
7 Mindsets To Master Your Life

In the theater of life, our mindset takes center stage, dictating the plot and shaping our journey. It's not just about thinking positively. But about embracing a world of possibilities, growth, resilience, abundance, empowerment, openness, and even the rare, fixed mindset. Each of these mindsets we adopt influences our lives in distinct ways.

In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating exploration of what's best about these mindsets. We will uncover their unique attributes and how they can impact your life. Master these mindsets and you can unleash your potential. So, join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, where the power of your mindset knows no bounds.



Positive mindset.

A positive mindset is a mental attitude characterized by hope and an optimistic and constructive outlook. It challenges your limiting beliefs, helping you navigate the uncertainties of life with grace. Regardless of the encounters or circumstances you may face. It involves focusing on the bright side of life and cultivating a belief in your ability to overcome obstacles.

This mindset is rooted in the understanding that setbacks and failures are temporary and can serve as valuable learning experiences. A positive mindset enables individuals to approach life with resilience, gratitude, and a focus on solutions rather than problems.

One key aspect of a positive mindset is maintaining an optimistic perspective. People with a positive mindset tend to view challenges as opportunities for personal and professional development. This belief allows them to tackle difficult situations with confidence and increased self-esteem. A positive mindset involves a strong sense of self-worth. Allowing individuals to see the value they bring to their lives and the lives of others.

Gratitude is another essential component of a positive mindset. Recognition and appreciation for the positive aspects of life, even in the face of hardship, can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Grateful individuals tend to focus on the good things that they have, adopting a sense of contentment and happiness. Moreover, a positive mindset encourages individuals to engage in positive problem-solving. Seeking solutions and taking action to address problems rather than dwelling on negativity or self-doubt.


Growth mindset.

A growth mindset is a belief system that fosters a passion for learning and development. Individuals with a growth mindset understand that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. They embrace challenges, view failures as opportunities for growth, and persist in the face of setbacks. In a growth mindset, effort is seen as the path to mastery, and they believe that improvement is always achievable.

One illustration of a growth mindset can be seen in a student who, when faced with a difficult math problem, doesn't give up when they can't solve it immediately. Instead, they keep trying, seek help, and continue to practice until they grasp the concept. They understand that their abilities can improve with practice and effort, and they don't see their initial struggle as a sign of inadequacy. This attitude of perseverance and a willingness to learn is a characteristic of a growth mindset.

In a professional setting, an employee with a growth mindset may take on new projects and tasks that push their boundaries. They see these challenges as opportunities to learn and develop their skills, even if it means making mistakes. They understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and that these mistakes can lead to valuable insights and improvements. This employee's willingness to step outside their comfort zone and embrace challenges is an example of a growth mindset in action.

A growth mindset encourages a focus on personal growth. Characterized by a commitment to learning and the understanding that effort and perseverance are fundamental to personal and professional development. Individuals with a growth mindset see failure as a stepping stone, not a roadblock.


Resilience mindset.

A resilience mindset enables individuals to face trials in life with a sense of strength and adaptability. It is the mental and emotional fortitude that permits people to bounce back from setbacks and misfortune. This mindset prepares individuals to face life’s storms. Emerging stronger and more determined than ever. Here are three ways in which a resilience mindset helps a person navigate challenges:

  1. People with a resilience mindset understand that challenges and difficulties are a natural part of life. Instead of avoiding or fearing adversity, they embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth. When faced with setbacks, they remain steadfast, maintaining a belief that they can overcome hurdles. This outlook allows them to approach challenges with a sense of determination and optimism, knowing that they can learn and evolve through the experience.

  2. Resilience involves emotional regulation, which helps individuals manage stress and anxiety during tough times. People with a resilience mindset are less likely to become overwhelmed by negative emotions. They are better prepared to stay calm and composed as they face adversity. This emotional balance enables them to think more clearly. Make rational decisions and find effective solutions to their problems, even in stressful situations.

  3. A resilience mindset encourages a positive approach to challenges. Rather than being defeated by setbacks, resilient people use them as opportunities to learn and grow. They reflect on their experiences, adapt their strategies, and develop new skills. Over time, they become better equipped to handle future challenges. They've acquired valuable knowledge and coping mechanisms from their past encounters with adversity. In this way, a resilient mindset helps people endure tough times and furthers personal development and a greater sense of self-confidence.


Abundance mindset.

An abundance mindset isn’t just about wealth. It is characterized by the belief that there are limitless opportunities, resources, and possibilities to be shared among individuals. This mindset encourages generosity, gratitude, collaboration, and prosperity in all aspects of life.

An abundance mindset allows individuals to recognize and seize opportunities they might otherwise overlook. When you believe that opportunities are abundant, you become more open to exploring new ventures, taking risks, and making the best of the circumstances. This openness can lead to personal and professional growth, as you actively seek out and create opportunities that align with your goals and aspirations.

People with an abundance mindset tend to approach challenges and problems with a more constructive and creative perspective. They view difficulties as opportunities to learn and innovate, rather than as insurmountable obstacles. This mindset encourages a proactive problem-solving approach. Which can lead to more effective and innovative solutions to issues, both big and small.

Embracing an abundance mindset in your interactions can boost healthier and more harmonious relationships. When you believe there's enough abundance of love, trust, and goodwill to go around. You're more likely to approach relationships with generosity, kindness, and a willingness to collaborate.


Empowerment mindset.

An empowerment mindset is a powerful attitude that enables individuals to take control of their lives and actively work to change their circumstances. It instills confidence and self-belief, allowing you to pursue your dreams and passions with unwavering determination. Promoting a sense of agency, self-worth, and a practical approach to problem-solving.

Here are three ways in which having an empowerment mindset can lead to positive changes:

  • An empowerment mindset encourages individuals to own their actions, decisions, and outcomes. Instead of feeling like victims of their circumstances. Those who have this mindset recognize that they have the power to shape their destinies. They take responsibility for their choices, which enables them to make more intentional and constructive decisions. Acknowledging that they are in the driver's seat of their lives, they can begin to implement changes that align with their goals and aspirations.

  • People with an empowerment mindset are better prepared to face problems and setbacks. They view difficulties as opportunities rather than obstacles. This resilience allows them to adapt to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to problems. They understand that difficulties are a part of life and can be navigated. With the right mindset and a proactive approach, ultimately leading to a transformation in their circumstances.

  • The empowerment mindset is characterized by setting clear goals and taking consistent, focused action to achieve them. Those possessing this mindset don't simply wait for change to happen; they actively work toward it. By setting specific, achievable objectives and following through with deliberate steps, they can make significant progress in altering their circumstances.


