How To Manifest Anything You Want

In the world we live in, working hard to improve our status, become someone’s ideal for success, or at the very least to afford more “stuff” is a highly prized activity. But does this take you to where you want to go in life? No. Mostly it keeps you chasing your tail in the rat race so that you barely find time or energy to breathe. Yet, if you slow down, follow another path, you can use the law of attraction in your favor. You can quit fighting the tide and instead go with the current. 


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Why should you manifest your desired life?

Aren’t you tired of the uphill, both ways, climb to get what you want from life? You need to stop now, and ask the Universe for assistance if you are going to get all that you most desire in your life. And, when you do, what you will receive in return when you practice manifestation is so much more than you will ever have imagined.

Just take a look at these 5 manifestation practice benefits:


 A life less stressful

It’s true that when you get out of your own way, and ask the Universe to lend a hand in moving things along, you will experience less stress in your life. Your step will be lighter and you can relax in the knowledge that the Universe has your back and is at work on your behalf.


A life more plentiful

Whatever your motivation be it love, career, or finance, it’s assumed that you want more abundance in your life right? And, you will have it. After you have begun your manifestation practice in earnest you will become aware of the plenty in your life. Because of all the wonderful things that have always been a part of your life. From there it just increases exponentially as we allow the Universe to aid us in getting our deepest desires.


A life with more fun time

If you aren’t always working on being perfect during your waking hours, you can allow yourself the luxury of goofiness and having more fun. You needn’t worry that there is insufficient time to have fun or that it’s necessary for your work to always be done first. And hey, the Universe is watching out for you, and when there is something for you to do, you’ll know.


A life of improved health

Since you have less stress, increased gratitude for the awesomeness currently in your life, and additional fun time, how could your health not benefit from your manifestation practice? It is only obvious that you would laugh more often, worry less frequently, sit less and move around more, simply because you handed off the operation of getting where you want to be to the Universe.


A life of increased happiness

Genuine happiness is a mindset, and it happens naturally when you encourage it and allow your life to unfold as it should instead of compelling it or manipulating it to bend to your will. Freeing yourself of the perpetual pursuit of your dreams and allowing the Universe to work it’s best for you will make you happier and more fulfilled.


How do I use the law of attraction?

What is this law of attraction?

The law of attraction encourages us to put exercises into place that will pull our deepest desires to us. Positivity is an action you can take to make this happen quicker and more easily. Because what you focus on is what you get, remember to keep those negative thoughts at bay. Another part of the law of attraction that people overlook is going with the flow of energy the Universe provides to manifest your dreams into reality.


 Surrender to the will of the Universe

Asking you to surrender to the Universe is very challenging for people living in a world that they are told rewards hard work and constant planning. People who hear of the law of attraction, usually begin working longer, harder, and faster in an effort to reach their goals. This what they have been trained to do – if you want to reach your goal you must work hard to get it. But this is the exact opposite of what will attract your dreams to you.


  Go with the flow

Rather than struggling even harder, you need to give up the struggle. You should go with the flow, relax, and ride the wave. Some people suppose this is must be the lazy way out. Surely getting access to what you desire most necessitates that you put in the effort and battle anything that obstructs your way. But the Universe wants to reward those who allow it to do the hard work for them.


 Conserve your energies

When a man is drowning, he is in battle with the water, thrashing around attempting to keep his head above the water. Soon he becomes exhausted, he just can’t fight it anymore. But if you are the man who permits the Universe to help you then you can conserve your energy. All you need to do now to survive is to relax and float.


 Taking Inspired action

Now, allowing the Universe to aid you doesn’t mean you will have nothing to do. You will need to take inspired action. The focus here is on “inspired.” Rather than doing busy work on anything you can think of that might help you get what you want. Instead, do only the tasks that you feel in your gut. It’s the follow up on a chance piece of information. Reading a book that is recommended to you. Setting up a job interview you overheard about. When an action comes to your awareness and you feel inspired to do it, you do it. This is the Universe guiding your desires right into your hands.

It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you are focused on a castle or a button. - Abraham Hicks


 Skills to make manifesting easier

Going with the flow of life doesn’t mean that there aren’t things you can do to make your manifestation efforts more effective. The following short list includes ways you can manifest your ideal life more quickly.


Anytime you can reduce the number of thoughts swirling through your mind is a time when you are surrendering to the power of the Universe. Most of your thinking and planning only complicates your life. During meditation, you can enter a state of relaxing in an awareness that continues throughout your day.



