
What Is Manifestation?

Manifestation is a bit of a buzzword in society today. Everybody is talking about it, writing about it, practicing it, or trying to apply it to their life, but do we know what it is? Manifestation is sometimes referred to as the law of attraction, or even your karma.


It’s the idea that what you put out into the universe, whether actions, words, or energy, will come back to you eventually (Hurst, K., 2012, July 8, What Is The Law Of Attraction? And How To Use It Effectively).  The idea is that to be on the receiving end of good things we need to be thinking and doing good things.


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So how does manifestation benefit us and how do we integrate it into our lives? Truthfully, manifestation is at this moment working in our lives, but most of us are oblivious of this fact. Therefore, many of us are manifesting negative things and outcomes simply because our thoughts and actions are more negative than positive.


For manifestation to work more favorably for us we need to be deliberate about changing our thoughts and consequently aligning our actions so that we begin to manifest good in our lives.




The first step of manifestation is visualizing what you want for yourself. Whether you want good health, success, or love, you must first be explicit about what you want. Then you can begin visualizing what your life would be like with that thing in it.


Visualization moves you from simply desiring something to actively evaluating how having that thing will impact your life. Many people use vision boards as a visible way to practice this concept. By consistently seeing the things you want in life and the impact those things will have on your life, you increase your level of expectancy.




Once you have a clear vision of what you want and how your life would improve as a result, you must believe that it can happen. It’s one thing to want something, it’s another thing to fully expect that something will come into your life (Bernstein, G. 2016, December 13, The Five Principles For Manifesting Your Desires). Moreover, your belief system must go from a thought process that believes it can happen, into a thought process that believes it will happen for you. It is with this trust that you can then attract those things you desire.

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A final key to manifesting the things you want in life is to behave as though those things you desire have/will happen. You may be able to visualize and believe, but it can be a challenge for people to behave as though the thing they want will happen. Frequently, people do visualize and believe, yet they still make decisions that reveal they have doubts. Behaving as though the thing has happened or will happen demonstrates a level of confidence that is more likely to attract what you want in your life.


Through the principles of manifestation, you can attract a host of positives for the mind, body, and spirit. Active practice of manifestation can be linked to improved mental and physical health, positive friend, and romantic relationships, and even success and financial prosperity.


Because manifestation is principally about shifting your mindset and alignment of actions and behaviors to match that more positive mindset, there truly is no limit to what you can manifest. So, create a practical way to include manifestation in your daily life and see what good will come to you.


My final thought

I think it is in our belief that we make manifestation a tool. Having a positive mindset just affords us a way to get the best results.



This is in response to my 2nd most popular post and you can find it just below.

Simple Ways To Manifest Your Dream Life


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You Are Worthy Of Abundance

6 Ways to feel prosperous when you aren’t, yet

Abundance. Prosperity. We all want that in our lives. But for some it’s meaning is wealth and success on a grand scale. While others of us want healthy, happy families and the ability to live in peace and harmony. There is no right or wrong choice. That depends on the meaning you attribute to those words and how you want to feel.

Regardless, if you want to be prosperous, feel prosperous. If you want to succeed, you must believe that you are very much worthy and deserving of it. It doesn’t matter where you are right now, what matters is what you want because that is the beginning of creating it with your mind.

To be guided by the belief that everything is a product of a state of mind is revolutionary, and yet, this has become the teaching common to all financial gurus and masters of prosperity.

Wealth is a mindset, as are all things worthy of experience in this life. Things like prosperity, happiness, abundance, and love.

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Maybe you aren’t in that place you’ve always wanted to be just yet. Maybe you are getting there, but wherever you are in life, this wisdom holds great power: your mind is key to your destination – including the road to prosperity.

At any time, your results can be improved in your life by cultivating the power of your mind and choosing the thoughts which determine your reality. Acting on those thoughts sends a clear message to the universe that you are ready to accept the abundance you are sent.

Here are 6 very effective ways to feel prosperous, so you can attract prosperity naturally and create greater abundance in your life.

Believing you are worthy makes you feel worthy

Believe that you are worthy of the things that you attract towards you. You are more than enough, and even the situation you’re in right now is fundamental to every kind of prosperity that you wish to experience in life, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

Concentrate on having a positive self-image, feeling worthy and entitled to all the abundance that you desire, simply because you exist, and you deserve nothing but the best. If you begin to feel worthy, you will begin to feel prosperous.

