
Don't Wait For Things To Happen For You

Grams Wisdom 57

Are you feeling bored and listless? Does your life feel like it consists of a series of dull, monotonous days? When was the last time you did something fun that brought you joy? What was the most recent event that was interesting or exciting? Does it seem as if things only happen to you? Have you forgotten what it feels like to look forward to good things happening in your life?

My Gram had some thoughts on this subject. She told me that life has a way of slipping through our fingers almost unnoticed. Far too many people passively wait for life to unfold. They hope that someday the stars will align, and their dreams will come true.

But Gram knew life is not a passive journey; it's an active adventure, and the narratives we tell are the ones we craft ourselves. And as I’ve grown older, I've come to realize that we mustn't wait for the interesting, joyous, or good things in life to happen, or be handed to us. Instead, we must go out there and create our own happiness and meaning.

If you are interested in finding out how? Keep reading!

Why You Should Stop Waiting for Things to Happen

Many times, waiting for something to happen is much easier and safer than making decisions for yourself. The problem is this comes with its own set of risks. Often while waiting for something extraordinary to happen people miss out on the simple, everyday joys. They postpone their happiness believing it will come later, and so deny themselves the beauty of the present moment.

Moreover, the interesting and remarkable experiences in life rarely come knocking at your door. They are earned through effort, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. If you wait for adventure to find you, you may find yourself waiting forever. Instead, be proactive, chase your dreams, and embrace the unknown. Taking risks is part of living a fulfilling life, for it's often in those moments of uncertainty that we discover our true potential and our strength.

Here are five steps to help you make things happen for you.

1| Define what you want.

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing there’s a problem in the first place. Be specific about what’s not working in your life. After that, think about what you want instead. It’s easy to pinpoint problems and shortcomings. Yet, the real challenge is knowing what you want out of life.

The next step is to make a list of all the things you want. Your list may look much different than this example.

  • I aspire to develop a sense of purpose that goes beyond the shallowness of existence.

  • I want to travel and grow while striving to unlock my full potential.

  • I long for a life filled with moments of genuine joy, gratitude, and inner peace.

  • My meaningful life revolves around leaving a positive impact on the lives of others.


2 | Do you understand why you want it?

After considering what you want, you must do a bit of soul-searching. This is the time when you must know why you want all those things you wrote on your list. Delving deep into your motivations is like uncovering the hidden fuel that propels you toward your goals. The depth of your understanding serves as a source of inspiration, sustaining your enthusiasm through the inevitable storms of doubt and adversity. The more intimately you comprehend the "why" behind your aspirations, the more powerful and enduring your motivation becomes.

Furthermore, when you have a clear grasp of your motivations, your journey becomes more purposeful and meaningful. It's as if you've set your compass to a specific destination, ensuring that every step you take is intentional. This heightened motivation not only empowers you to overcome obstacles but also infuses your efforts with a sense of passion and dedication. It transforms the pursuit of your goals from a mere task into a personal mission, and you become more willing to invest the time, effort, and patience required to achieve them.

Just remember to start small. Pick realistic, short-term goals to begin with. Then, once you gain more confidence and momentum, you can begin focusing on larger goals.

3 |Can you picture what you want?

Creating a mental image of your desires serves as a powerful catalyst for manifesting your aspirations into reality. It's akin to crafting a detailed blueprint for the life you envision. Your mental landscape becomes a canvas upon which you can paint the intricate details of your dreams and goals.

When your conscious desires and subconscious beliefs are in sync, they result in a life that flows more smoothly. This alignment lends clarity to your intentions, sharpening your focus on what truly matters. It's as if you've organized the clutter of conflicting thoughts and emotions, allowing your inner world to function more efficiently, just like a well-oiled machine.

This harmony between your conscious and subconscious minds not only streamlines your thought processes but also empowers you to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience. Your newfound clarity brings a sense of purpose and direction. As you develop this alignment, you'll find that your capacity to turn your dreams into reality is magnified.

There are multiple ways to go about visualizing what you want, including:

  • Creating a vision board.

  • Spend a few minutes before bedtime picturing what you want.

  • Listen to guided meditation.

  • Keep a journal.

4 | Find or create a support system.

Surround yourself with one or two supportive friends or family members. Sharing your future goals with people who encourage you will boost your success rate. Plus, these people will hold you accountable for achieving your goals. So, any time you feel disheartened or unable to follow through, these are the ones who’ll stay by your side and keep you moving forward.

Likewise, your support system should be composed of individuals who comprehend the intricacies of your aspirations. They should possess the empathy to understand the sacrifices, hard work, and determination required to reach their goals. They should celebrate your victories joyfully, sharing your happiness as if it were their own.

