable or require you to risk failure or take courage to perform. The hard things are often the very things you don’t want to do but must persist in doing so that you become competent.

It’s called your best life because it's not always going to be easy, but it will be rewarding. Sitting on the couch every night is easy. Meeting new people, trying new things, and exploring new places can all be scary and at times even intimidating. But these are frequently the moments that we remember and cherish.


My final thoughts.

Remember to take each day as it comes. To make every moment count, you need to learn to live in the present. Your journey into the future gets closer with each decision you make today, so make it a good one.



For more information, read this related post.

9 Practical Tips For Living Your Best Life Now.



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Contentment, A Positive Mindset Choice.

Do you see yourself as a contented person? Are you even aware that contentment is part of a positive mindset, that it’s your choice?

Many people are continually on the lookout for more to have, do, achieve, and desire, while other people are simply content. They are grateful for each moment and everything in it. Rather than thinking about how to pursue contentment, they focus on fueling happiness. But happiness is a temporary emotion, and, believe it or not, contentment is a choice.

Something that a lot of people do when they're young is to imagine the life they want as an adult. Teenagers begin trying to map out their future by determining what career path to take, what they want in a partner, and even the style of home and décor they will have. It's a normal part of the human process.

The dilemma is that numerous fortunate people who realize, find it’s not enough for them, they want more, even if they have plenty. It doesn't matter how much they have; it'll never be enough. Wanting is an endless and hopeless cycle.

You can never have everything because you will always want something else, something new, something more. When you understand that, you will begin to recognize how that wanting is negatively impacting your contentment levels. The more you want, the less contentment you feel because you think you will never have it.



 An exercise in contentment.

You can train yourself to be a more content person. And, as you practice this you will notice a difference in your contentment levels, but it's an ongoing journey. While happiness is a fleeting emotion, contentment is a long-term state of being.

As an example, you are running on a hot day. There is a long stretch on your route that is fully exposed to the sun. Halfway through the run, you reach a point where you are desperate for shade, a cool breeze, or a drink of water.

Suddenly, a cool breeze rolls in from nowhere. It is exhilarating, but it goes as quickly as it came. The delight of the breeze doesn't last long and when it fades, you’re feeling more frustrated and annoyed than ever that the wind disappeared. It doesn't take you long to realize how absurd it is that you are annoyed at your inability to control the weather. Yet, there you are allowing a temporary emotion to control how you feel.

How often do you become angry when things don't go your way? How often do you complain about silly things or expend energy on things that don't merit your attention? It's something we're all guilty of, however, some people feel it more than others.

If you want everything to be exactly as you want all the time, then you will never be content with life. If instead, you are accepting, you can find satisfaction and gratitude in most things. Then you will most likely always feel content with your situation. You can't avoid trouble in life, but you can build an unshakable level of contentment.


 Contentment is the acceptance of how things are.

By practicing contentment, you make a conscious decision to see your life as it is and accept it with gratitude. That doesn't mean you can't strive to better yourself or work on growing as a person. It means that even if you don't, you are content with where you are now.

You aren't pursuing more because you're unhappy. You aren't pursuing more because you think it's necessary for your contentment.

Your motivation is different, which means your intent is genuine. There is nothing passive about contentment; it is a choice that you need to make time and time again. Contented people are calmer, more understanding, and more open-minded. It's an internal attitude that you have total control over.

A sense of contentment is important for a happy life. When you’re feeling content, you have deep satisfaction in how your life is going, what you have in life, and where your life is headed.


5 Approaches to feeling inner contentment.

Sometimes, you will feel contentment can be challenging to experience. Different life circumstances can make achieving that feeling of contentment very difficult. However, it is possible to find a sense of contentment from within yourself – a valuable skill to have when life becomes difficult.


Approach 1: Keep a gratitude journal.

Gratitude journals are exceptional tools for nourishing contentment within yourself. It’s easy to take for granted everything you should feel grateful for in your daily life – keeping a journal is an excellent way to remind yourself of everything that’s going well.

Your journal needn’t be time-consuming and lengthy; it can be incredibly simple. Keep a small notebook on hand and take a moment or two each day to jot down something different that makes you feel gratitude. After you add something new to the list, review a past entry for a quick, positive reminder of how good your life is.


Approach 2: Spread positive energy every chance you get.

Spreading positive energy is a great way to feel contentment within yourself. Ultimately, the only thing you can control in life is yourself: You have the power to use kind words, make smart choices, and act wisely. Choosing to employ positive energy is a great way to develop a sense of contentment.