Create room for prosperity to enter your life

To attract prosperity and let it in when it arrives requires making that space available. Prosperity is about maintaining a great quality of life, and if at present, you’re too preoccupied with negativity and a broke mindset, it’s really hard for prosperity to thrive in the same place where a negative mindset also dwells.

These two things don’t co-exist so to make space for feeling prosperous, you need to let go of your broke mindset. To attract prosperity, you need to embody it first.

Although prosperity isn’t always about having more money, feeling rich can come out of a sense of satisfaction, being contented, having peace, and joy. Before it makes its way to you, you can attract it by behaving as if you’ve already received what you were hoping for.

Do what you love

By indulging in your passions and doing those things that you love, you naturally radiate more positive energy. These vibrations can attract more positivity into your life and create things of similar frequency such as abundance, wealth, joy, happiness, peace – a state of prosperity. Take the time to indulge in your passions and you will feel prosperous.

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Respond with love

Prosperity isn’t always about money, but it is in fact about experiencing life at its fullest and best, and bringing your highest self into whatever situation you may find yourself in. You’ve got the power to positively affect your life by responding with love (your highest self) – even if you may be experiencing a crisis or a problem right now.

You can’t always be happy one hundred percent of the time, especially when things are out of your control, but keeping things in perspective will reward you with feelings of calm and hope – a step towards prosperity.

Set your goals and write them down

When you choose to do something, do it with all your passion and commitment as often as you need to. With this assertiveness, life can’t help but give in to your stubborn heart and wishes. You need to have goals and strive for them aggressively. If you haven’t written them down, do it now and have something to aim for.

Take positive action and release negativity

It’s not enough to have a prosperity mindset if you don’t manifest it in your actions. Ultimately, this is the purpose for the state of mind you’re cultivating – to translate those intangible feelings, beliefs, and emotions – into tangible actions and results. Be positive and take a stand for your beliefs of prosperity. This entails releasing negativity and old ways of thinking that no longer serve you.

If you are feeling negative right now, stop. Choose to stop right now and begin to feel prosperous!

The use of affirmations for abundance

What can you do to increase your ability to manifest abundance? Positive affirmations can help you in several areas of your life. There are affirmations specific to abundance and prosperity that can help you develop a consciousness for abundance. You must think about prosperity and abundance if you want to beget prosperity and abundance. Focus on what you want to have.

When you focus your thoughts on what you lack, you attract more of the same. Affirmations can help you fill your mind with positive thoughts. It’s important to note that abundance doesn’t mean attracting possessions or wealth. That’s only one part of abundance.

I encourage you to think positively about the affirmations provided below. They cover variations of abundance and don’t just focus on wealth. The dominant thoughts in your mind radiate outside of you and leak into the world and that will attract the same back to you.

• I become more prosperous every day in every way.

• I am prosperous, I always have been, and I always will be prosperous.

• I will always have what I need, the universe looks after me.

• I have everything I need my life is filled with love, joy, and happiness.

• I am abundant, prosperity is overflowing.

• Prosperity is flowing and there is an abundant supply of money in my life.

• My actions will lead to prosperity and abundance.

• My life is abundant, and I am blessed.

• I attract prosperity and abundance because I focus on them.

• Prosperity flows around me and through me.

• I accept all the good things that enter my life and I will enjoy them.

• I easily and effortlessly create prosperity in my life.

• I naturally attract abundance and prosperity.

• Abundance is my birthright, I am abundant.

• The universe is conspiring to make me an abundant person.

• I release resistance to abundance and allow it to come to me naturally.

• I am worthy of having abundance in my life.

• I attract all that I need.

• I live in abundance, I am strong, I am happy, I am healthy.

• I give thanks for the positivity and light in my life.

• I am grateful for my family and friends who fill me with joy.

Use as many of these affirmations as resonate with you and use them as often as you like. Make a list of the ones you wish to employ and keep it handy so you can repeat them throughout the day. Write them down in your journal daily so that they root themselves more firmly in your mind.

Just like affirmations that bring you peace and calm during times of stress, these affirmations can help you to succeed as you concentrate on the type of abundance you want in your life.

My final thought

Prosperity is not a state of having, but a state of being. It’s a result of your conscious decision to choose to embody one type of mindset over another – choosing positivity over negativity, love over fear.

While money doesn’t create happiness, a state of happiness can in fact cause you to create more wealth and attract more abundance.

