health benefits

Gratitude, Mindfulness, And Positivity, 3 Valuable Mindsets

A trio of mindsets.

What are your first thoughts in the morning the moment you wake up? Do you feel grateful for waking up to another day in your life? Are you filled with positive energy and appreciation? Are you eager to begin your morning habits/ tasks? Or are you more likely to rehash yesterday's anxieties and worries, leaving you feeling empty at the beginning of your day?

Too often, people aren’t aware of the way they begin their day. They just do whatever feels most natural to them. If your life is filled with stress and anxiety, it will feel natural to react with unease and negativity. But ultimately, who decides what your life feels like? You do.

It’s not situations that happen to you. It’s not your job nor the negative people you are surrounded by. You decide, whether you are aware of it or not, by allowing positivity or negativity to dictate your days. That's how you keep attracting more of whatever you give the most focus.

Rather than beginning your day on autopilot, try a mindful approach to gratitude. Exercising mindfulness helps you to be present at the moment. For 2-3 days, express gratitude for the air in your lungs, or just being alive. Once you have done that for a few days, you can expand your appreciation to include things like your comfortable bed or your first cup of coffee.


What changes may come?

Eventually, what appears to look like the key to changing all of that is some form of life intervention. And yes, some external changes can bring about an improvement in your well-being and life. Still, sometimes you’ve had enough. So, you ditch the toxic relationships, the soul-sucking jobs, or the unhappy places, and that makes a world of difference.

However, there is an equally powerful agent of change that can deliver tremendous results for your well-being. It doesn't cost much, and everyone can afford it - it's gratitude. Several studies show that expressing gratitude is the easiest and most reliable way to boost happiness and health. And who doesn’t want that?


The importance of positive thinking.

Positive thinking is an important basis for a person's overall life philosophy. It's almost too simple: "positive thoughts generate positive feelings and positive results." However, research on emotions confirms that positive emotions generally wear off very quickly. So how do you maintain it?

Your emotions revel in novelty so much that a brand-new car or a luxe handbag may only make you feel thrilled for a limited time. Soon the novelty wears off and depending on your car or bag as sources of happiness won't be sufficient.

You'll then need another pair of shoes or maybe a diamond watch to spark your excitement. This slump in your happiness factor can cost you big bucks if you rely on material things as primary sources of positivity. Because of their fleeting influence, 'things' don't sustain joy. You need something less temporary and more permanent.


Gratitude magnifies positivity.

Gratitude is potent because it doesn't cost anything but can attract and magnify more positivity in your life.

Fostering gratitude enables you to find joy in ordinary things, the little things, refining your ability to see value in the simplest of ways, creating lasting joy. Even if you're surrounded with material blessings, it’s gratitude that keeps you contented rather than feeling a need for more than what you have.

A person can look so blessed from the outside and the perspective of other people, but unless they're grateful, they often don't know how truly well-off they are. Some rich people are neither contented nor happy. They’re in a constant state of needing more to generate feelings of happiness.

Meanwhile, some people seem to have less in life but feel grateful and blessed because they have what matters most to them. Gratitude doesn't quantify whether you have much or have very little; it simply turns what you have into ample, causing you to 'have' so much more.


How mindfulness fits in.

Gratitude is wonderful; it's like a magic pill that causes you to feel happier and appreciate what you have. However, like everything else, it has its limitations.

When bad things happen to you, it can at that moment be difficult to feel grateful. Gratitude, however, can help shine a light on other reasons to feel more thankful and blessed with life, but it doesn't deliver solutions on its own. Gratitude alone won't help you fix your problems.

Thus, your ability to accept things for what they are or how they are is just as important. Life will regularly deliver knocks. When situations are difficult, we need to find a way to respond graciously even if life is crappy. Gratitude may not be enough to eliminate natural feelings that come because of your situation.

Sometimes, gratitude needs more time to awaken your awareness. This is where mindfulness comes into play. Take time to observe what’s around you. It may be you may need to give yourself a few days or weeks to begin benefitting from the practice of mindfulness in your life.

For this very reason, acceptance of your situation is key. A non-judgmental kind of acceptance and awareness that will help you remain gracious despite difficult situations is what is needed.

Mindfulness is as fundamental to positivity as gratitude is. In moments when it's difficult to appreciate things and find the light in the darkness, mindfulness can help us make space for healing to occur. However, gratitude will reinforce our resilience and help us practice mindfulness and take the necessary actions to tackle any problems.


My final thought.

The three mindsets, gratitude, positivity, and mindfulness, tend to improve anything they are coupled with. So, include them with a success or productivity mindset and watch your career take off. Add them to kindness and see the difference you can make in other people’s lives.


For more information on this topic, read these posts.

Mindfulness And Gratitude

The Effects Of Gratitude On Your Life And Health


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Sharing it is an act of love.

How Exercise Increases Energy And Vitality

One of the most prized things among seniors and, likewise, one of the hardest things to achieve is a renewed sense and feeling of youth. Energy, vitality, and physical agility are difficult to hold on to as we age, but not impossible with exercise.

When you introduce healthy and positive habits into your regular routine, you can begin feeling younger and have greater energy in no time. By maintaining both a physically and socially active lifestyle you can greatly improve your overall quality of life during your golden years, making them feel truly golden.