These individuals should recognize the significance of your ambitions, respecting the unique path you've chosen. They appreciate the beauty in your goals, even if they differ from their own. Their appreciation fosters an environment of positivity and mutual respect, allowing you to thrive in an atmosphere where your dreams are nurtured rather than stifled.

5 | Don’t just sit there, make the first step.

Now that you know what you want, and why you want it, you can see it coming true in your mind. It’s time to act! Don’t allow fear or doubt to hold you back.

This is the step that scares many people. Yet, dreams will remain dreams without following through and bringing them to life. Remember, the most beautiful flowers often grow in the harshest conditions. Embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and resilience. When life throws challenges your way, face them with determination and a smile. It is through overcoming obstacles that you appreciate the sweetness of success.

To make things a little bit less overwhelming, write down all the steps you need to take to get to your goals. Then, take the first step and start from there. Then, once you’re done with that, go on to the next step, and the next, and so on. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself close to reaching your goal, if you haven’t done so already. And the best thing is that all it took was one small step.

My final thoughts.

After reading this five-step plan to help you make things happen in your life, it’s time to see them through. Remember, you’re stronger than you think—and a lot smarter. So, just picture the end in mind, stay on course, and you’ll eventually end up exactly where you set out to be.

You have within you the power to create a life filled with wonder, excitement, and fulfillment. Don't wait for someone or something to light up your world; be the source of your light. Be curious be daring.


For more information, check out these posts.

Don’t Wait For The Perfect Moment-7 Reasons Why.

Manifest Your Desires By Taking Action.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.

9 Tips For A Spring Clean Life Reset

When you think of spring-cleaning, you probably think of the time of year when you go all out cleaning up your house. You know, the time you sweep out all the nooks and crannies and wash the windows to bring the outside in. What if you used that same idea, but instead of cleaning your physical surroundings, you tidied up your life? If you don't quite understand what that means, here are nine examples that can get you started.


Take stock of where you are now.

Before you begin to spring-clean your life, you should take careful stock of how you are currently doing. Do you have goals? How are they going? Are there any areas of your life you'd like to change? A thorough spring-cleaning can encompass multiple areas of your life. Taking stock of where you are will help you direct your energy where it's needed.

This can be your physical environment, relationships, digital clutter, work habits, personal goals, and more. Consider breaking down each area into manageable steps. Just as you would declutter one room at a time, setting clear boundaries in relationships, or prioritizing your most important personal goals.


Clean up your relationships.

Do you have any toxic relationships? Maybe it is time to part ways with these people. If the people in your life don't cheer you up, lift you up, or build you up, why are they in your life anyway?

The KonMari method, popularized by Marie Kondo, focuses on decluttering your physical space by keeping only the items that "spark joy." This method can also be applied to other areas of your life, such as relationships. Consider identifying the people in your life that bring you the most joy and focusing on decluttering the rest.


Tidy up your habits.

It might be time to clean up those bad habits of yours. Maybe you overeat, procrastinate, or smoke. Bad habits add up over time and cost you in the long run. Whatever your bad habits are, they can hold you back from living your best life.

Fortunately, bad habits can be broken and replaced with positive ones. It may take some effort, but it is possible to change your ways and create habits that will improve your life. Here are 5 ways to spring-clean your life by breaking your bad habits and creating positive ones:


1. Set realistic goals.

When trying to break a bad habit, it’s important to set realistic goals. If your goal is too lofty, you’re likely to get discouraged and give up. For example, if you want to quit smoking, setting a goal of quitting cold turkey may not be realistic. Instead, try setting a goal of smoking one less cigarette per day.

2. Create a plan.

Changing your behavior is easier when you have a plan. When trying to break a bad habit, figure out what triggers your behavior. Once you know what triggers your bad behavior, you can create a plan to avoid those triggers. For example, if you overeat when you’re bored, make a plan to find something else to do when you’re bored instead of eating.

3. Get rid of temptation.

If you have temptations around you, it will be harder to break your bad habit. If you can’t get rid of the temptation entirely, try to make it less accessible. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, and you have cigarettes in your house, put them in a drawer where you can’t see them. Out of sight, out of mind.

4. Reward yourself.

Rewarding yourself for breaking your bad habit can be a great motivator. When you reach a milestone, give yourself a small reward. For example, if you’ve been smoke-free for one week, buy yourself a new pair of running shoes. As you reach longer milestones, you can give yourself bigger rewards.

5. Be patient.

Changing your behavior takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you have a setback or if you’re not seeing results as quickly as you’d like. Continue to keep moving and eventually, you will reach your goal.


Clear your mind.

A lot is going on in everybody’s heads. Maybe you should take some time to clean things up a bit. Mental clutter can come in many forms, such as stress, worry, and negative self-talk. To declutter your mind, consider practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation, journaling, or deep breathing.

