
Help Others By Bringing Out Their Best

Gram’s wisdom: Help others be their best.

Have you ever wondered how you can bring out the best in the people around you? My Gram had the idea that taking the time to bring out the best in others was good for you, good for others, and enough to change the world. She thought it was natural to want to help others reach their potential.

Gram believed everyone has some unrecognized talent that makes them unique and special, something that makes them stand out from the crowd. However, it can be challenging to know where to begin or what approach to take in finding it. Especially when most people can’t see their hidden talents and have no clue what their uniqueness is.

Unfortunately, if they have limiting beliefs, they may assume that they are not as good as others and their self-confidence will falter as well. But you can be the champion of change that can inspire them to see the best in themselves even as you begin to help them discover their hidden talents.

Some of the ways that you can bring out the best in others include:

  • Practical tips and strategies that can bring out the best in them.

  • Providing constructive feedback.

  • Creating a supportive environment.



Be generous with your time.

To begin, you need to be generous. Give others your time and energy. Focusing on someone’s strengths can be a powerful way to uncover their talents and potential. When you focus on what someone is good at, you create an atmosphere where they are more likely to flourish.

Watch what they do and how they do it. Give the person opportunities to use and develop their strengths. This can be done through tasks or projects that align with their interests and skills. While you observe them in action, you should look for patterns in their behavior and skills.

Ask them what they enjoy doing. What tasks do they find either easy or simple to perform? This insight into what they excel at and what they find fulfilling will help you identify their strengths and potential talents.

Believe in them, even when they fail or stumble and struggle to believe in themselves. It’s easy to believe in someone who is already reaching their goals and knocking down all the walls. The difficult thing is to see the talents that are buried deep inside someone. Especially when that person doesn’t even know that talent is there.

Positive feedback and encouragement can go a long way in helping someone uncover their talents. Let them know when they are doing well and provide support when they face challenges. With opportunities for growth and encouragement, you help them discover new talents and build confidence in their abilities.


Have an open mind.

Talent can take a lot of different forms, and these talents may not fit into traditional molds or meet your personal biases. So, ask yourself why you might have a certain bias about a particular skill or talent. To fully appreciate and respect the talents of others, it’s important to look past your judgments and accept the differences that make each person unique.

Many of the most talented people you may meet throughout your life will be completely different than you. Try putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to understand their perspective. This can help you appreciate the value of their talents and see things from another angle.

Embrace the differences that make each person distinctive. Recognize that there are many different types of talents and skills, and every individual brings something valuable to the table. The greatest ability in seeing the best in others is to get past some of your own biases. Kick that to the curb and see what a difference it makes.


Be clear.

When you want to bring out the best in others, your role is to be clear and interact with other people. If you want to do this, you need to collaborate, foster talent, and be there for the other person. Fostering someone’s talents can help them to develop their skills and reach their full potential.

You don’t have to be the most capable or the smartest or the best person in the room. You just need to be clear and ready to listen and learn along the way. Let the other person know that you value them and would like to be there for them as they learn more about their talents as well.

 Try these to support and encourage someone's talents:

  1. Provide resources: If you see someone with a particular talent, provide them with the resources they need to develop their skills further. This may involve books, online tutorials, or connections to mentors in their field.

  2. Offer feedback: Regular feedback can be invaluable to someone who is developing their talent. Provide constructive criticism that is specific and actionable, and make sure to give positive feedback to reinforce their progress.

  3. Create opportunities: Give the person opportunities to showcase their talents and practice their skills. This may involve projects or assignments that align with their interests or setting up a mentorship program with someone who has experience in their field.

  4. Encourage practice: Encourage the person to practice their talent regularly, and to seek out opportunities to apply their skills in real-life situations. This can help them to build confidence and improve their abilities over time.

  5. Celebrate their achievements: Celebrate the person's achievements and successes along the way. This can help to motivate them and reinforce the value of their talents.


