When Should You Change Your Mindset?

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A change of mindset can change your life

Have you heard? Everyone is talking about changing your mindset to manifest what you desire. So, can a change of mindset change your life? After all, you’ve been thinking the same way for as long as you can remember.

Maybe you’re going through a rough patch and your attitude has gotten out of whack.

When you begin having more negative days than good ones, it’s time to change your mindset. While these are two good reasons you may want to change your mindset, there are plenty more.


Your mindset is what produces the thoughts you have. That is the attitude that shapes your thinking which controls your actions and how you feel about things.

If you have a negative attitude, then your thoughts start blaming and thinking the worst. When you have optimistic or healthy thoughts, you create a better environment for yourself and those around you.


Gram’s Wisdom 29: Think better act better

My Gram told me if you think good thoughts your actions will reflect them. She was also strongly in favor of changing things that are no longer beneficial to you. I believe she would have appreciated the following list.


Six signs it’s time to change your mindset

1.  You’re always focused on failure instead of success. You feel anger and disappointment over each failure without ever celebrating any of your successes. You regularly see yourself as a failure, unintentionally sending negative messages to your mind that you will always fail at everything you try to achieve.

Instead: Keep a daily success diary recognizing each success, no matter its size.

When you get stronger everything in the world gets easier Change yourself and you've changed everything-min.png

2.  You have a victim mentality. You’ve been the victim of a bad situation, sadly you’ve been let down and hurt by those you loved, or you were devastated by some incident. You’re still carrying the burden of the past. Stop that. NOW.

Instead: Forgive give yourself, forgive those events, and let go of the past.

3.  You’re mired in routine. Not all routine is bad. A good routine can get you more quickly through the necessary daily tasks. Food preparation, housework, and homework with the children. While a bad routine leaves no room for fun and spontaneity. You eat the same food, watch the same television shows, meet the same people in the same tired place. If your neighbor knows what time the pizza delivery person arrives each Wednesday, you need a change.

Instead: Break out. Get a new hobby. Meet people with different interests.

4.  You hate going to work. You constantly grumble about the job you have or feel like it’s an onerous task. Everyone else has a better position than yours or works in nicer conditions. You feel ill-used by your boss, your co-workers, life.

Instead: see your job as a way of delivering value to customers of the business you work for and as having an impact on you and others around you. Being able to work allows you to provide for your family and contribute to society.

5.  You obsess over things you can’t control. You’re critical about what you can’t control like the weather, government, traffic, and other people. Your mind is filled with everything you consider wrong about those things and you never see any of what is right about them.

Instead: identify those things that can be controlled, first of which is yourself. Pinpoint how you can change and control your actions and thoughts to make the experience more constructive. Stop griping and start taking positive actions that will bring you a greater sense of achievement and abundance.

6.  You lack gratitude for what you have. Your focus is on what everyone else has, what is wrong with things, or the world, or the faults in yourself and others. Your negativity prevents you from seeing and enjoying the good surrounding you.

Instead: accept that no life is perfect, but there are people whose life is worse than yours. Concentrate on finding positive things you can be grateful for every day. Begin small by being thankful for your health, or the air you breathe. Remember, the more you are grateful for, the more you have, to be grateful for.


My final thought

When you understand that the reason for rarely feeling happiness and contentment is due to a negative mindset, you will know when it’s time to change your mindset. This shift in your mindset will help you feel better about yourself and attract more abundance into your life.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


If you want to learn more, I have placed two links below.

Change Your Mindset and Change Your Life by Kath at The Life Spotters.

Mindset and How it Can Influence Your Self-Discipline from a past post.