Getting those thoughts spinning around in your head onto paper can make a world of difference. It can also help to set priorities and create a clear plan of action for tasks and goals to reduce mental overwhelm.



If you’re finding yourself constantly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, it’s time for a break. Technology is great, but sometimes you need to unplug and live in the moment. Don't be afraid to prune some of your social media accounts: decluttering your digital life can improve your focus and reduce distractions. Aim to spend less time on your devices and more time just taking in the world around you.

Social media can be a major source of mental clutter and stress, so it’s important to take a step back and detox from time to time. To spring-clean your social media, consider unfollowing accounts that don't align with your values or cause negative feelings. It can also help to set boundaries, such as limiting your social media use to certain times of day or turning off notifications.


Refresh your fitness routine.

Has your fitness routine become boring or stale? Why not shake things up? Find a new exercise, sport, or activity that gets you excited, and try to fit it into your daily routine. What do you hope to achieve from your fitness routine? Whether it’s losing weight, gaining muscle, or simply improving your health, setting some goals will help you stay on track.

Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back for sticking to your fitness routine. Rewards can help you stay motivated, so treat yourself to something special when you reach your goals. Maybe buy new workout clothes, get a massage, or take a break from working out and have a day of relaxation.


Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.

Sort out your diet.

A great way to tidy up your life is to clean up your diet a bit. What you put into your body has a major impact on how you feel.  Consider adding more water, and natural whole foods, and cutting back on your guilty pleasures. Find a healthy way of eating that you can sustain.

If you're anything like most Americans, you probably started the year off with good intentions to eat better. Maybe you even made it a few weeks before returning to old habits. If you're ready to get back on track, Spring is the perfect time to start fresh.

One of the most difficult things about trying to eat better is finding a plan that you can stick to. There are so many fad diets and quick weight loss schemes out there that it's hard to know which one to choose. The best way to find a healthy eating plan is to do some research and find one that fits your lifestyle and tastes.

Once you've found a plan that you think you can stick to, the next step is to start making some changes. Small changes are usually easier to stick to than big ones. So begin with things like cutting out sugary drinks and salty snacks or eating an extra serving of fruits and vegetables each day. As you begin to see results, you'll be more motivated to keep going.

If you find yourself struggling to stick to your healthy eating plan, don't give up. Just remember that it takes time to form new habits, and you're more likely to succeed if you're patient and consistent. Most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you have a slip-up. Just get back on track and keep going.


Organize Your Workspace.

This is almost real spring-cleaning! Organizing your workspace is a great way to boost your productivity and get more excited about working in general. Reorganizing is less about cleaning and more about making sure every item has its space and every space has a purpose.

A thorough spring-cleaning can have many benefits for your mental and physical well-being. Decluttering your physical space can reduce stress and increase productivity. It can also help you identify areas of your life that need attention and create a fresh start for new goals and habits.


Spring clean your self-care routine.

Self-care is essential for maintaining good emotional, mental, and physical health. To spring-clean your self-care routine, consider trying new activities or hobbies, setting clear boundaries around your time and energy, and prioritizing sleep and rest. It can also help to reflect on your values and goals to ensure your self-care routine aligns with what's most important to you. By making even the smallest changes to your self-care routine, you can make a big difference in how you feel.

These are my personal favorites.

1. Get outside and get moving.

Spring is the perfect time to get outside and get moving. After being cooped up all winter, your body and mind will thank you for getting some fresh air and exercise. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or even just sit outside and soak up some vitamin D. Getting outside and moving your body will help boost your energy and mood.

2. Make time for yourself.

Self-care is all about making time for yourself. Carve out some time each day to do something that you enjoy, whether it’s reading, taking a hot bath, or taking a yoga class. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that brings you joy. Taking even just a few minutes each day for yourself can make a world of difference.

3. Connect with loved ones.

Spending time with loved ones is important for your mental health. Whether you stay in touch via text, social media, or in person, make the effort to connect with the people you care about. Talking to loved ones can help reduce stress and make you feel more supported.


In conclusion, spring-cleaning your life is a key step towards achieving a fresh start and creating a healthier, more fulfilling life. It involves decluttering your life, refreshing your mind, and reevaluating your goals and priorities. By tackling different areas of your life and creating a spring-cleaning routine, you can reduce stress, increase productivity, and create a more positive outlook. With these tips and insights, you can begin your journey towards a more organized, simplified, and fulfilling life today. So, act, declutter, and refresh your life this spring to achieve the life you desire.


My final thoughts are:

If you are serious about a spring-cleaning reset for your life, I suggest you schedule some time for it in your calendar. Choose a few days in the upcoming weeks to focus on tidying up your life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


For more information, read this post.

21 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life