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Manifest Your Desires by Taking Action

Gram’s Wisdom 14: Manifestation motivation

My Gram told me if you are motivated enough you can have whatever you desire. This statement probably always came after I said, “gee I wish I had…” Having raised 6 children as a young widow during the depression, I’m sure she knew a lot about what children wished for. But she always took me seriously and would ask me how badly I wanted that thing, and what was I willing to do to get it. Then she would tell me, “you work harder to get what you want when the motivation is there.” But along with the hard work, she believed a good plan was also important. “Without a plan, you are only wishing” is what I was told.

No, she didn’t call it manifestation or law of attraction but that’s exactly what it was.

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Manifest your reality

Manifestation is the action you take to create a new reality or accomplish a goal by using the power of your thoughts. But, one of the largest misconceptions and most misunderstood principles of manifesting a dream is that it ONLY involves thinking. In other words, many people believe that, if you think it, it will happen. Or just dreaming something will cause it to appear magically out of thin air.


These misconceptions are why so many remain skeptical of manifestation as a legitimate strategy for improving your life. While your thoughts and beliefs are indeed the foundation for manifesting your goals, without action, they continue to stay in the realm of dreams. Manifestation is about using your ideas to transform your efforts to get what you want. It is about Being, Doing, and Having, not just thinking. Let’s look at how taking action affects your ability to manifest your desires.


A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.
— Colin Powell


Your thoughts into action

Whether or not you believe in manifestation, you likely would agree that actions get results. And that those who expend the effort to do something are much more likely to achieve a goal than those who just sit thinking about doing something. After all, if thinking about losing weight worked, the diet book and weight loss market would not exist!


So, there is no denying that by acting in a specific way you can cause a particular outcome. This is known as cause and effect. Do this, cause that. What manifestation theory tells us is that you can indirectly cause things to happen, as well, through using your thoughts, values, and goals. The results are not all arising from a direct cause nor action but by the effects of your focused attention, desires, and intention, which can change how you behave as well as the choices you make.


What you believe and who you are will inform your choice, habits, and behaviors. Therefore, when you want to manifest something, you must believe that you can achieve it, which changes your desire to try, your awareness of opportunities around you that could help you reach your goal, and much more that influences the actions you take.


So, your thoughts can nurture your actions. But does it work the other way around? Yes! When you actively work on attaining your goals, by doing the things that need to be done, you are learning and gaining confidence, which will change your beliefs and inform your values. When you are successful in making progress toward a goal, you want to reach it and become more invested in its success.


Other essential components of manifestation

While your action is an important ingredient in manifesting what you most desire, it is not the most essential component of this powerful process. To manifest your dreams, you must embody the desire; you must believe that you are capable and worthy of achieving it, and you must focus your thoughts and energy on making it come true. Your thoughts and beliefs guide all your actions and choices, so without the right mindset and outlook, your efforts could be wasted or ineffectual.


All the action in the world can’t make you happy and help you accomplish what you most desire unless your mind is ready and willing to accept it. Having clear intentions, positive expectations, and focused values will drive your actions in the right direction and help pave the way to realizing everything you have always wanted.


My final thought

Action is just one of the necessary steps of the manifestation process. You must also have a plan to guide you toward your goal. And, you must believe you can get the results you want if you consistently take action and work your plan.


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Benefits Of Using The Law Of Attraction

Law of attraction?

What have you heard about manifestation? With so many people manifesting these days, someone you know must be using the power of their thoughts to attain their dreams. What about you, are you interested in accomplishing more and having more happiness in your life? If you feel that you are ready to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how it can benefit you let’s dive in.

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The law of attraction and what it is

Simply put, the law of attraction is your ability to attract the results you want in your life by focusing on what you want. The idea is based on the supposition that we attract those things to us that are a part of our intentional focus. So, applying your energy and care to something you aspire to will help it to come back to you. Here is how this works in plain words.

Your positive view and use of positive energy to engage with the world and other people will get you positive effects in return. When you display a negative outlook and use negative energy, you will receive negative consequences in return. It’s simple. But why does this work?

All our thoughts manifest themselves into reality, sooner or later. When your belief, for example, that you are bad at sports, takes hold of you, you become less enthusiastic about playing any sports, you resist the need to practice, you don’t try as hard to overcome the challenges you have on the playing field, and eventually, you stop playing altogether. In essence, you become bad at sports because you believe you are bad at sports. Your thoughts manifested into your expected outcome.

