The Happier Human

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The Happier Human


I was the kid who just wanted to be happy when I grew up. So I chose that for myself. Sure, a lot of people laughed at me, but I have been the happiest person I know for many years. You see, it’s a matter of making a decision and then adding some habits to support it.

If you want to be a Happier Human don’t let negative people make your decision for you. Remember, misery loves company.

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In the Happier Human, you will find out what happiness is – and what it isn’t.

You’ll discover why happiness is essential to your life and learn seven habits that, once adopted, will create happiness in your life. We aren’t worried about the destination; here we are focusing on the path. Happiness will become that path in ways that will change your life forever.

Happiness is a state of mind, a belief, and a conscious decision that you make, every moment of every day. There are 7 habits to help reach your goal to become a Happier Human