Visualization is a practical, fun way to put your visions of your future into the Universe to design your own destiny. When done consistently, visualization triggers your creative subconscious to the point where your mind doesn’t know the difference between what you visualize and reality. Only a few minutes a day will really ramp up your manifesting muscle.



Putting words onto paper is extremely powerful, though often overlooked in our digital world. Writing down what you want to manifest allows you to get very clear and specific about what it is you want, which is a vital first step in manifesting. Writing down your goals daily, at least once, is a way to keep them in the forefront of your mind without obsessing over them, which can easily turn into resistance of the natural, Universal flow. 



Affirming that our deepest desires are already on their way to us is a popular way to manifest. Affirmations show the Universe that you are willing to work with it to attract what you want into your life. They also keep your thoughts positive so you don’t go into resistance mode when you want to go with the flow instead.


Practice gratitude

While you want to enjoy even bigger things in your life, manifesting is based on being grateful for what you have now. If you don’t appreciate what you have, why would the Universe be interested in giving you more? Practicing gratitude on a daily basis, whether formally in a journal or informally by sending out little thank you thoughts when something delights you is a powerful way to build your manifesting muscle while enjoying your daily life more.



Feeling how you want to feel when you get your ideal life is important. Many people think they will feel it when it happens, but the law of attraction works the opposite way. What you feel, you attract. The more you practice feeling the way you want to feel, the more quickly your ideal life can materialize.

The art manifestation is a simple concept that’s easy to apply to your daily life. With awareness and practice, you can manifest amazing things into your life.

For more information here is Elyse Santilli’s post 15 Magical Ways To Manifest Your Desires.

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How Mindfulness Helps You Enjoy The Journey

Gram’s Wisdom Installment 3

Life moved at the pace of molasses when you were a kid. Long drowsy summers broken up by even longer years of school. Those are wondrous years when there were no small moments and enjoying the little things came so naturally to you.

Soon those years are gone and you enter your place in the rat race. Somewhere between the struggle for the corner office and the raising of perfect children the moments seem lost to you and the enjoyments fewer.


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Stop and Smell the Flowers

Gram told me that our lives all have the same destination. The journey to that destination has hills and valleys, twists and turns, and too frequently a detour or two. Then she assured me that we all arrive at that destination each in our own good time. You can enjoy the journey or let it pass you by unnoticed. Your choice. The secret she said was to enjoy the trip by repeatedly stopping to look at and smell the flowers. Today we call that being mindful.


A balanced life is a myth

You become so involved in your work that everyday things, important things, get shoved to the side and forgotten. Yes, you need to give your job time and concentration, but it shouldn’t be the sum total of your life.

Nor should any other part of your life take up all of your time and mental resources. But life is messy and comes to us in seasons, not resting on the head of a pin. Not waiting for its turn to have your full attention.

Is it any wonder that your life passes you by for days or weeks on end as you exist on autopilot? Do you frequently feel directionless or frazzled?


Why mindfulness?

The practice of mindfulness helps to anchor you to moments in your life. When you bask in the glory of a fresh new morning as you listen to birds sing and feel the sun on your skin, you know your enjoyment of the day is better for having had that experience.

Mindfulness is an awareness of yourself, how you feel, your senses, and of your surroundings. Not just as an onlooker as your life slips by, but as an active participant. To be present in a moment and mindful is to open yourself to it completely. To fully engage all of your senses and then examine in a non-judge mental way how they makes you feel.


Mindfulness benefits

Mindfulness opens your heart. Because you open your mind and senses to your experiences your heart will follow. The things you do or the time you spend with your loved ones is done with loving hands and a loving heart. Your whole-hearted presence is felt in the lives of those for whom you care.


For more benefits check out my previous post 10 Best Reasons For You To Become Mindful.



“The feeling that any task is a nuisance will soon disappear if it is done in mindfulness.”  -Thich Nhat Hanh



Make time for self-care

Your friends, partners, children, and work all need your care and attention. But for you to do this you must make caring for yourself a priority. Take time out to slow down and take part in fun activities that renew your energy. Take a walk, read a book, or binge on your favorite TV show. You choose. Self-care isn’t selfish it’s a necessity.


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Simple Ways To Manifest Your Dreams

Are you perplexed as to why you seem to get nowhere with the Law of Attraction? You think you’ve done exactly what you’ve been told is the proper way to manifest what you truly desire in your life. Why is it you continue to get more of what you’ve gotten in the past, or have hindrances blocking the way to your goals?

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Do You Block Yourself?