Be persistent.

It can be difficult to foster a new talent or a skill in others. The other person can become discouraged and often be distracted. They can come to rely on you to do most of the work, rather than taking on the initiative and using some of their newfound talents and skills.

While this is natural, your goal is to be persistent with them and not let them give up. You are there to help them, but your job is not to do the work for them. Provide words of encouragement and support, and you will be able to help them reach their goals, and they will be proud that they put in the work themselves.

Here are things you can do to further help them practice their new talent:

  1. Set goals: Help the person set specific, achievable goals for putting their talent into practice. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each milestone along the way.

  2. Provide accountability: Check in with the person regularly to see how they are progressing toward their goals. Encourage them to keep going, even when they encounter obstacles or setbacks.

  3. Offer support: Be available to offer support and encouragement when the person needs it. Listen to their concerns and offer guidance or advice as needed.

  4. Create a supportive environment: Create an environment that is conducive to practicing their talent. This may involve providing resources, space, or time to practice, or connecting them with others who share their interests.

  5. Reinforce the value: Help the person to see the value and importance of their talent, and how it can benefit themselves and others. Encourage them to share their talents with others, and to continue to develop their skills over time.


Be present.

You need to pay attention and be present to spot the talent in other people. You need to be able to read some of the smallest clues because most people don’t know their talents and so will not show them off to you in the process.

When someone shares their talents and interests with you, listen actively and attentively. Ask questions to show that you are interested in learning more about what they are doing.

Show a genuine interest in the person and their talents. Be curious to learn more about that person.  Provide practical and emotional support as the person develops their talents. Be present enough to show that you care and want to be there for them as well.

Be a role model by setting an example of the behaviors and attitudes you want to see in others. This could be anything from being punctual to showing empathy and kindness.

Give others the power to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This will show that you trust and respect them, and it will also help them develop leadership skills.

Recognize that developing new talents takes time and patience. The greater your ability to pay attention to others, and to build their confidence and motivation, the more talent you can find in other people.


My final thoughts are.

We often don’t see a particular talent in ourselves or if we do, we lack the confidence to show it to the world. Sometimes it’s easier to see talent in someone else. Don’t allow that talent to go to waste. Encourage people and help them to see the value they can bring to the world.


For more information, read this post.

9 Ways To Bring Out The Best In Others.


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Get More Done Optimize Your Productivity and Time Management

We often assume that being productive requires massive amounts of effort. But effective productivity should make your life easier, not harder. There are many productivity benefits, and it’s more important than ever to be productive.

You can accomplish more when you put your most essential activities first. There are strategies for ensuring that you stay on track. Including putting all your tasks in your calendar and having a dedicated time block for each task.

But how can you be productive when there are so many distractions? The key is to find the right discipline and time management system for you. There are a lot of different productivity strategies out there, so it’s important to find one that you like that works for you. The best way to do this is to experiment with different techniques and see what works best for you.

Once you’ve found a productivity strategy that works for you, it’s important to stick with it. Consistency is key to your productivity. The more disciplined you are, the more productive you’ll be. So, if you’re looking to boost your productivity, don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the best method for you. And once you find it, stick with it!

Understand your optimal productive hours.

One of the most important things you can do to be productive is to identify your optimal productive hours. This may vary from person to person, but some general tips can help you determine when you are most productive. First, look at your daily energy levels. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you have more energy in the afternoon or evening? Identify the times of day when you feel the most awake and alert, and try to schedule your most important tasks during those times.

Next, think about how long you can usually focus on a task before you need a break. If you can focus for long periods, you may be able to work on a task for several hours at a time. However, if you find that you need to take frequent breaks, you may want to schedule shorter blocks of time for work and build in some breaks. Finally, consider any outside factors that may affect your productivity.