For example, you can spread positive energy around by doing random acts of kindness, volunteering your time, giving a friend encouragement, or sending a greeting card to a relative. While these activities don’t necessarily require much (if any) of your money or time, they place extra positive energy out into the world and build up your inner sense of contentment.


Approach 3: Make sure you prioritize your own life.

Unfortunately, many people do not prioritize themselves. When you spend all your energy on your family, job, and friends, you’ll likely end each day feeling drained and exhausted, not to mention resentful.

Remember that you have needs and cannot pour from an empty cup. Just as you prioritize other people in your life, you must also prioritize yourself. Give yourself time to participate in regular self-care, practice setting boundaries, and listen to your body – doing so will increase feelings of contentment from within yourself.


Approach 4: Embrace your strengths.

Every person has their own unique set of personal strengths and weaknesses. Rather than letting your weaknesses bring you down, accept that you’re human and try to play up your strengths instead.

It’s hard to feel content if you allow yourself to focus on the negatives all the time. Allowing yourself to focus attention on your weaknesses will make feeling contentment extremely difficult. Instead, give yourself your consent to focus on your strengths.


Approach 5: Celebrate all your successes, big or small.

There is no such thing as a small accomplishment. Whenever you succeed in something – whether it’s something big or small – give yourself a big pat on the back for doing it!

Unfortunately, there is a misconception that celebrating yourself (or at the very least, giving yourself credit for smaller accomplishments) is unnecessary or even selfish. This is entirely untrue. To experience contentment, it’s important to recognize when things are going right in your life. When you do well, give yourself the credit you deserve for doing the hard work to make it happen!


My final thoughts.

I believe that contentment, as well as happiness, are the simplest choices you can make. I choose them each day. I think that gratitude is the single most important aspect of contentment and that comparison-itis shreds happiness to bits. But you don’t need to take my word for it. If you develop an appreciative, grateful mindset, you can have contentment now.


For additional information, please read this post.

7 Ways To Feel Content With Your Life Right Now.


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Accept Your Imperfections

One of the most difficult things we humans learn to do is accept our imperfections. Most of you will try to change what you see as flaws if you find them bothersome. You will find flaws in your looks, buck teeth can be fixed, a missing limb is harder to disguise.

Flaws in your behavior can be simple to change but may depend more on how it impacts others. Flaws in your character are tougher to change, and you must want to change and be willing to do the work.

If you want to be content and happy in life, you must find a way to live amicably with your imperfections.


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Step away from the competition

If you have any contact with social media, you will have noticed how everyone is striving to be perfect. Suddenly, you can’t post a selfie without at least one filter or go out for dinner without showing your curated plate of food. Even your dog is dressed to look perfect.

Don’t you want to be who you are? Liked for the way you are? After all, other people’s picture perfection isn’t any more genuine than yours is.

Think of it, What would happen if you just decided to take a step away from all the competition, all that clamoring for likes and hearts? What if you chose simply to enjoy your life, warts and all, without sharing it with the world?

Here’s how you can reclaim your life and be happier.


Be mindful of your thoughts

If a negative viewpoint has become your default setting, you probably don’t even realize it when you’re doing it. Before you know it, you perpetually set your inner monologue to negativity. You feel discontented and irritable with everyone and everything. Your thoughts become your life. And that’s no way to live your best life!

Consciously change your inner monologue to focus on the positives. Instead of focusing on differences and seeing them as flaws, choose to see what is good in the other person. If your go-to is to criticize their weight or hair, or the way they speak, change your view of them by finding something to admire.

Take a moment to listen to your self-talk for a moment. Consider the words you’re using and course-correct for more positive language.


Don’t judge harshly

You can choose immediately to stop scrutinizing other people, looking for what’s wrong with their face or their body or their life choices. In this restless modern world, it’s too easy to fall into the bad habit of judging yourself and others too harshly.

Alter your attitude to one of charitability, let go of the urge to be critical of others, stop seeing their differences as flaws instead, see them as endearing quirks, or merely as something that makes that person unique. Soon you should see a trickle-down effect on how you see yourself. The You who have oddities and foibles of your own.


Accept that no one is perfect

A perfectionist is never happy with who they are, how they look, or how they’re doing. Instead, they have unrealistically high standards that can’t be met. When they fall short of this ideal, they feel imperfect and beat themselves up for it.