Open-mindedness mindset.

Open-mindedness is the gateway to new perspectives, ideas, possibilities, and information. What is best about this mindset is that it encourages critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, creativity, and adaptability. Enabling you to thrive in a rapidly changing world.   

An open-minded mindset encourages continuous learning and personal growth. It acknowledges that you don't have all the answers and that there is always room for improvement. Being receptive to different viewpoints and information, individuals with an open mind can expand their knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. This constant learning enriches their lives and allows them to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances.

Another exceptional aspect of an open-minded mindset is its ability to promote empathy and understanding. Open-minded individuals are more likely to bridge divides, resolve conflicts, and build connections with people from diverse backgrounds. This empathy and understanding contribute to unity and cooperation, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Additionally, an open-minded mindset is a catalyst for innovation and creativity. By being open to unconventional or unexplored ideas, individuals break free from the constraints of predictable thinking. This mindset encourages them to challenge the status quo and seek renewed solutions to old problems. The result is a culture of innovation that drives progress and positive change in various fields, from science and technology to art and business.


Fixed mindset.

While predominantly seen as limiting, a fixed mindset has its merits. It can provide stability and focus for some situations. The key is knowing when to embrace it and when to transition to a growth mindset for personal development. In contrast to a growth mindset, a fixed mindset is marked by the belief that abilities and intelligence are static and cannot be changed. Individuals with a fixed mindset may avoid challenges to protect their self-esteem and see failures as a reflection of their inherent limitations.

A fixed mindset can lead to a fear of failure. When individuals believe their abilities and intelligence are static, they tend to avoid taking on challenges or risks because they fear making mistakes or falling short of expectations. This fear of failure can result in missed opportunities, as individuals remain within their comfort zones.

A closed mindset can lead to a lack of adaptability. People set in their ways and resistant to change, may struggle to adjust to evolving circumstances. This inflexibility can hinder their ability to deal with difficulties. They are less likely to embrace new ideas or methods that could lead to solutions. In professional settings, resistance to change can limit career advancement, as adaptability and innovation are often highly valued traits.

A fixed mindset can strain relationships. Individuals with this mindset may be less open to considering the viewpoints and feelings of others, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.


My Final Thoughts.

I believe positivity to be the grandfather of all mindsets. There are many other great mindsets, but positivity makes them all exponentially better.

For more information, read these posts.

Why Your Mindset Is Everything.

Successful Days Lead To A Successful Mindset.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Developing A Success Mindset

Are there dreams and ambitions that you haven’t reached? Are you frustrated and overwhelmed? If so, relax, you’re not alone. Sometimes, it seems like there are a select few people who attain great heights – and then there’s the rest of us.

What differentiates the people who realize their aspirations from those who always appear to struggle? The difference is that successful people have taken control of their thoughts, beliefs, and their vision of the world.

They have mastered the important mindsets necessary for the achievement of success.

No one is born with this success-oriented attitude. You can acquire it by unpacking the way you think now and ridding yourself of old unworkable attitudes. Shift your mindset by mastering new skills and practices, and adopting a new stance.


What Is a “Mindset”, and does it help?

A mindset is an assemblage of related beliefs that shape how you see the world and function in it. For example, if you have a positive mindset, you are optimistic and focus on the good things, rather than dwelling on the negative.

Mindset is important because it influences how you behave. Your behaviors are based on what you think and believe. Everyone works from an acknowledged mindset, even if you’re not aware of it. Mastering these methods of thought is a matter of choice.

An important thing to remember about mindsets is that they’re learned. You’re not born thinking a particular way; you pick it up from others and your experiences in the world.

Hey, this is great news. It means that anyone can intentionally transform their mindset.


A shift in your mindset carries benefits.

The right mindset can have a major impact on your personal and professional life. Advantages are:

  • Greater overall happiness and well-being. By seeing the world in a positive light, you’ll be healthier and more satisfied.

  • Higher self-esteem. You’ll have more confidence. You’ll view the things you presently can’t do as skills you have yet to master.

  • A healthy attitude towards failure and setbacks. You’ll recover from bumps in the road and use each challenge as a valuable learning experience.

  • A successful career or a business owner. You’ll be able to identify opportunities and act on them.

  • Improvements in your relationships. With your focus on growth and development, you’ll be an inspiration to others and like-minded people will be attracted to you.

  • Stress reduction. You’ll be better able to handle stress and won’t feel overcome even when you’re busy or under pressure.

  • Increased creativity. You’ll combine creativity and innovative thinking in all areas of your life.


5 Key mindsets for success.

These are the mindsets that encourage success:

  1. Growth Mindset. This mindset is the foundation of all change. Without it, you’ll have trouble adopting other positive mindsets. If you have a growth mindset, you tend to believe that your talents, intelligence, and skills can be developed through a combination of hard work, effective training, and guidance from others.

  2. Abundance Mindset. The abundance mindset says that there’s plenty to go around for everybody. When we operate from a perspective of abundance, we make better decisions and radiate generosity.

  3. Creativity Mindset. The creativity mindset says that anyone can be creative, not only artists. It uses various tools to unlock imagination and innovation and apply it to a variety of issues.

  4. Problem-Solving Mindset. This mindset says no problem is too much to conquer. It uses brainstorming and other techniques to identify and solve problems.

  5. Entrepreneurial Mindset. CEOs and business owners with this mindset seek out opportunities and act on them. They innovate in the face of challenges and don’t let risk dissuade them from pursuing a new idea.


If you pursue skills and techniques to adopt and cultivate these 5 mindsets, you’ll experience benefits in every area of your personal and professional life. It takes time to begin seeing results, but there are actions you can do each day to get one step closer.


Observe your thinking.                              

A good place to start is to evaluate your current mindset. This is the way of thinking that’s been unconsciously shaped through your experiences and the influence of others over time.

Ask yourself these things:

  • How positive are you?

  • How do you see topics, difficulties, and challenges?

  • Do you celebrate the successes of others or feel envious?

  • Are you very bothered by how others see you?

  • Are you fixated on what you don’t have rather than what you do?

  • Do you see the world’s resources as limited and scarce, or abundant?

  • Are you an imaginative thinker?

  • Where do you use creativity in your daily life?


These questions will help you understand where you’re starting point is. Providing you with ideas for improvement that you can begin working on right away.


Allow yourself grace when you make a mistake.

A part of what most people need to work on is how to view their blunders and failures. And yes, mistakes will be made. The question is, do you beat yourself up when something goes wrong?

One thing that sets success-minded people apart from the rest is how they view obstacles. To them, every failure is a valuable learning experience. Begin by asking yourself, “what can I learn from this”?