If you have young children at home, for example, you may need to schedule your work around their nap times or school hours. If you have a long commute, you may want to use that time to listen to audiobooks or podcasts. Identifying your optimal productive hours can help you make the most of your time and be more productive. By scheduling your most important tasks during the times when you are most alert and have the most energy, you can ensure that you are making the most of your time.

Create a daily schedule.

Productivity doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of careful planning and execution. And it all begins with creating a daily schedule. Time management isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. The key is to find what works best for you and stick to it. There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a daily schedule.

  • First, focus on your most important tasks. These are the tasks that are going to have the biggest impact on your productivity.

  • Second, break down your tasks into manageable chunks. Don’t try to tackle everything at once. You’ll just end up feeling overwhelmed.

  • Third, build in some flexibility. Things come up and the plan changes. You don’t want to be so rigid that you can’t adjust as needed.

  • Fourth, make sure to schedule some time for yourself. This is the time to relax, recharge, and reset. Without it, you’ll quickly burn out.

  • Fifth, and most importantly, be consistent with your schedule. The only way to see results is by sticking to your plan.

Set achievable goals.

To get optimized productivity, you need to set achievable goals. Trying to accomplish too much at once can be overwhelming and lead to poor results. When your goals are manageable and specific, it’s easier to create a plan of action to complete them. Time management is a mainstay to being productive. If there is not enough time allocated to complete a goal, it will likely not be done well.

To have an optimized workflow, it is essential to be disciplined. Staying focused on the task at hand and breaking it down into smaller steps will help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed. By being disciplined and staying on track, it will be easier to complete your goals and be productive. Productive workflows come down to setting the right goals and managing your time wisely.

Wake up early.

The most productive people in the world have one thing in common: they wake up early. And by early, we mean 5 am or earlier. If you’re not a morning person, this probably sounds like torture, but there are scientific reasons why waking up early can make you more productive.

You will have the entire morning to get things done before the distractions of the day begin to set in. You can get a head start on your workday or your projects. This is the time of day when you’re most likely to be undisturbed and able to focus on what you need to do. Waking up early gives you more time to exercise. Exercise has been proven to increase productivity, so this is an awesome way to begin your day.

And rising early gives you time to enjoy the quiet of the morning. If you’re not a morning person, this might sound counter-intuitive, but something is calming about the world when it’s just waking up. So, take some time to enjoy the stillness before the hustle of the day begins.

If you’re looking to increase your productivity, waking up early is a great place to begin. It might take some time to adjust, but it’s worth it. Try setting your alarm 15 minutes early and see how you feel after a week. Repeat this process until you find a time that works best for you.

Avoid distractions.

It’s no secret that we live in a world full of distractions. With technology at our fingertips and our social media feeds constantly updating, it’s easy to get pulled away from what we’re supposed to be doing. When we’re trying to be productive, these distractions can be a major setback. The first step to avoiding distractions is to be aware of them.

Once you know what factors are most likely to pull your attention away from what you’re doing, you can take steps to avoid them. For example, if you know you can’t resist checking your phone every time it buzzes, put it on silent or out of reach. If you have trouble focusing on background noise, try using headphones or finding a quiet place to work. When you limit the sources of distraction, you will find it easier to focus on the task at hand.

If you find yourself getting distracted, give yourself some grace. Take a deep breath and refocus your attention on what you were doing. It’s okay to take breaks but don’t get too far off track. You’ll be surprised how much more productive you can be when you allow yourself the time and space to focus.

Dog seated at the head of the table during team meeting

Take a break.

Spending hours working without a break can have a grave impact on your mental health. Breaks give your brain time to recuperate and recharge after a period of lengthy, focused work. If you don’t take breaks regularly, you will have a harder time focusing when it’s necessary.. But how exactly can you make the most of your break time? And how can you make sure that you don’t end up spending more time on your break than you intended to? Here are a few tips:

  • Use your break time to do something that will help you recharge and refocus. This might mean taking a walk, listening to music, or reading something inspiring. Whatever it is that helps you relax and feel ready to work again, make sure to do it during your break.