Wanting to be the best version of yourself isn’t the same as being a perfectionist. Being your best means you work hard, you try, and you don’t give up. But it doesn’t mean you condemn yourself when things aren’t perfect, and you don’t take failure personally. Instead, you are kinder and more forgiving of yourself.


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Open yourself to a colorful view of the world

It’s easy to fall into the habit of seeing things as right or wrong, good, or bad. Sure, someone else’s choice may not be your choice, and why should it? Maybe you don’t like snow or want to work for a multinational or live in a city. But it doesn’t mean those other choices are wrong; they’re just different.

Seeing things in black and white is limiting.

Open up a little and revise your worldview, so you see all the colors, all choices as equally valid.


Relax in the present and go with the flow

Perfectionists tend to trip over every little detail and allow imperfections to steal their lives. They act almost like the perfection police, waiting with bated breath to be added to their list of misdemeanors. Or they worry about future mistakes, wasting time trying to avoid them.

Don’t be that person! You can choose to stay focused on the here and now and experience what’s happening in your life. When you embrace imperfection, you learn to love what you can’t change as a natural part of life, it frees you up to enjoy the ride.

Obstacles become challenges that make life more enjoyable on your way to where you want to be. You can slow down, find your inner peace and gratefully notice all the good things there are in your life.


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Promote imperfection as a way of life

Once you make peace with imperfection, you’re not sensitive to others’ opinions, you can be a lot more objective about life. Your perspectives change, and what once seemed tremendously important, suddenly doesn’t matter so much. You shift your reality. All experiences become just another aspect of a life lived richly, shaping the person you are continually becoming.

Imperfection stops being something to avoid at all costs. Think about it like this: perfection implies inertia, something you attain and must manage. It’s fragile and vulnerable. It puts an end to growth. And then what? You don’t want to stop learning and growing and developing, do you? Embracing imperfection means there’s always an opportunity to learn and grow and become a better person.


My final thought

I hope this post has given you a birds-eye-view on some of what you need to know about accepting your imperfections.

Keep in mind that some of your perceived flaws make you not just who you are, but uniquely memorable. So, before making alterations, consider why you want to do that and what you hope the desired result looks like.


If you are looking for further help, techniques used in Perfectly Imperfect 7 Ways To Embrace Your Flaws by The Law Of Attraction may be just the ticket.


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Make Room For Harmony In Your Life

Harmony, Isn’t About Doing All The Things

What do you imagine when you hear the word HARMONY? I looked it up in my Webster’s Dictionary. One of the definitions describes it as a “pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts.”

So many people believe harmony is all peace and life falling into place just the way it’s supposed to do. Except when it doesn’t, and then you fight an overwhelming tide rather than go with the flow of the universe.

Think again about that definition. Face it. What pleases isn’t always congruent with the parts and what is congruent with the parts isn’t always pleasing.

So, what small changes can you implement that will create a more harmonious life?

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 Slow down

Are you trying to do too much? Can you become a billionaire, marry the man of the year, have a happy family, be a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and raise champion Corgis? Will doing all the things add harmony rather than chaos to your life? Probably not. But I bet you already knew that.

Sure, there’s a lot you can do, but there’s a lot you can’t do, too. Whatever you do there is a cost. This is real life we’re talking about. However, you can have a lot, and it can be harmonious.


Take a quick look at why you can’t do it all

1.  There’s a limited amount of available time.

You can’t have everything; you can’t do everything necessary to have everything. Everything you do requires time.

● Getting and maintaining the perfect abs takes time.

● Becoming a great chess player takes time.

● Building a billion-dollar company takes time.

● Creating and maintaining a successful relationship takes time.

● Being an expert figure skater takes time.

● Writing a great book takes time.

● Creating harmony takes time and is best achieved in the present moment. What do you want the most?

2.  Some things don’t play well together.

You can’t become the world’s greatest pick-up artist and be married. You can’t be the strongest woman in the world and be healthy while yo-yo dieting. You can’t live like a playboy and maximize your spiritual development.

● Certain activities just get in the way of other activities.

3. Emphasis on one thing leads to sacrificing others.

Time spent on one area of your life leaves less time for other areas of your life. There are always sacrifices to be made. Balance in life is, well, a balancing act.

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Harmony, what it takes to have a lot

  1. Choose your priorities.

Since there isn’t time to do everything, it becomes necessary to prioritize your time and actions. Accept that things will change when you do this. Consider the most important things you want to have.