When you make a mistake, extend the same kindness to yourself that you would offer to someone else. Try to fix it and then let it go. Look for the lesson. Note what went wrong and what you could have done to improve your chance of success.


Practice gratitude.

What do you focus on – the things you have or the things you want? People who practice gratitude are much happier and more successful than those who only see what they are lacking.

You can begin practicing gratitude immediately by brainstorming a list of things you’re grateful for. There’s no item either small or seemingly inconsequential to go on this list. Think about your family, friends, job, health, and hobbies.

A daily practice of giving thanks is even more effective. Buy a notebook and make it your gratitude journal. Each day, jot down a few things you’re grateful for. This reminds you of the abundance that’s present in your life. 


Discover what inspires you.

Inspiration helps when you’re trying to come up with ideas or solve problems. You may incorrectly believe that it comes as a flash out of the sky, but this is not how creativity works.

People who are in touch with their creativity make it a daily practice and can tap into it when they need it.

There are many sources of inspiration that you can use, including:

  • A walk in the park

  • Yoga or meditation

  • Music

  • Quotes

  • Painting, playing music, or some other creative activity

  • Blogs or books

  • Good conversation

  • Good memories

  • Your gratitude lists

  • Friends or family members


It can be anything that makes you feel inspired. Choose something that excites you that you can turn to whenever you need a boost.


Try something new.

All 5 of the success mindsets are concerned with growth and a love of learning. A great way to transform your mindset is to discover something new to learn. It doesn’t have to be something related to your career or something practical. And you don’t need to excel at it. The process of learning itself will help you transform.

Pick up a musical instrument or a new language. Take up a new sport or explore a topic like cosmology or philosophy. Learn about the history of your hometown.

Remember, the whole point is to get you learning and expanding your perspective. It shouldn’t be stressful. Choose something fun that captivates your imagination.


Study successful people.

It’s much easier to transform your mindset when you have an example. Therefore, it’s a good idea to learn from people who’ve mastered this process.

One way to do this is to read biographies and autobiographies of successful people. Choose business leaders, athletes, movers, and shakers and read about how they did it. If you’re not a big reader, you can listen to interviews and watch videos. Try to get insight into how they think and how they conduct themselves.

Even better, seek out people you consider successful and spend time with them. Pick their brain and feel their positive influence transform your mindset – and your life.


My final thoughts.

Everyone wants to be successful, if not always in the same way. So, you can take these ideas and mold them into something that reflects what success looks and feels like to you.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Want to learn more about how to get a successful mindset? Head over here.

What’s Most Important To Your Success - Mindset Or Strategy

9 Best Mindsets For Success

Get That Gratitude Feeling

Gram’s Wisdom 36

My Gram taught me how to get along in the world. She believed gratitude and thankfulness were the beginning of everything good. That if you were grateful for all you had and thanked others for the things they do for you, good fortune would follow.

Once, Gram told me happiness was obtained from gratitude. That was enough to convince me. I saw how happy and content she was, and I knew that was what I wanted in my life.

Gram had a positive outlook on life and saw the best in everyone, never speaking badly of anyone. She never took anyone for granted. Consequently, she had many friends of all ages.

One of the things Gram would always do when I called or visited was to tell me what she felt grateful for that day. Gram was appreciative of everything big and especially of the small. I learned from her that expressing gratitude out loud nudges others to do the same and offers a huge thank you to the universe.




Learn to speak the language of gratitude.

Practicing gratitude is an excellent habit. Gratitude holds the key to life's greatest abundance, instantly increasing positivity and happiness. Fortunately, gratitude is not something you are born with or without — and that is wonderful — because nearly everyone has a shot at unlocking gratitude's limitless abundance and joy.

Grateful people speak a language that includes words like blessings, abundance, givers, good fortune, and gifts. They concentrate on what others have done for them, rather than on what they do for others.

With more practice, gratitude is something anyone can grow, and it makes life better in so many ways. However, that doesn't mean it will be simple or easy to do, especially for people who are not familiar with speaking the language of gratitude.


Are you lacking gratitude?

According to Albert Einstein, "there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Let's classify the former as a complainer and the latter as a grateful person. Since gratitude is a mindset, a complainer has a negative mindset whereas one who is grateful has a positive mindset. Regardless of who you are your go-to responses direct your life in so many ways.

People who complain, instinctively criticize, see multiple reasons why something won't work, are overly preoccupied with the lives of other people, tend to feel envy, easily feel sad, blame others, and often feel angry and frustrated.


How to be grateful in life.

Grateful people, genuinely feel happier with their lives no matter how small or simple a blessing is; they are sensitive to recognizing the good things around them. Because they are predisposed to feel gratitude, they are also more positive, appreciative, have better relationships and connections with others, do not need flashy things to feel good, and are generally more resilient when challenges arise.

There's a big difference in the way people who complain vs. people who are grateful think and behave. That is where cultivating gratitude becomes very important. Gratitude is the path to the bright side of life, whereas complaining, finding fault, making excuses, fear, and a whole range of negative emotions tend to come too easily for many of us. Humans are naturally wired with a negative bias.

The whole point of gratitude is to go beyond our naturally limited ways of thinking to unlock greater abundance, happiness, hope, and more positivity in our lives. But if you don't speak the language of a particular position, it can be very difficult to understand the people who do and speak it yourself. This is the same way with gratitude. You need to learn and practice speaking the language of thankfulness to become a more grateful person.

Here are 7 great ways to become more grateful each day:


Be present now.

Gratitude begins by being entirely present now. This simple precept means you have a strong awareness of the here and now, rather than what is gone (past) and what is yet to be (future), which causes a change in perception. From there, all your senses can appreciate and see everything more clearly, unhindered by worries about what is yet to be and negative emotions about what is already gone.


A gratitude journal can rewire your brain.

Maintaining a gratitude writing habit in a journal keeps the momentum of gratitude going. Having a journal to write your gratitude list every day or as often and consistently as possible rewires your brain, making you more prone to gratefulness.


List what you are grateful for daily.

If you have already begun a gratitude journal, writing letters of gratitude or a simple gratitude list every day can boost the momentum. According to research, it takes just 8 weeks of consistent gratitude practice to begin realizing the benefits of gratitude training and rewire the pattern of your brain to be more prone towards gratitude and positivity.


Begin your day with a goal to be grateful.

Being deliberate is always key, and such is the case with gratitude, too. Begin each day with the correct mindset; find at least one thing you're grateful for and focus on that. Write it down, keep it with you, and let your grateful thoughts permeate your consciousness throughout the day.


Look at the world from a new perspective.