  • Set a timer for your break so that you don’t end up taking too much time off. It can be easy to lose track of time when you’re on a break, so setting a timer can help you stay on track.

  • Make sure to get back to work after your break. It can be tempting to keep taking breaks, but if you want to be productive, it’s important to get back to work after a break.

Taking breaks can help you be more productive, but it’s important to be strategic about it. Use your break time to recharge and refocus, set a timer, so you don’t take too much time off, and make sure to get back to work after your break.

Review your progress.

Productivity isn’t just about working hard. It’s also about working smart. And part of working smart is taking the time to review your progress regularly, to see what’s working and what isn’t. If you’re not reviewing your progress regularly, you’re missing out on valuable feedback that can help you optimize your productivity. Here are 7 reasons why you should make reviewing your progress part of your productivity routine:

1 | Helps you stay on track.

If you’re not regularly reviewing your progress, it’s easy to get off track. Regular Reviews help you maintain focus on your goals and ensure that you’re making progress toward them.

2 | Keeps you motivated.

It’s easy to lose motivation when you’re not seeing progress. Reviewing your progress regularly helps you stay motivated by highlighting your successes and progress toward your goals.

3 | Helps you identify areas for improvement.

No one is perfect and there’s always room for improvement. Reviewing your progress helps you identify areas where you can make changes to improve your productivity.

4 | Helps you create an improvement plan.

Once you’ve identified areas for improvement, reviewing your progress can help you create a plan for making changes. This plan can help you focus your efforts and make the most of your time.

5 | Helps you track your progress.

It’s important to know whether your efforts are paying off. Reviewing your progress regularly can help you track your progress and identify patterns that may be affecting your productivity.

6 | Helps you learn from your mistakes.

We all make mistakes. Reviewing your progress can not only help you keep your time and tasks organized reducing the number of forgotten or missed details, but help you learn from the mistakes you do make.

7 | Helps you celebrate your successes.

No matter how small, every success deserves to be celebrated. Reviewing your progress regularly can help you identify your successes and give you the recognition you deserve.


My final thoughts.

It’s truly possible to optimize your productivity and time management if you are disciplined. However, it isn’t always easy to maintain these habits. So, you must find a system that works and stick to it.


For more information, read these posts.

What Is Productivity? A Complete Guide For Improving Yours.

5 Tips to Improve Your Concentration.


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It's Never Too Late To Begin A Journaling Habit

“The best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to.” Hannah Hinchman

Writing your thoughts down as a daily habit is better known as journaling. It’s one of the best ways to track your everyday life. You can use journaling to figure out what is or isn’t working in your life. Things become more tangible when written down on paper. As you write about your motivations, struggles, or things that you feel remorseful about, you will be in a better position to solve them, live with them, or let them go. 

In addition, you will also have a written record of your positive thoughts and feelings, your desires, your dreams, and what makes you proud. Your journal is also a good place to consider the ideas you have for improving relationships with family and friends. And you will want to celebrate your achievements and express your gratitude. A journal can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. Either way, the future you will be thankful you began.



How to leverage a journal in your everyday life.

Choose a quiet place.

It's best when you begin to journal that you choose a place that is peaceful and comfortable. Being in a busy, noisy, atmosphere makes it more difficult to focus on the thoughts and feelings you want to get down on paper. Journaling helps bring stability when your life feels like it’s going through a rough patch. It helps you get to know yourself better by revealing your innermost fears, thoughts, and feelings. When you are journaling, it’s a moment for personal relaxation, a time when you do soul-searching and relieve stress and wind down.


Observe the patterns.

A written record of the challenges in your life becomes reference material for you. You will be able to see the problems that you are facing now and those you have been able to overcome. It allows you to notice patterns, make improvements, and change over time. Being conscious of the strength that you had in other circumstances helps you to move ahead with more confidence. Through journaling, you can create a meaningful connection with yourself which is as important as creating meaningful connections with family or friends.