Increase your energy and positivity as you age with the right exercise.png

Boost your confidence and mood

While exercise is just a small chunk of recovery, it provides a host of health benefits that aren't just physical. In fact, engaging in exercise on a consistent basis has been found to improve mood, increase happiness, and boost productivity! Who knew that hitting the gym a few times a week could be as effective as a therapy session?

In addition, exercise has been known to make individuals feel a sense of calm and relief. This control helps them deal with their everyday challenges without getting overwhelmed. If you're looking for ways to improve your self-development and seek happiness, check out why and how exercise is a great tool to implement into your recovery routine.

1. Get a proven mood boost with exercise 

When you exercise, your brain releases dozens of hormones that contribute to your happiness. Of those hormones, endorphins and serotonin are the primary ones. 

The hormones regulate your mood and help you to balance your emotions. In fact, healthy doses of serotonin increase your happiness! Because of this biological boost, many doctors suggest engaging in some form of physical activity to increase the production of these hormones.

2. Feel more confident

Sure, exercising on a regular basis and eating well contribute to a nice physical appearance. That's partly one of the main reasons why people exercise so often. However, did you know that regular exercise can make you feel confident, productive, and accomplished.  

Exercise isn't an easy task. If it was, more people would enjoy doing it. But, by pushing yourself to overcome your physical limitations and hit the gym, you give yourself an immediate boost of confidence. 

Tackling those heavy weights or finally being able to run a mile on the treadmill are awesome accomplishments you can be proud of. And as you continue going, your strength and stamina will increase. This will make better equipped to tackle other challenges in and out of the gym.

3. You feel better about yourself

When you aren't happy with your outward appearance, it's hard to feel confident on a regular basis. Exercise not only improves your strength; it also improves how you look physically. When you begin to see progress, you begin to feel a sense of success and confidence.

Having a healthy sense of self-confidence helps you to develop lasting relationships with others and yourself. You're automatically happier which obviously results in an increased mood. 

Aging is not ‘Lost Youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.
— Betty Friedan

Choosing exercise that fits your abilities and lifestyle

There are countless different forms of exercise such as cycling, kickboxing, yoga, CrossFit, Zuu workouts and so many more. When it comes to choosing a type of exercise to stay active, most people think of the popular and fancy workouts like Zumba, P90X, etc.

Little thought is given to walking as a form of exercise. It is often disparaged and thought of as an activity that is reserved for senior citizens. However, there are many health benefits that can be gained from walking daily.

It’s one of the best exercises on the planet, it needs no special equipment, and our bodies have evolved over centuries to benefit from regular walks.

1.   The impact on your body is low

Walking is a low-impact activity that won’t wear out your joints. Unlike running, kickboxing or other high-impact activities that can make your joints ache, walking is a lot more forgiving on your body.

2.   The low intensity nature allows it to be done daily

It’s a low-intensity exercise that will not tax your central nervous system like CrossFit or some of the more vigorous forms of exercise. With high intensity interval training (HIIT), you may need to take a one-day break after every workout because of the demands it places on your body. Walking is much more relaxing in comparison and can be done daily.

3.   The versatility is almost endless

Walking can be applied to many different areas in your life. You could easily walk to the mall and back, if it’s within walking distance or walk in the mall on a cold or rainy day. Driving to work? Park your car a block away and walk to your office.

There are social benefits when walking with a friend and you can inject a bit of competition to rev up the walk. The more you walk, the better.

Thousands of people wear Fitbits to track the number of steps they take daily. You’d easily meet your daily quota if you walked for 30 to 45 minutes a day.

4.   Walk your weight off

Walking may seem like a humble exercise, but it can help you lose the pounds if you’re consistent. Going for a 30 to 45-minute walk daily on an empty stomach will help your body tap into its fat stores for fuel because its low on glycogen.

This is a very effective way to lose weight. Thousands of people shirk exercise because they fear the exertion and exhaustion involved. Walking is easy enough to do and help you achieve your weight loss goal. It may take longer than more rigorous training methods, but you’ll still get there.

5.   Stress be gone

Walking will help you to relieve stress. This is especially true if you walk in a park or some picturesque setting. Walking allows you time to calm yourself and get in touch with your thoughts.

You do not need to focus on good form or train to failure like you would with resistance training. Walking is a natural form of movement and therapeutic to your soul. Walking will also aid in digestion and improve your blood circulation. It will improve your cardiovascular strength and boost your immune system.

If you walk in the sun, you’ll get your daily dose of vitamin D. Thousands of people are deficient in vitamin D and it causes them to feel lethargic and depressed. Walking will lift your moods by ensuring that you get natural vitamin D in your system. Don’t forget to wear your sunblock.


By now you’ll realize that walking is an activity that’s so useful it can’t be neglected. Even if you focus most of your training on hardcore activities like HIIT or weightlifting, on your off days, you can have an active rest day.

What that means is that you can go for a 30-minute walk and call it a day. The walking will help to soothe sore muscles because of the increased blood circulation, and it’s also light enough to not tax your body but still burn a few calories so that it’s easier to stay lean and fit.

I hope you found some useful information in this post. I would appreciate it if you share it with someone you care about.