A crucial step to being more appreciative is learning to live out of your bubble. Look for different perspectives. Get creative and move out of your comfort zone. Meet and mingle with people from a different group than you're accustomed to. Learning new perspectives will open your mind to seeing things and people differently and valuing what you have more.


Walk in another’s shoes.

Putting yourself in another person's shoes leaves you with a changed viewpoint, so you're able to see life differently, more clearly, and hopefully, better.


Find gratitude in hard times.

"It takes sadness to know happiness," according to one famous quote. Forgetfulness is one of the main reasons why people are not as grateful as they should be. Oftentimes, people forget those who helped them through obstacles; other times, people forget, or never learned, the lessons behind a difficult journey.

Remembering the hardships that you went through and how you overcame them causes you to appreciate what you have at present better. This helps you become a more grateful and humble person.


My final thought:

Don’t save your gratitude just for the big things that occur in your life. If you want to be truly grateful, don’t be picky. There is nothing too insignificant to be thankful for. You should appreciate everything, from your health to morning coffee and the birds who freely sing their gratitude.


For more information, read these posts:

13 Ways to Be Grateful for What You Have

What Are You Feeling Grateful for Today


Thank you for taking the time to read this post, please share it with someone you love.

10 Simple Tips to Create a Transformational Abundance Mindset

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Developing an abundant mindset


Mindset is an extremely powerful tool. It is the motivating force behind the actions and behaviors which will set you up for success or keep you anxious and insecure about the future.

Depending on which mindset you assume, your perceptions will be different. The path of abundance has you looking at the world through the eyes of optimism and gratitude. You will be able to reach your potential for a life filled with happiness, contentment, and well-being.

However, with a scarcity mindset all you see are difficulties, barriers, and no means of change. Your life becomes reduced and you see yourself as having limited choices.

Unfortunately, society is deeply entrenched in scarcity. People live their lives in fear, blaming their situations, completely certain that their condition is permanent.

The good news is this doesn’t have to be your story. It’s your choice. You must decide that you aren’t going to settle for a life of scarcity anymore, but rather move forward in abundance.


You can begin taking actions today to develop an abundance mindset and it’s easier than you might think. Here are 10 simple things you can integrate into daily life that will have you on the life-changing path of abundance in no time. So, let’s go!

1.  Your thoughts become your life –The mind is constantly buzzing with thoughts that dictate your perspective on the world. These thoughts truly do change your life and it’s important to be aware of them when making the shift from scarcity to abundance.

“You are transformed into a new person by changing the way you think.” Kenneth Acha, MD

Pay attention to the things going on inside your head. What thoughts monopolize your time? Are they positive or negative?

Take one day and track as many thoughts as you possibly can. Write down anything that comes to mind. What suggestions are you telling yourself through those thoughts?

I’m not good enough, smart enough, young enough, old enough. I can’t. What if I fail? What if I’m wrong? Who am I to do something big in the world?

Your thoughts have been holding you back hugely and if you want a more Abundant life, that negativity is one of the first things that must go. Once you become fully aware of what is going on, you regain control, and those thoughts lose their influence over you.

For more information read this article by Kenneth Acha MD. Your Thoughts Run Your Life


2.  Remove toxic people –One of THE best things you can do for yourself and your future success is removing toxic people from your life. Identify those relationships that are weighing you down and choose to stop sacrificing your own needs and happiness for those who don’t value you.

Put yourself first. Take a long, hard look at whom you’ve allowed into your sphere. Do they build you up or drag you down?

Toxic people will keep you mired in a cycle of drama and negativity because it suits them and their selfish agenda. They don’t want you to do any better than themselves and won’t allow you to thrive and blossom into the person you are meant to be.

Distance yourself from those who make you feel ‘less than’ and seek out those that are more Abundance minded. Find a community of like-minded people who will celebrate your wins and encourage you to be the best possible edition of yourself.


3.  Practice gratefulness –One of the most powerful things you can do to attract abundance is by practicing gratitude daily. Be focused. Decide that you are going to look for and seek out the good every day.

Notice even the smallest blessings as you go through your daily routine. Instead of dreading the day when you wake up, immediately think of a few reasons why you are excited and grateful to bounce out of bed.

Smile more. Complain less. Spend quality time with people who help you see the blessings in life.

Begin a journal. Before bedtime, reflect on the good things that transpired that day and write them down. Life is unpredictable and it won’t always be filled with happy moments.

Nevertheless, when you seek to see the good and be grateful for what you have, it makes it much easier to get through those tough times.

Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance.


4.  Don’t compare yourself to others –Society pushes perfection and plays off of our lack of confidence. It’s no wonder our comparison game is strong. The challenge is, when you compare yourself with another person, much of the time you’re comparing their strengths against your weaknesses.

You’re looking at their highlights and comparing them with your mess behind the scenes. This is a recipe for self-destruction and the quickest path to feeling miserable, bitter, and undeserving. Stop the madness and take steps to eliminate comparison from your life.

Do a social media detox or spend less time online. Accept your quirks and shortcomings –they make you, YOU. Keep in mind that there are 7 billion people on this planet –not one of them is perfect (no matter what Instagram says).

Turn the tables and let others inspire you with their contributions, their gains, and their achievements. Rather than feeling like you don’t measure up, appreciate what they have to offer while knowing that there is plenty of room for you to excel as well.


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5.  Are you living purposefully? -If you desire to cultivate more abundance in your life, the key is to be intentional about how you live. Where do you spend most of your time and energy?

Are you working towards something you are proud of or just counting the days until Friday? Make time for self-reflection and get clear on what you want out of life –what are your principles, your objectives, and your aspirations?

What lights you up inside and makes you want to leap out of bed every morning? Until we know what is essential to us, it’s hard to be purposeful with our time and effort. Be mindful of the people you allow into your group as well as the information you consume through social media, television, etc.

Make time to do things that bring you joy and choose to be kind to yourself and others. Take small steps to start embracing life on your terms.


6.  Be growth-minded –One of the absolute best gifts you can give yourself is that of knowledge. A person who lives in abundance will make every effort to explore new concepts, learn new skills, and expand their vision to see things in a new light. There is always something new to be learned.

Decide that you are going to be a life-long learner and take full advantage of all the resources you have at your fingertips today –podcasts, Ted Talks, online courses, audiobooks, etc. The list is endless and will provide you with a world of new concepts, thoughts, and possibilities that keep the juices in your brain flowing.

Consistent learning allows you to endlessly grow and change into a better version of yourself all while you gain a better perspective about the world around you.

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7.  Give to others –There are billions of people on this planet, but we are all connected when it comes to giving and receiving. When you add value to someone else’s life, it will always add to the abundance in yours.