Gain control.

Many people struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety; however, keeping a journal can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health and memory. You should avoid an excess of stress as it can be harmful to your mental, physical, and emotional health. It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that journaling is an incredible stress management tool. Having a written record of your thoughts and plans reinforces your control over the things that happen in your life. 


Build accountability.

Journaling is great training in accountability. If you can build a habit of writing each day, then you can also stick to the goals or plans you set for yourself. Moving forward the thoughts you set down are tracking the progress of your plans for the short term. In the future, looking back, you have a broad overview. Writing a journal allows you to discover what makes you happy, what moves you, and how to navigate your feelings and behaviors most proficiently. Developing a habit of journaling as a pre-bedtime meditation habit can help you relax and cool down emotions.


Solve problems.

Every day journaling allows you to work through some difficult emotions you may have such as depression and anger, reducing the intensity of those emotions and comforting yourself.  It also helps you to solve problems through decisive thinking and right-brain reflection. Through journaling, you can realize compassion, resolve conflicts, and cultivate understanding, love, and kindness for yourself.


Connect with inner needs.

One of the best ways to strengthen your emotional function is through journaling. Writing down what you feel when something triggers a strong emotion helps you understand the cause and can help you find a solution. As journaling habits are developed, benefits become long-term. This means that diarists become more in tune with their mental health by connecting with inner needs and desires.


Have a happier life.

Journaling can be a good way to have a happier life. Journaling enhances your mood and gives you a better sense of overall emotional well-being and happiness. Focusing on being grateful for what you have helps to lessen the power of the things not achieved yet. Writing down how far you have come or how thankful you are for your blessings, friends, and families.


Improve your confidence.

Journaling can help you to have a greater sense of confidence and self-identity. In addition, it also helps in the organization of important patterns and growth in life. Research shows that expressive writing can help a person to develop more planned, adaptive, and cohesive schemes about themselves and others.  Through journaling, one can also open and engage the right brain creativity, which gives you access to your creative potential.


Discover the lasting benefits of habitual journaling.

Writing has always been a popular tool for self-expression. It renders what our minds produce into tangible records, either on paper or on a digital platform. Writing your thoughts and plans is insurance against the loss of your mental expressions.

If ever there was a useful method of recording your vision, goals, and dreams, it is journaling. People often confuse this with keeping a diary. The two have similarities such as the fact that both involve writing and are about personal record keeping. Both are an extension of your mind, but there are variations that characterize them.

Journal vs Diary.

A diary is a record of daily events. It is a description of what the day has been like, with details of activities one has engaged in, and feelings evoked by the events. It is an exploration of one's emotions as triggered by events. Diaries are private entries, which is why some come with locks. When one hears the term diary, thoughts go to the teenage kinds where one records crushes, heartbreaks, and rivalries. That is not only what a diary is for. You can keep a diary at any stage of your life with more mature investigations of your thoughts and feelings. We can also use diaries when making nostalgic reminiscences for different stages in our lives.

A journal is more extensive as it includes more than just emotional examination. Journals let you write your thoughts and experiences around future goals and plans. It is less about ranting as people assume a diary is for and more about writing for reflections on important issues. Keeping a journal allows you to assemble your ideas and observations, so you can create a plan to move forward. An example would be a journal of personal goals where you can record a weight loss goal and a detailed plan to achieve it. You can record the small steps of victory and any drawbacks along with your plan to overcome them. 

You use journals as organization tools whereas diaries are about exploring feelings. A journal can be a tool for tracking progress for personal or corporate goals. It helps you keep track of everyday life.

There are different journals that one can keep. The list includes a personal journal, a business journal, a prayer journal, a workout journal, a gratitude journal, a bullet journal, and so on. All these journals explore different areas of one's life.