2.Determine what you’re willing to let go of.

Prioritizing doesn’t just mean choosing what’s important. It also means deciding what you’re not going to spend time on anymore. That could be the negative inner talk that no longer serves you.

● Maybe writing that novel isn’t that important to you. Or maybe beating yourself up isn’t the best use of your time. If that’s the case, make it a point to avoid those activities.

3. Assign your time accordingly.

Once you know your priorities, use your time accordingly. If you’re ever confused about what to do, remind yourself of your priorities. Ask yourself how you can best use your time according to your priorities.

The idea that you can do everything you want isn’t true. It’s something motivational speakers and your mother told you to make you feel better. You can’t do it all. Especially if you want a harmonious life that brings you happiness rather than a life trying to do all the things that leave you feeling overwhelmed.

But you can still manage to do and have a lot. Having a lot means prioritizing how you spend your time. Wasting time is the ultimate way to limit yourself. Spreading yourself thin between too many things is also detrimental.


Always remember–you can have a lot! What do you want? Keep these ideas in mind and make it happen!


My final thought

I have lived a harmonious life filled with peace, love, laughter, joy, and happiness for forty years. Not every day but more days than not. I believe the secret is to choose what is most important to you and add any congruent parts that show up, as you go along.


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How Do You Adapt To Difficulties?

Adapt yourself

I know a bit about adapting to a situation you weren’t expecting. My husband left our daughter and me in a restaurant 10 days before Christmas. The note he left us at home said he just couldn’t take the responsibility any longer.

I thought, how could he? Her birthday is in 11 days. But I had a steady job and my daughter liked her school. Soon we found a smaller more affordable house within walking distance to school. With that decision made, our first adaptation was put in motion.

We had no family where we lived, but they were only a phone call away. Our friends were the backbone of our support system and the encouragement we received from them was priceless. A good support system of people you love, who love you back, can be essential when you’re adapting to a new way of living.

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Adapt or adjust, flexibility is key.

Adapt, if you are facing a situation that will be long-term. Whether it’s beyond your control or arises unexpectedly is less important than duration. For example, you need to adapt if your new job is a 2-hour commute both ways. Adjust, if the situations will be short-term. For instance, shop at a different grocery store for a week while the city repairs the water pipe. One of these two options provides the solution to most problems, so, of course, you want to be flexible in your choice.

Problems, change, stress-they're part of everyone's life, no one is exempt. Adaptability means accepting these things as normal. People who are successful in life, are flexible and develop a mental toughness that allows them to see setbacks and failures as ways to grow and improve. They expect hurdles so, even before the challenges occur, they intend to face them and find solutions.

Are you adaptable or stuck?

Adaptability is a choice. It's you, making up your mind to be flexible, responsive, analytical, and solution-oriented. Choosing to adapt, instead of fighting the issue means that you give yourself the freedom to take action to find a solution. Choosing to be adaptive means you’re the victor and not the victim.

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Here are some techniques to help you increase your adaptive skills:

1 | Do you have a sense of humor?

It can be a great ally for you. (Mine certainly was.) One thing humor helps you do is to get some perspective on yourself and your situation. Humor can help you see the fun in the situation when you make a mistake. It can make it easier for you to learn from your mistake.

2 | Do you control your negative emotions?

Negative emotions can get you into a lot of trouble. When you're in a stressful situation, distance yourself until you have your emotions under control. When you're calmer, deal with the situation.

3 | Do you see change as part of life?

Evaluate the way you react to unexpected events. Are you open to trying new ideas or methods? Change can be uncomfortable, but it needn’t be your enemy. Make a conscious effort to make changes in stride. This is a valuable skill to learn, and it will help you in many ways.

4 | Are you good at saying “No”?

If you're stressed because you've over-committed yourself, it's tougher to adapt to situations as they arise. Make your schedule work for you, not against you. Learn to say “No,” calmly and firmly, when necessary.

5 | Simplify your life.

Get rid of clutter and attachments that wear you out and get in the way. Decide what's essential to you and what you want to do with your time and concentrate on that.

6 | Be present in your life.

Focus on what you can control. Let go of the past and the future. They will drain you of the enjoyment to be found in the now.


My final thought

Change happens. It’s rarely fun. Normally it leaves us feeling powerless. If we allow it to. But how often, after a change has occurred, and we have accommodated it, do we wonder why we made such a fuss? I believe that the times I have taken the initiative in a new situation, I adapted to it more easily. How easily do you adapt?


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