Become good at being an unconditional giver of your time, energy, money, and resources. Don’t expect something in return when you give -just let it be.

There are so many ways to be of value to another person. Go through your house or garage and donate things you don’t use anymore.

Give away bags of clothing or toys that your kids no longer play with. You get to help someone else and declutter your space at the same time –that’s a win-win in my book.

Buy groceries for a family in need or pay a bill or two for someone who is behind. Keep in mind, it doesn’t always have to be about money or material things.

Pray for someone or offer a helping hand when they are struggling. Offer to listen to a co-worker who is going through a hard time.

Be friendly to a stranger and extend them a smile or a few kind words –you never know what someone is going through. It could be the one thing that gets them through the rest of their day. Don’t take that for granted.  Just love people without judging whether they deserve it.


8.  Leave your comfort zone behind –One of the major mistakes you can make is to allow countless opportunities to pass you by because you refuse to be uncomfortable. Stepping beyond your comfort zone is tough. 

It means forcing yourself to do things you’re not accustomed to. It means going into unknown territory. You fear getting burned. You fear disappointment.

It’s so much easier to shrink back and stay unseen than leap into the unfamiliar. But staying hidden isn’t the answer. It won’t help you develop and it’s not stimulating you to reach your full potential.

Up until now, you’ve been blind to all the possibilities which life has to offer. Developing an abundance mindset is about taking off those blinders and waking up to all the things you’ve been missing.

It needn’t be difficult –reach out to someone you admire to ask them questions. Make a phone call about that job you’ve been ogling.

Write that blog post and then hit publish! Once you begin taking small steps outside your comfort zone, a world of prospects will reveal themselves.


9.  Jettison the excuses –If you want to live with more abundance, you must discard the excuses as to why you can’t have a better life. Excuses are powered by fears and insecurities. They keep you rooted in perfectionism and procrastination so that you don’t tiptoe too far outside your comfort zone.

You make up reasons why you can’t before you’ve tried. Fear of failure. Fear of what others will say. Fear of looking foolish. It’s an endless cycle that keeps you stuck in a rut, never allowing you to grow into the person you are meant to be.

To live a more abundant life, you must decide to ditch excuses from your vocabulary and your life. When you notice yourself making an excuse, go to the core cause. What is preventing you from action?

Frequently overwhelm is the big culprit here. Some projects are so large they seem to have no end. That is when it helps to break down bigger objectives into smaller tasks, so they are easier to achieve.


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10.  Healthy mind and body habits –It’s impossible to have a healthy mindset if you don’t take care of your body too. We live in a microwave society where unhealthy habits run unchecked. We get so caught up in the daily madness of life that we sometimes tend to put our health on the back burner.

It’s a good idea to look at your daily habits and see which ones might need some adjusting. You don’t have to join a gym and eat lettuce every day. Simply try to start putting yourself first and create a routine that works for you.

Be deliberate about what you are putting into your body. Make time for self-care. Eat more veggies. Get outside in nature, breathe the fresh air, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Decrease your stress by learning to say a firm no, to the things that don’t serve you. Love yourself enough to put your health and wellness at the top of the priority list. Your mind and body will thank you for this.


My final thought

You can, and you should, easily begin developing your abundance mindset today by incorporating some of these tips into your daily routine. No matter how long your scarcity mentality has been a weight you’ve carried, you have the power to start over at any given moment.

By acknowledging that you have a choice, that you don’t have to be mired in scarcity for the rest of your life, you can begin to transform your life and create your reality from this day forward. You deserve it. Give yourself patience and grace and enjoy the journey.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you are interested in more information, check out this previous post.

Shift Your Mindset and Abundance Will Come More Easily.

9 Best Mindsets for Success

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What are the 9 best mindsets for a successful life? I offer you a summary of the most popular mindsets to help you live a successful life.

Many of the ones listed here go by different names or are parts of subsets. So, when, looking at successful people you will find they possess several of these mindsets.

You won’t find greed, sloth, envy, or anything like that here. I couldn’t imagine other than rare instances finding life success within the framework of such negativity.

I am also adding a link to Five Mindsets That Will Transform Your Life by Marelisa Fabrega. Her number five Entrepreneurial mindset is a must-see for anyone who is or desires to become an entrepreneur.


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What is an abundance mindset?

When you have an abundance mindset you notice as you look at the natural world that there is a profusion of things. Leaves on trees, sands on the beach, birds in the sky, air to breathe. There is no scarcity, earth has not withheld its gifts. There is plenty for all.

An abundance mentality focuses on this and is grateful for the richness they have in life, rather than on what may be lacking. The abundance personality opens the mind as well as their eyes seeing possibilities that others miss. By the expansion of their awareness, they can discover more opportunities, more choices, and more means to receive what they need. 


Have you got an active mindset?

The persons with an active mindset choose to be in control of their lives. They are also the people who see, hear, think, “Hey, something should be done” and then they go out and do it.

The individuals who are active thinkers are change-makers. They know what you learn is useless if you don’t apply it. They are constant tinkerers. Always working to improve an idea or a thing. Always believing they can make it better.

Sure, action takers will stumble at times. But they own their mistakes and pick themselves up because they know the only way to go forward is to continue moving. Accomplishment motivates the person with an active mindset. You will seldom find these people behaving in a lazy or unfocused manner.

Find here a link to my last post Is Your Mindset Naturally Active or Passive?


Do you have a courageous mindset?

The courageous mentality will have you leaving your comfort zone in search of new heights. Mistakes can be made, but the experiences are rewards for these risk-takers.

People with a courageous mindset see the minefields and have the same fears everyone else has. The difference is courageous people will face their fears and move beyond them. They see courage as a choice you make where the decisions are such that can have a profound impact on their lives.

Those who are courageous believe it’s cowardly to stay where they are never becoming more than they are out of an unwillingness to embrace opportunities. Courage is doing what is uncomfortable, boring, and frustrating in the face of your insecurity and fear of failure. And if you desire to make changes in life, it’s courage that lets you alter your mindset.

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What is a creative mindset?

The creative individual is open, tolerant, and non-judgmental. Ideas need space to enter and room to breathe when they have arrived. A creative mindset taps into imagination with a child’s sense of curiosity.

A creative person is unique, they look and think about things differently. The creative person is resourceful and frequently a problem solver. The flip side of that is they often over-complicate simple things.

Creativity is ingenuity used to make things better. It’s what makes innovation occur. Creative individuals just do it; painters, paint; writers, write; musicians, play. Creatives believe that to be happy and successful, they must live up to their potential.


What benefits do you derive from a grateful mindset?