The use of a gratitude journal would involve recording what you are grateful for on a regular basis. You could record daily or as often as you can, citing people that you are grateful for. This process is more reflective, allowing you to examine your life for what you have around you that adds meaning and value to it. In that journal, you could plan how to express gratitude for others and record how doing so has improved your perspective on life. You can even record how doing something for others as a sign of gratitude makes you feel.

In a business journal, you can describe your vision for your business and write plans to take it to new heights. You can record completed daily tasks that feed into your dream and allow for evaluation of previous achievements or failures and suggestions for future enterprises. What matters is honesty and imagination. Your journal is a safe space where you can convey your dreams and reflect on your life. 


Benefits of journaling.

A personal journal is like a memoir. It is a window into history- a pathway of your life that other people can trace generations later. There are several prominent people in history whose journals were discovered and studied long after they died. These contain information on some of the most pivotal moments in the history of humanity. From the travel journals of explorers like Marco Polo to creative journals by Leonardo da Vinci, they offer us glimpses into the world of inventors and people who made significant contributions. There are scientific journals from Marie Curie documenting findings in the early research into radioactivity, and memoirs of captains of great wars on their battle strategies. All these are records of the lives of people who made an impact in various sectors of the history of mankind. 

You can also record your history for your family to trace for generations to come. Here is a link to my What Is A Grandparent’s Journal? If you are a pioneer in a certain field or continuing with research done before you, you can add your contributions and let others know your achievements by keeping a journal detailing the progress from their work to yours.

Keeping a personal journal helps you analyze events in your life and explore your feelings more constructively, without limitation. It can be as therapeutic as finding someone to confide in, helping you to process your feelings and thoughts much better. This impacts your mental health as you unload the burden of thoughts and feelings onto paper. Your journal can help you deal with stress and ensure overall wellness. 

A gratitude journal helps you to focus on the things that matter. It improves your outlook on life by keeping you positive about what you have.

A creative journal gives your mind the freedom it needs to capture and expand a dream. You can be as creative as you want in articulating your vision without judgment.

Writing your goals for your business or your personal vision makes them more real to you and encourages you to go for them. A journal allows you to focus on what you want to accomplish. 

Keep a journal as a way of finding clarity in any area of your life. It is the best form of expression and evaluation we have at our disposal.


My final thought.

Grab a cup of tea or coffee and begin putting what’s on your mind into your journal. Just begin where you are. This is good for you — physically, mentally, and emotionally. You don’t have to be the greatest or most skillful writer for you to begin journaling. But you do need to set aside a dedicated space and time for journaling.


For more information on journaling, read this post.

8 Spiritual Benefits Of Journaling (That Might Surprise You).

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Believe In Yourself

Gram’s Wisdom 34 Believing in you

Should you believe in yourself? The plain answer is no one else will. Try accomplishing anything, and guess what? You will have an uphill climb to your goal. Sure, you will get there eventually, but any doubts you have will make it much more difficult than it needs to be.

You can’t do everything yourself. At some point, you are certain to need the help of someone for something. If you don’t believe in yourself, how will you ever convince others that they can or should?

I think I must have been 12 or 13 when my Gram thought I was old enough to absorb this lesson. This was a tough one for me. I honestly didn’t believe in myself. But I had believed in her all my life.

Gram told me if you believe in yourself, there is little that can stop you from doing whatever you want to accomplish. It gives you the ability to push forward and to defy the odds.

You will be able to handle any hurdles that come your way. You will also be able to disregard the pessimists. It gives you peace of mind when you stick to your self-belief.

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A firm belief in yourself can work wonders

It’s vital to believe in yourself

Your spouse and your family will believe in you to a certain degree. However, when times get tough, family support tends to wane. It’s not that they don’t love and care about you. It’s just they stopped believing in you or your dream/goal. While this doesn’t always occur, it often occurs enough to cause disagreement.

