Think Like An Optimist: Change Your Life

Is optimism an effective mindset or merely a rosy way of looking at things?

Whether optimism is an effective mindset or a rosy way of looking at things is a question that has been debated for centuries. I couldn’t find an easy answer, as there are both benefits and drawbacks to an optimistic outlook.

So, while you may lean to one side or the other in the debate, the answer is probably somewhere in between. Optimism can be a powerful tool for improving our mental and physical health, but it's important to be realistic and avoid excessive optimism.

The best way to use optimism is to find a balance between realism and positivity. It means being positive about our chances of success, but also being prepared for the possibility of failure. Optimism can be a powerful force for good in our lives when we find this balance.


What exactly is optimism?

Some people seem to be naturally more optimistic than others. No matter what fate throws their way, they’re not defeated or angry. They don’t become bitter or even remain cast down for long. So, what is it about some people that prevents them from being crushed by adversity? It comes down to mindset.

Everyone has unfortunate things happen in their life. It’s part of being human. But where some people feel brought to their knees by events, others stay relatively cheerful through bad times. Even seriously bad times like being laid off or going through a divorce. These people are optimists.

Optimism means finding the best in every situation and expecting good things to happen regardless of what’s going on in the present moment. Research shows that optimism can have a positive impact on all areas of your life. From strengthening the immune system to reducing your risk of anxiety and depression, even having a longer life!


    • Don’t blame themselves when things go wrong.

    • Focus on the present and future, and don’t dwell on past hurts.

    • Expect good things to happen to them.

    • Believe they are responsible for their happiness.


Rewiring your thought patterns.

You might be thinking that optimism is innate: that you’re either an optimist or a pessimist. But optimism or pessimism stems from your self-talk, how you react to things, what you expect, and your self-image. The messages we received back in early childhood influenced this. Were you told you were selfish or lazy or no good at math? The feedback that you received about yourself and the world (whether it is a safe or dangerous place) shaped your expectations of adulthood.

These pesky negative thoughts are not you; you can change them. You can reset your pessimistic mindset and become more optimistic by reframing your negative experiences and thoughts into positive ones. If something goes wrong, instead of dwelling on the failure and making it personal, try to be objective and analyze what happened. Did someone else make a decision that impacted whether your project was successful or not? What did you learn from the experience?

Embracing positive thinking also involves being kind to yourself. Optimists don’t stay stuck in the past. If something doesn’t work out the way they thought it would, they move on, confident that success and abundance are just around the corner. Optimists are grateful for the good in their lives right now. They know that there is more than enough to go around, and they understand that the world is full of opportunities for everyone.

You have the power to change your mindset. Have you tended to look on the gloomy side or feel that life is unfair, and you feel powerless? Think about optimism as another skill you can learn. Optimism is a skill of emotional intelligence, a learned habit, and it’s a skill you can begin to develop right now.

When you learn to radiate optimism, you have the power to inspire and uplift those around you.


Optimism vs. positive thinking.

There’s a big difference between being optimistic and thinking positively regardless of what’s going on around you. True optimism stays grounded and doesn’t ignore the facts. It doesn’t mean that you disregard or try to deny feelings of sadness, anger, or grief.

To remain optimistic is to believe that no matter what is happening now, isn’t the end of it. You trust that the future will be better. There will be times in life when things are difficult and look bleak. But remaining optimistic means there’s a way out, something to cling to when times are tough.

Here are some strategies to help you stay optimistic, even in the worst times.

    1. Resilience, optimism, and the reality of your feelings.

An optimistic person recognizes their feelings, be it anger, frustration, disappointment, or sadness, and they don’t stop there. Acknowledging your feelings allows you to feel them, process them, and move forward. Optimism and resilience go hand in hand. You can build resilience and bounce back from challenges with a positive outlook.

    2. Focus on what you have.

The company you keep can play a considerable role in your mindset. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who inspire you. Ignore the cynics and the negative things in the world. If you don’t, you may miss the small, positive things that surround you.

Notice the good things in your life that you might usually take for granted. Your morning coffee, a reliable water supply, and clean air, knowing you can get to school or the grocery store or to work safely. Being grateful for the life you have now builds up a resilience credit to help you endure tough times when they come. And they will come.

    3. Refrain from consuming bad news.

Obsessively checking social media and news sites will keep your focus on the negative, competitive, complaining view of the world. It’s a lopsided view that thrives on generating dissatisfaction and despair. Of course, you should be aware of current events but make it a conscious choice to balance it with your mental health. Sometimes reading the headlines is enough. Steer clear of the internet and focus on making a positive change in your own life.

    4. Live a genuine life.

Building optimism can assist you to live the best life you can, being true to yourself and your values. Optimism means you choose to live in alignment with your desires and your best self. Having a deep-seated belief that you can live a good life and that there’s more than enough to go around is not putting a falsely positive spin on reality. On the contrary, an optimist looks squarely at reality and works out how to make the best of what he has.


Embody optimism in daily life.

Optimism has been linked to a number of benefits, including better mental and physical health, increased resilience, and greater success in life.

A daily optimism practice is a simple but effective way to boost your optimism and improve your overall well-being. Follow these 10 simple tips, see the world through a more positive lens, and create a happier life for yourself.

  1. Delve into the practice of gratitude. Take a few minutes each morning to write down or think about three things you are grateful for. This will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and set a positive tone for the day.

  2. Find the silver lining. When something bad happens, try to find the silver lining. This doesn't mean you have to be happy about the bad thing; instead, it means you can try to find something positive to take away from it.

  3. Focus on your strengths. List your strengths and remind yourself of them regularly. This will help you feel more confident and optimistic about your abilities.

  4. Help others. Being kind to someone else is a great way to boost your own happiness and optimism. It can also help you connect with others and feel more connected to your community.

  5. Take care of yourself. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. Taking care of your physical and mental health will help you feel better and more optimistic about your life.

  6. Spend time in nature. Our surroundings impact our mood and mindset. Being in nature has been shown to increase optimism.

  7. Read positive books or articles. Surrounding yourself with positive messages can help you remain optimistic.

  8. Listen to uplifting music. Music can have a powerful effect on your mood. So, listening to uplifting music can help boost optimism.

  9. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and let go of negative thoughts.

  10. Visualize your goals. Taking time every day to visualize your goals can help you stay motivated and optimistic.


My final thoughts are.

Remember, cultivating positive thinking is a lifelong practice. By integrating the strategies and mindset shifts we've explored, you'll continue to elevate your optimism and unlock a world of possibilities.


For more information, please check out these posts.

The Benefits Of Optimism

The Power Of Optimism And A Positive Mindset

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