A present moment appreciation is where grateful thoughts come from. A grateful mindset may need to begin with a scheduled time for you to think about what you are grateful for.

Don’t forget gratitude for the people in your life. The kind neighbor, your best friend, your family members. The more you practice being grateful the more there is to be grateful for. You can verbally express your thankfulness or write it down.

There is no right or wrong way in the expression of gratitude. Being thankful frequently throughout your day expands the practice of gratitude. Noticeably the glass becomes half full. You see life more positively. As a result, you find more peace, happiness, and contentment.

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How do you develop a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is a belief that you can learn and improve yourself, that with effort and persistence, you can succeed.

Persons with a growth mindset are less concerned about looking smart, instead, they take the time to study and become smart. Like a sponge, they absorb as much knowledge as possible with a view to developing into experts in their field.

Growth-minded persons struggle with obstacles along the way like anyone else, but they view those difficulties as opportunities for their growth. They view the success of others as motivation.

Growth-minded individuals expand their knowledge to include learning from theirs and other’s mistakes, and they freely appreciate constructive criticism believing it furthers their growth.

And here because no one says it better than Carol Dweck.

Changing our beliefs can have a powerful impact. The growth mindset creates a powerful passion for learning. “Why waste time proving over and over how great you are,” Dweck writes, “when you could be getting better?”

From <https://fs.blog/2015/03/carol-dweck-mindset/>


How can you create a positive mindset?

Positive thinking is the habit of expecting the best from yourself, others, and any given situation.

The positive mentality focuses on the present moment extracting what is good in the now. It doesn’t dwell on the negativity of past hurts or future imagined slights.

Positive thinkers understand that an upbeat attitude, not only boosts your confidence but enhances your mood.

Positivity can help you be healthy of mind and body. When you think better, you feel better. When you feel better, you act better. The actions you take as self-care or exercise make you feel better which helps you think better.

Your positive mindset can also play a positive role in any stress-related illnesses you may have.

A positive mindset is optimistic, this provides you with improved coping skills. The positive thinker makes the effort to shut down negative self-talk by spinning a new inner dialog.

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Why is a self-belief mindset important?

Self-belief is an attitude of confidence in your judgment and capabilities. No one is born with self-belief. Individuals start developing a self-belief mindset as they grow up.

Self-belief is established from small challenges that progressively build to larger ones. To achieve this skill, you must develop competency in your ability to learn and your resourcefulness. People without this skill often fall prey to limiting beliefs.

Without self-belief, you will never be able to stand out from the crowd, make your own decisions or assert yourself. Having self-belief allows you to attempt new or difficult things. Self-belief impacts your satisfaction, success, and contentment.

The confidence you gain from self-belief aids your ability to move past mistakes without excessively blaming yourself. People who have a positive self-belief can lead and inspire others to do their best.

Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.
— Mae Jemison

What is a visionary mindset?

Visionaries value their imagination and will have a big dream. Big enough to be thrilling and scary at the same time.

The visionary mindset pays attention to intuition and embraces change. As a dreamer, you know what you want from your future.

A visionaries’ goals are often the vehicle for their service to others. What was once the big idea to benefit themselves, frequently becomes the seed they grow to help humanity.

Visionaries never give up on their dream. They understand there will be trials, but they push through them making needed adjustments until the dream is fulfilled.

Dreamers are confident, they feel they will achieve success, but understand it is the journey that helps their development and growth as human beings.

The visionary has a positive attitude and radiates positive energy. They are regularly surrounded by like-minded people.


My final thought

Noticeably, all these mindsets have 2-4 subsets in common. Growth, positivity, service to others, and gratitude. If you have any three or more of these mindsets you are already likely succeeding in life.

Change your mindset, change the game.
— Dr. Alia Crum

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you see yourself in some of these mindsets. Even more, I hope you are inspired to adopt another of these fulfilling mindsets.

You Are Worthy Of Abundance

6 Ways to feel prosperous when you aren’t, yet

Abundance. Prosperity. We all want that in our lives. But for some it’s meaning is wealth and success on a grand scale. While others of us want healthy, happy families and the ability to live in peace and harmony. There is no right or wrong choice. That depends on the meaning you attribute to those words and how you want to feel.

Regardless, if you want to be prosperous, feel prosperous. If you want to succeed, you must believe that you are very much worthy and deserving of it. It doesn’t matter where you are right now, what matters is what you want because that is the beginning of creating it with your mind.

To be guided by the belief that everything is a product of a state of mind is revolutionary, and yet, this has become the teaching common to all financial gurus and masters of prosperity.

Wealth is a mindset, as are all things worthy of experience in this life. Things like prosperity, happiness, abundance, and love.

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Maybe you aren’t in that place you’ve always wanted to be just yet. Maybe you are getting there, but wherever you are in life, this wisdom holds great power: your mind is key to your destination – including the road to prosperity.

At any time, your results can be improved in your life by cultivating the power of your mind and choosing the thoughts which determine your reality. Acting on those thoughts sends a clear message to the universe that you are ready to accept the abundance you are sent.

Here are 6 very effective ways to feel prosperous, so you can attract prosperity naturally and create greater abundance in your life.

Believing you are worthy makes you feel worthy

Believe that you are worthy of the things that you attract towards you. You are more than enough, and even the situation you’re in right now is fundamental to every kind of prosperity that you wish to experience in life, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

Concentrate on having a positive self-image, feeling worthy and entitled to all the abundance that you desire, simply because you exist, and you deserve nothing but the best. If you begin to feel worthy, you will begin to feel prosperous.

Create room for prosperity to enter your life

To attract prosperity and let it in when it arrives requires making that space available. Prosperity is about maintaining a great quality of life, and if at present, you’re too preoccupied with negativity and a broke mindset, it’s really hard for prosperity to thrive in the same place where a negative mindset also dwells.

These two things don’t co-exist so to make space for feeling prosperous, you need to let go of your broke mindset. To attract prosperity, you need to embody it first.

Although prosperity isn’t always about having more money, feeling rich can come out of a sense of satisfaction, being contented, having peace, and joy. Before it makes its way to you, you can attract it by behaving as if you’ve already received what you were hoping for.

Do what you love

By indulging in your passions and doing those things that you love, you naturally radiate more positive energy. These vibrations can attract more positivity into your life and create things of similar frequency such as abundance, wealth, joy, happiness, peace – a state of prosperity. Take the time to indulge in your passions and you will feel prosperous.

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Respond with love

Prosperity isn’t always about money, but it is in fact about experiencing life at its fullest and best, and bringing your highest self into whatever situation you may find yourself in. You’ve got the power to positively affect your life by responding with love (your highest self) – even if you may be experiencing a crisis or a problem right now.