Attracting things into your life is possible, but you must focus on what you want if you expect to realize the intended result. Your choice of what to focus on and that outcome will begin to have a more crucial role in your life, will become the focus of your subconscious as well as conscious thought, will control your choices, and will, over time, lead you to your desired objective.

“Accomplishment of your dreams requires personal sacrifice and hard working. May you have a determined spirit, will power, and a great passion for the accomplishment of your dreams.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

Benefits from the law of attraction

The precepts behind the Law of Attraction can be used to manifest anything that you want into your life. Once you see the power of this force at work for you, you can use it to realize whatever dreams you can imagine.

For example, the Law of Attraction can help you create healthy relationships and attract lasting love into your life. When you use the Law of Attraction, your confidence in yourself and your subconscious will be redirected to help you make better partner choices, and you will be more open to accepting love from people.

The Law of Attraction can also help you to attract prosperity or financial freedom into reality. Whether you are looking to increase your wages or pay off debt or save for the future, the Law of Attraction can be used to help you attain more abundance in your life. Most of us have negative thought patterns when it comes to wealth and money so, by changing your thoughts and energy surrounding these into something positive it can help you attract more resources into your life.

The Law of Attraction can also help you improve your health and wellness. By transforming your outlook, your focus on healthy living can help you make better lifestyle choices, spend time with people who are also interested in healthy living, and learn to listen to and honor your body’s needs. Focusing on health and wellness is a positive mindset that in and of itself can have many healthy side effects, as well.

The Law of Attraction can assist you in your search for a more satisfying career, the right place to live, a new car, or friends who care for and are supportive of you. Whatever you can imagine, the universe is waiting to hear your dreams.

My final thought:

Whatever your dreams, wants or desires are, they can be yours if you keep your thoughts positive and if you consistently put in the work. This shows that you are not just wishing or hoping, but that you truly want it to happen.  

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How To Manifest Anything You Want

In the world we live in, working hard to improve our status, become someone’s ideal for success, or at the very least to afford more “stuff” is a highly prized activity. But does this take you to where you want to go in life? No. Mostly it keeps you chasing your tail in the rat race so that you barely find time or energy to breathe. Yet, if you slow down, follow another path, you can use the law of attraction in your favor. You can quit fighting the tide and instead go with the current. 


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Why should you manifest your desired life?

Aren’t you tired of the uphill, both ways, climb to get what you want from life? You need to stop now, and ask the Universe for assistance if you are going to get all that you most desire in your life. And, when you do, what you will receive in return when you practice manifestation is so much more than you will ever have imagined.

Just take a look at these 5 manifestation practice benefits:


 A life less stressful

It’s true that when you get out of your own way, and ask the Universe to lend a hand in moving things along, you will experience less stress in your life. Your step will be lighter and you can relax in the knowledge that the Universe has your back and is at work on your behalf.


A life more plentiful

Whatever your motivation be it love, career, or finance, it’s assumed that you want more abundance in your life right? And, you will have it. After you have begun your manifestation practice in earnest you will become aware of the plenty in your life. Because of all the wonderful things that have always been a part of your life. From there it just increases exponentially as we allow the Universe to aid us in getting our deepest desires.


A life with more fun time

If you aren’t always working on being perfect during your waking hours, you can allow yourself the luxury of goofiness and having more fun. You needn’t worry that there is insufficient time to have fun or that it’s necessary for your work to always be done first. And hey, the Universe is watching out for you, and when there is something for you to do, you’ll know.


A life of improved health

Since you have less stress, increased gratitude for the awesomeness currently in your life, and additional fun time, how could your health not benefit from your manifestation practice? It is only obvious that you would laugh more often, worry less frequently, sit less and move around more, simply because you handed off the operation of getting where you want to be to the Universe.


A life of increased happiness

Genuine happiness is a mindset, and it happens naturally when you encourage it and allow your life to unfold as it should instead of compelling it or manipulating it to bend to your will. Freeing yourself of the perpetual pursuit of your dreams and allowing the Universe to work it’s best for you will make you happier and more fulfilled.


How do I use the law of attraction?

What is this law of attraction?

The law of attraction encourages us to put exercises into place that will pull our deepest desires to us. Positivity is an action you can take to make this happen quicker and more easily. Because what you focus on is what you get, remember to keep those negative thoughts at bay. Another part of the law of attraction that people overlook is going with the flow of energy the Universe provides to manifest your dreams into reality.