When a spouse or parents initially give you support for a new enterprise, there is excitement in the air; they tell you to give it your best shot. When the undertaking doesn’t work out as they believe it should, they begin to question whether you should continue with it. If your belief weakens, you may take on their way of reasoning.

That time is exactly the moment that you shouldn’t stop. People don’t get ahead by quitting. Your belief in yourself should equip you with the ability to tell your friends and family to have some faith. A firm belief in yourself would give you the courage to stand up to them.


Maintaining self-belief takes perseverance

The trouble is, the path towards success in these endeavors is not a straight line. Having some bumps in the road is normal. This is what characterizes the success of the enterprise, and the people who take risks. It should be embraced and not feared. Whatever venture you decide to pursue, know that only by continuing will you make it work.

Don’t take the easy way out. Instead, prepare yourself as much as possible for unfamiliar situations. But move forward with a strong belief that you can accomplish what you set out to do.


Self-belief powers your dreams, desires, and goals

To keep that self-belief strong, you need to describe your goals. You wouldn’t expect a contractor to build a house without a blueprint. You, too, need an outline to guide you on how to continue. Too many people skip this step and wonder why they aren’t getting anywhere.

Goals are your direction but moving ahead with them is only done when you believe that it’s possible. The belief is the momentum you need to act. It helps you to concentrate on getting your tasks complete.


Confidence is built on self-belief

You will also build confidence when you have self-belief. It’s an influential tool and others will be attracted to that confidence. They will follow your lead, and you will help show them what is imaginable. When you stumble over obstacles (and you will), that confidence will help you see them through. You will know how to take alternate actions when necessary. The people following you will appreciate that as well.


Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative

Several negative forces will try to knock you down. You may even find yourself allowing it to happen. You need to remain focused on why you began your journey in the first place. Use positive affirmations to support your idea. Be consistent with your affirmations.

Unfortunately, many of the negative forces are going to come from your family and friends. They will see it as helping you prevent blunders. Many people will succumb to this negative pressure and give up.

One way to counteract this is to join groups of like-minded individuals. It can be related to your business, or it can be groups that focus on self-help. These organizations exist to try and drive the negative forces out. It’s a good place to go and receive reassurance from the group.

Attending these groups can sometimes lead to friendships with people where you can extend the encouragement of each other. You may even form business collaborations from these friendships. It’s good to know that you have the support of these people when these relationships form. They understand when everyone else around you don’t. Your self-belief will strengthen considerably from this arrangement.


Find others who can motivate and inspire you

The motivation of others can bolster belief in yourself

Think back to a time when someone inspired you. It could be a conference you attended or saw online. You might have read a profile of someone you admired. Whatever the case, the motivation of others can strengthen how you see yourself.

The internet gives us plenty of opportunities to view the stories of high-profile people. Just search on YouTube, and you will find hundreds (if not thousands) of videos of these people sharing their experiences. You will find books covering the same subject. However, there's usually more detail in books rather than in a video. Therefore, you should take advantage of both.


Don’t mistake motivation and inspiration for necessary action 

It’s important to have others who help inspire and motivate you. However, if you place them too high on a pedestal, you may find it difficult to motivate yourself. You begin to suppose these people have an innate ability that you don’t possess. That is counterproductive. You need to recognize they all began the same as you. Some may have had initial advantages, but even people with these advantages don’t always excel. Most people still need to work hard to reach their goals.

Another issue is spending too much time listening or reading about people who motivate you. You must take appropriate action to move ahead with your own goals. It is useful to be motivated by others, but you need to do more than go to seminars or read books. None of that matters unless you put in the effort yourself. Once that happens, others may come to you one day to say how you helped motivate them.

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My final thought

Self-belief is one of the most valuable things you can do for your life and yourself. It’s not easy to think positively about yourself when you are besieged on all sides by negativity. But to believe in yourself is certainly worth any effort you make.


For additional information, please read this post by Soul Salt.

How to Believe in Yourself


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