You can’t always be happy one hundred percent of the time, especially when things are out of your control, but keeping things in perspective will reward you with feelings of calm and hope – a step towards prosperity.

Set your goals and write them down

When you choose to do something, do it with all your passion and commitment as often as you need to. With this assertiveness, life can’t help but give in to your stubborn heart and wishes. You need to have goals and strive for them aggressively. If you haven’t written them down, do it now and have something to aim for.

Take positive action and release negativity

It’s not enough to have a prosperity mindset if you don’t manifest it in your actions. Ultimately, this is the purpose for the state of mind you’re cultivating – to translate those intangible feelings, beliefs, and emotions – into tangible actions and results. Be positive and take a stand for your beliefs of prosperity. This entails releasing negativity and old ways of thinking that no longer serve you.

If you are feeling negative right now, stop. Choose to stop right now and begin to feel prosperous!

The use of affirmations for abundance

What can you do to increase your ability to manifest abundance? Positive affirmations can help you in several areas of your life. There are affirmations specific to abundance and prosperity that can help you develop a consciousness for abundance. You must think about prosperity and abundance if you want to beget prosperity and abundance. Focus on what you want to have.

When you focus your thoughts on what you lack, you attract more of the same. Affirmations can help you fill your mind with positive thoughts. It’s important to note that abundance doesn’t mean attracting possessions or wealth. That’s only one part of abundance.

I encourage you to think positively about the affirmations provided below. They cover variations of abundance and don’t just focus on wealth. The dominant thoughts in your mind radiate outside of you and leak into the world and that will attract the same back to you.

• I become more prosperous every day in every way.

• I am prosperous, I always have been, and I always will be prosperous.

• I will always have what I need, the universe looks after me.

• I have everything I need my life is filled with love, joy, and happiness.

• I am abundant, prosperity is overflowing.

• Prosperity is flowing and there is an abundant supply of money in my life.

• My actions will lead to prosperity and abundance.

• My life is abundant, and I am blessed.

• I attract prosperity and abundance because I focus on them.

• Prosperity flows around me and through me.

• I accept all the good things that enter my life and I will enjoy them.

• I easily and effortlessly create prosperity in my life.

• I naturally attract abundance and prosperity.

• Abundance is my birthright, I am abundant.

• The universe is conspiring to make me an abundant person.

• I release resistance to abundance and allow it to come to me naturally.

• I am worthy of having abundance in my life.

• I attract all that I need.

• I live in abundance, I am strong, I am happy, I am healthy.

• I give thanks for the positivity and light in my life.

• I am grateful for my family and friends who fill me with joy.

Use as many of these affirmations as resonate with you and use them as often as you like. Make a list of the ones you wish to employ and keep it handy so you can repeat them throughout the day. Write them down in your journal daily so that they root themselves more firmly in your mind.

Just like affirmations that bring you peace and calm during times of stress, these affirmations can help you to succeed as you concentrate on the type of abundance you want in your life.

My final thought

Prosperity is not a state of having, but a state of being. It’s a result of your conscious decision to choose to embody one type of mindset over another – choosing positivity over negativity, love over fear.

While money doesn’t create happiness, a state of happiness can in fact cause you to create more wealth and attract more abundance.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I would appreciate your sharing it with family and friends.

Abundance Is Not A Singular Pursuit

Gram’s Wisdom 20: An abundance of the right people

My Gram’s life was filled with an abundance of so many things, not the least her 101 years. Fortunately, for me, she happily shared stories of a life lived abundantly. The lessons she taught me and the example I was shown have allowed me to live my own abundant life.  

Gram told me an abundant life begins with the knowledge that you are worthy and deserving. She also felt you need to see the world as unlimited, believing that abundance is available all around you.

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Choose your life

Gram said there are two choices in how you live. You can choose to live with an awareness of all the good in life. Or, you can choose not to. With the latter, you aren’t in control of your thoughts, mind, or circumstances. You are seeing yourself as the victim, even if you don’t mean to.

She knew when you go through difficult times, it can be hard to come out undamaged on the other side. However, you must recognize those difficulties for what they are. Whatever it is, it’s a chance for you to become the best version of yourself.

One of the things I learned from watching my Gram is no one is meant to remain as a single version of themselves. As people, we need to progress, if we expect to grow and evolve. More importantly, why should we come out of difficult times unmarred? We wouldn’t be human if it didn’t influence us in some way. The key is to learn a lesson and use those lessons to improve as a person.

Abundance through personal growth

Personal growth will assist you in your bid to live in awareness. This way of living makes you more in tune with yourself. You are unafraid to ask yourself what you need and want. This is how you put yourself in the best position to manifest abundance. But not just any abundance. No. You want an abundance of what matters most to you.

Think of the people who pursue an abundance of wealth yet seem miserable. It seems as though they don’t know themselves. Think about when you have gone unfulfilled after reaching a goal because you realize after the fact that it wasn’t what you truly wanted. It’s something you have likely done, completely unaware that you aren’t in touch with your inner wants, needs, and desires.

My Gram did not use words like self-growth or mindset, but she was certainly aware of the concepts. From her I learned that in every moment you can choose compassion, you can choose authenticity, you can choose positivity, that you can choose abundance.

Abundance is a mindset, and this mindset can affect your life in all ways. You can’t help but live abundantly when you learn to see life from this perspective.

Here are 5 great ways to lead an abundant life.

Appreciate life right now

Even if you’re still trying to achieve an abundant life, you should never stop practicing gratitude every day. Gratitude turns what we have into more than enough. It unlocks the fullness and access to the abundance of life.

You complete the cycle of abundance through receiving it and giving it back. One day, when you’re where you want to be and have manifested the abundance that you were once attracting and creating for yourself, pay it forward by teaching and guiding others as well. There’s no better proof of abundance than people helping each other out and adding value to lives.

Avoid negative people

You need to identify good people who are positive and open to similar views you hold about life. Abundance makes people happy, relaxed, and puts them at ease. It makes them confident about living life each day. Negative people do not operate on this belief, so limit your time with them if you cannot influence them to make an effort to embrace a better mindset.

If they are always complaining avoid them. They are only trying to make you feel that there is a lack of everything, money, breaks, understanding. They will always be playing the ‘no money card’ if they can’t change your mindset, they will hope you will give them what they need to stop their complaining. In this scenario, someone’s got to give, don’t let it be you.

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When you’re practicing an abundance mentality, it’s impossible not to love the act of giving. When you see life brimming with possibilities and limitless opportunities, you love to give it away to others. You see that so many people can benefit from how you see the world, either through helping them or empowering them to see life the way you do. Learning how to give and loving the act of giving is an inevitable aspect of living an abundant life.