 Surrender to the will of the Universe

Asking you to surrender to the Universe is very challenging for people living in a world that they are told rewards hard work and constant planning. People who hear of the law of attraction, usually begin working longer, harder, and faster in an effort to reach their goals. This what they have been trained to do – if you want to reach your goal you must work hard to get it. But this is the exact opposite of what will attract your dreams to you.


  Go with the flow

Rather than struggling even harder, you need to give up the struggle. You should go with the flow, relax, and ride the wave. Some people suppose this is must be the lazy way out. Surely getting access to what you desire most necessitates that you put in the effort and battle anything that obstructs your way. But the Universe wants to reward those who allow it to do the hard work for them.


 Conserve your energies

When a man is drowning, he is in battle with the water, thrashing around attempting to keep his head above the water. Soon he becomes exhausted, he just can’t fight it anymore. But if you are the man who permits the Universe to help you then you can conserve your energy. All you need to do now to survive is to relax and float.


 Taking Inspired action

Now, allowing the Universe to aid you doesn’t mean you will have nothing to do. You will need to take inspired action. The focus here is on “inspired.” Rather than doing busy work on anything you can think of that might help you get what you want. Instead, do only the tasks that you feel in your gut. It’s the follow up on a chance piece of information. Reading a book that is recommended to you. Setting up a job interview you overheard about. When an action comes to your awareness and you feel inspired to do it, you do it. This is the Universe guiding your desires right into your hands.

It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you are focused on a castle or a button. - Abraham Hicks


 Skills to make manifesting easier

Going with the flow of life doesn’t mean that there aren’t things you can do to make your manifestation efforts more effective. The following short list includes ways you can manifest your ideal life more quickly.


Anytime you can reduce the number of thoughts swirling through your mind is a time when you are surrendering to the power of the Universe. Most of your thinking and planning only complicates your life. During meditation, you can enter a state of relaxing in an awareness that continues throughout your day.



Visualization is a practical, fun way to put your visions of your future into the Universe to design your own destiny. When done consistently, visualization triggers your creative subconscious to the point where your mind doesn’t know the difference between what you visualize and reality. Only a few minutes a day will really ramp up your manifesting muscle.



Putting words onto paper is extremely powerful, though often overlooked in our digital world. Writing down what you want to manifest allows you to get very clear and specific about what it is you want, which is a vital first step in manifesting. Writing down your goals daily, at least once, is a way to keep them in the forefront of your mind without obsessing over them, which can easily turn into resistance of the natural, Universal flow. 



Affirming that our deepest desires are already on their way to us is a popular way to manifest. Affirmations show the Universe that you are willing to work with it to attract what you want into your life. They also keep your thoughts positive so you don’t go into resistance mode when you want to go with the flow instead.


Practice gratitude

While you want to enjoy even bigger things in your life, manifesting is based on being grateful for what you have now. If you don’t appreciate what you have, why would the Universe be interested in giving you more? Practicing gratitude on a daily basis, whether formally in a journal or informally by sending out little thank you thoughts when something delights you is a powerful way to build your manifesting muscle while enjoying your daily life more.



Feeling how you want to feel when you get your ideal life is important. Many people think they will feel it when it happens, but the law of attraction works the opposite way. What you feel, you attract. The more you practice feeling the way you want to feel, the more quickly your ideal life can materialize.

The art manifestation is a simple concept that’s easy to apply to your daily life. With awareness and practice, you can manifest amazing things into your life.

For more information here is Elyse Santilli’s post 15 Magical Ways To Manifest Your Desires.

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Simple Ways To Manifest Your Dreams

Are you perplexed as to why you seem to get nowhere with the Law of Attraction? You think you’ve done exactly what you’ve been told is the proper way to manifest what you truly desire in your life. Why is it you continue to get more of what you’ve gotten in the past, or have hindrances blocking the way to your goals?

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Do You Block Yourself?

The likeliest reason is that you block yourself with old beliefs about why you can’t have what you want. These beliefs come from your distant past frequently. Often you are unaware they are even there, playing the same phrase over and over like a needle stuck in a record. If obstacles continue to hinder your goal, you need to take a harder look at what you believe about receiving that deep desire.

The most common blocks are:

  • I’m not smart enough

  • I’m not handsome/pretty enough

  • Making money is hard work

  • We struggle to overcome one problem after another, and then we die

  • I’ll get what I want when I get to Heaven

  • I’m not creative enough

  • I don’t deserve it

  • I’m not good enough

  • Wanting more money is greedy

  • The root of all evil is money

  • If I have what I want, other people won’t be able to have their needs met

Fear is another way we create blocks for ourselves. We have plenty of fears surrounding what will happen if we don’t get the the desired result. Yet, there are plenty of fears to go around if we do get what we want.

Your unrecognized fears may look like these:

  • I’m too old

  • I’m too young

  • I’m not educated enough

  • I’d make a fool of myself

  • I fail and everyone knows it

  • I succeed and my friends abandon me because I’m too rich/popular/famous/

  • Everyone wants something from me because they think I’m rich

  • I’m not good enough

Clear away your mental blocks

Since these mental blocks and fears have been ingrained in your subconscious for a long time their effects are more potent than your efforts to manifest. The thing you need to do first is to recognize them. Take some time and put pen to paper. Write down any memories or teachings you might have about getting what you want.

Now that you brought that awareness to the surface, it’s time to forgive the people who said them or yourself for creating the myths that surrounds them. Clearing away your fears, the myths, and mental blocks is the quickest and best way to make it possible for you to be open to manifesting your dreams.

“Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life: not on what you don’t want.”  -Napoleon Hill

Enable your desires with mental imaging

The technique of creative visualization allows you to manifest your desires into the kind of life you want. Many successful and famous people have used the energy of creative visualization to manifest their dreams and get what they want from life. They have tapped into their own inner power, to turn their dreams into reality.

Visualization does these four things to boost your manifestation energy:

  1. It stimulates you to take the essential steps making your desired outcomes     happen. The way you feel when visualizing is the way you always want to feel. This is a hugely motivating factor when it comes time to take action.

  2. It energizes the Law of Attraction. The feelings you conjure up are a magnet for the people, situations, and events leading to your deepest desires, fulfilling themselves in your life.

  3. It fires your creative subconscious. Soon you begin to see opportunities for obtaining your desires through “out of the box” solutions. Suddenly, creative ideas will start popping into your head - ways to solve seemingly insurmountable challenges will become obvious.

  4. It prompts your brain to recognize tools to which you will need access if you are to achieve your dream life. Not only that, but it will keep your brain on the lookout for those tools or people who could supply those tools.

Creative visualization is simple to do:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you will be free of interruptions for a few minutes.

  2. Close your eyes and relax.

  3. Picture in your mind’s eye the life you want to be living. Imagine interacting with the people and things you want to have in your ideal life. See yourself going about your day, doing the things you want to do.

  4. Get as specific as possible. Use your five senses to add more texture to the scene. What do you smell, touch, taste, hear? Add all the little details into your visualization and feel how it will feel to live that life.

  5. Enjoy! It’s a real treat to spend time visualizing! And it only takes a few minutes a day to do. Just go with the scene each day and allow it to unfold. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same every time. Just enjoy the feelings and roll with it. Do this at least once daily.

    Be explicit about what you really want!

Before you can receive, you have to determine what you want. You need to let the Universe know exactly what it is that you deeply desire so that It can provide it for you. But when you begin thinking about what you want, you may find it to be more difficult than you expected. Usually, when someone asks us what we want, we can rattle off all manner of things. This may feel different.

You may resist listing out what you want because it feels greedy. When we live in a society that tells us we must work hard to achieve what we want, it can feel uncomfortable to expect to be able to explain what we want and then prepare to receive it. So how do we get clear about what we want?

You are worthy of your own happiness

First of all, we need to believe we are worthy of our own happiness. The things, people or situations you are seeking are what you believe you need to live your ideal life - to live at your happiest. If you don’t believe you deserve your ideal life, receiving it is going to be almost impossible.

Grab up your journal and write down the things you would like to have or experience in each part of your life. This might be home life, career, friendship, success, creativity, etc. Specificity counts here. For example, instead of saying, “I want a new love in my life,” which is vague, write down all of the qualities you are looking for in a partner. Really go all out. Don’t settle for just what’s okay. Write down exactly what your ideal partner will be like.

When you think you’ve written down everything you can think of, close your eyes and imagine a scene between you and this partner. How do they make you feel? What do you see you doing together? Where are you? Doing this will fill in the gaps of what you really want. Most likely you want a feeling - when you are with the love of your life, you want to feel certain ways. What aspects of a person would make you feel that way? You will be amazed at how many additional things you will add to your list once you spend a little time visualizing your ideal - whatever it is.

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