Learn from others

If you want to create abundance, learn from others. Reading success stories is inspiring and motivating. It can help you believe in yourself. You begin to feel that you’re capable of achieving something similar. Once you realize you can do it too, you will.

When you’re guided by someone who has been where you are, it motivates you to achieve the same heights of success. Getting a mentor’s guidance and help will encourage you to live an abundant life by understanding that help is always available when you need it.

Love yourself and accept yourself

To live an abundant life necessitates that you love and accept yourself fully. When you recognize your worth and acknowledge that you are deserving, you will begin to attract more of what you desire.

When you’ve laid the foundation of your beliefs and affirm yourself as worthy, you always become open to receiving the natural abundance that life is ready to give you. The universe is always ready and simply waiting on us to ask for what we want.

My final thought

My childhood was fraught with difficulties. Lovingly, my Gram provided a safe haven for me and supported me in many ways, always making me feel that I mattered. From years of observing her, I learned one of the most significant lessons of life. It is the people who love us who are our most important source of abundance.

I hope if you liked this post, that you will share it with your family and friends.

Invest Time To Receive Abundance

Abundance: What it is

What is an abundance of time? Quite simply, abundance is a large quantity. So, an abundance of time is more than enough time. It’s a tendency that we have as humans to do and be better, become more than we are, and grow as a species. But everything we do requires a time investment. We seldom accept our lot in life without grumbling. Instead, we desire to enjoy more abundance. Life is like that, as is nature. Nature naturally moves to spread its seed, with new trees, plants, and grass cropping up. Just like humanity is innovating constantly and ever-evolving. Just look around, you will see abundance. It’s everywhere. If you allow it to, it will appear in your personal life.

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Now, ask yourself this – what do you think of when you hear the word abundance? If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you will admit that you think of abundance as monetary. Most people do. When we think of abundance, we imagine wealth, exotic vacations, and various other material possessions. However, it manifests in a variety of ways, and not all are related to money or possessions. So, let’s look at many other ways that abundance manifests in your life.

• You can have an abundance of love.

• You can have an abundance of friendships.

• You will face an abundance of opportunities.

• You have access to an abundance of food.

• You can have an abundance of fun.

• There is abundance in nature.

• You can create an abundance of time.

• You can embrace an abundance of spirituality.

Make the time if you want the possessions

The world is abundant. Now, you can’t access all of it. That could be through no fault of your own. You may be inadvertently preventing it from manifesting in your life. Do you take the time to welcome abundance or are you alienating yourself from abundance by nurturing a negative mindset instead of being positive and open?

To attract abundance, you should develop a consciousness about abundance. This simply means that you allow yourself time to become more aware of having abundance in general, what it feels like in your life, connecting to it, and welcoming it into your life. It’s all about feeling as though you’re part of it. This consciousness will allow you to seize the opportunities that come your way. 

If right now you feel as though you don’t have access to abundance, it’s because you’ve created an obstacle and limited yourself. It’s your vision or your thoughts, that are limiting you to what exists for you right now. You need to expand your horizons, enhance your vision, and embrace the opportunities that are all around you. We are all part of the abundance within the universe. Take some time, open your mind, feel it, expect it.

There are incredibly efficient ways to manifest abundance in your life. Two of those, are through positive affirmations and visualization. Visualize yourself doing what you want, getting what you want, enjoying what you want, and use positive affirmations to boost your mood and motivation. These two things combined can help you manifest abundance in your life.

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Ways you can attract abundance

Abundance isn’t about achieving more it’s about being in harmony with the mindset that life is naturally abundant. It’s getting the most from our experiences that come from a deeper understanding and appreciation of life.

To naturally attract more abundance, we need to understand and appreciate the essence of life. Simply put, placing more focus on having great experiences in our life is abundant. Abundance can be defined in terms of the condition of our relationships, the state of our health, the fulfillment we derive from our work, our capacity to enjoy hobbies, or a sense of altruism and charity to extend to those who need our help.

It’s about focusing on positive experiences that bring us more peace, love, and joy. By carving out time for these, we naturally attract more abundance in our lives.

Here are more ways you can attract abundance into your life. 

Release the negative

Daily life is filled with much negativity. It’s as if being human allows unlimited capacity for worry, anxiety, and fear. Living isn’t always easy, and many days feel like a struggle. While that may be true, we need relief from this level of thinking, and to be able to attune ourselves to the brighter side of life – where abundance lives.

To do that, we need to let go of negativity at any cost and realize that abundance doesn’t thrive in that mode of living or thinking.

Practice appreciation and gratitude

It’s impossible to attract abundance without first recognizing abundance when you see it already in your life. We create more abundance by simply acknowledging the fact that our life is greatly blessed as it is, and by believing that we have the capacity for attracting even more abundance.

Being grateful enables us to experience greater joy, and multiplies our positive experiences and blessings tenfold. This is a natural state of abundance yet, has the capacity for more.

Lose toxic thoughts, perfectionism, and overthinking

It’s so easy to get lost in the web of our thoughts. We tend to overthink our way through life as if the practice of doing so will solve our problems. If anything, overthinking causes us to feel and experience a lack of abundance – by limiting our peace of mind and joy.

The same thing applies to our pursuit of perfection. Striving for perfection seems like a quality to aspire to, but it is essentially futile. Dedicated hard work is valuable, as are the lessons we learn in our pursuit of achievement. But, when something brings you great anxiety, that is not the path towards abundance.

Accept yourself, love yourself

It’s difficult to attract abundance if you do not sincerely, deeply accept yourself. It’s even more difficult to experience abundance when you do not love and believe in yourself enough to accept the person you are. Preparing yourself to receive abundance involves fully accepting yourself. This provides a basis for understanding your capacity for greatness, and the worthiness of all the things you seek.

You are worthy and capable of abundantly attracting more love, success, and happiness than you ever thought possible.

Be fully present in the now

To attract abundance in our lives necessitates we be fully present in the here and now, to witness, experience, and receive. Life is naturally overflowing with abundance, but we cannot align ourselves to that reality unless we are present and open to receive.

Perhaps our focus should shift from “having” to “being” – ultimately becoming what we seek and desire. If we want more love, we embody love and give love away to others. If we want to receive and experience more, then we open ourselves up to more. Through giving, we receive. By being, we experience abundance naturally.

My final thought

I sincerely believe that taking the time to be aware of the abundance you have in your life is the most important thing you can do. From there you only need to make the connection of time to whatever practices of gratitude, visualization, etc. you choose to aid in the increase of your abundance.

I hope you liked this post and choose to share it with your family and friends.