The likeliest reason is that you block yourself with old beliefs about why you can’t have what you want. These beliefs come from your distant past frequently. Often you are unaware they are even there, playing the same phrase over and over like a needle stuck in a record. If obstacles continue to hinder your goal, you need to take a harder look at what you believe about receiving that deep desire.

The most common blocks are:

  • I’m not smart enough

  • I’m not handsome/pretty enough

  • Making money is hard work

  • We struggle to overcome one problem after another, and then we die

  • I’ll get what I want when I get to Heaven

  • I’m not creative enough

  • I don’t deserve it

  • I’m not good enough

  • Wanting more money is greedy

  • The root of all evil is money

  • If I have what I want, other people won’t be able to have their needs met

Fear is another way we create blocks for ourselves. We have plenty of fears surrounding what will happen if we don’t get the the desired result. Yet, there are plenty of fears to go around if we do get what we want.

Your unrecognized fears may look like these:

  • I’m too old

  • I’m too young

  • I’m not educated enough

  • I’d make a fool of myself

  • I fail and everyone knows it

  • I succeed and my friends abandon me because I’m too rich/popular/famous/

  • Everyone wants something from me because they think I’m rich

  • I’m not good enough

Clear away your mental blocks

Since these mental blocks and fears have been ingrained in your subconscious for a long time their effects are more potent than your efforts to manifest. The thing you need to do first is to recognize them. Take some time and put pen to paper. Write down any memories or teachings you might have about getting what you want.

Now that you brought that awareness to the surface, it’s time to forgive the people who said them or yourself for creating the myths that surrounds them. Clearing away your fears, the myths, and mental blocks is the quickest and best way to make it possible for you to be open to manifesting your dreams.

“Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life: not on what you don’t want.”  -Napoleon Hill

Enable your desires with mental imaging

The technique of creative visualization allows you to manifest your desires into the kind of life you want. Many successful and famous people have used the energy of creative visualization to manifest their dreams and get what they want from life. They have tapped into their own inner power, to turn their dreams into reality.

Visualization does these four things to boost your manifestation energy:

  1. It stimulates you to take the essential steps making your desired outcomes     happen. The way you feel when visualizing is the way you always want to feel. This is a hugely motivating factor when it comes time to take action.

  2. It energizes the Law of Attraction. The feelings you conjure up are a magnet for the people, situations, and events leading to your deepest desires, fulfilling themselves in your life.

  3. It fires your creative subconscious. Soon you begin to see opportunities for obtaining your desires through “out of the box” solutions. Suddenly, creative ideas will start popping into your head - ways to solve seemingly insurmountable challenges will become obvious.

  4. It prompts your brain to recognize tools to which you will need access if you are to achieve your dream life. Not only that, but it will keep your brain on the lookout for those tools or people who could supply those tools.

Creative visualization is simple to do:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you will be free of interruptions for a few minutes.

  2. Close your eyes and relax.

  3. Picture in your mind’s eye the life you want to be living. Imagine interacting with the people and things you want to have in your ideal life. See yourself going about your day, doing the things you want to do.

  4. Get as specific as possible. Use your five senses to add more texture to the scene. What do you smell, touch, taste, hear? Add all the little details into your visualization and feel how it will feel to live that life.

  5. Enjoy! It’s a real treat to spend time visualizing! And it only takes a few minutes a day to do. Just go with the scene each day and allow it to unfold. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same every time. Just enjoy the feelings and roll with it. Do this at least once daily.

    Be explicit about what you really want!

Before you can receive, you have to determine what you want. You need to let the Universe know exactly what it is that you deeply desire so that It can provide it for you. But when you begin thinking about what you want, you may find it to be more difficult than you expected. Usually, when someone asks us what we want, we can rattle off all manner of things. This may feel different.

You may resist listing out what you want because it feels greedy. When we live in a society that tells us we must work hard to achieve what we want, it can feel uncomfortable to expect to be able to explain what we want and then prepare to receive it. So how do we get clear about what we want?

You are worthy of your own happiness

First of all, we need to believe we are worthy of our own happiness. The things, people or situations you are seeking are what you believe you need to live your ideal life - to live at your happiest. If you don’t believe you deserve your ideal life, receiving it is going to be almost impossible.

Grab up your journal and write down the things you would like to have or experience in each part of your life. This might be home life, career, friendship, success, creativity, etc. Specificity counts here. For example, instead of saying, “I want a new love in my life,” which is vague, write down all of the qualities you are looking for in a partner. Really go all out. Don’t settle for just what’s okay. Write down exactly what your ideal partner will be like.

When you think you’ve written down everything you can think of, close your eyes and imagine a scene between you and this partner. How do they make you feel? What do you see you doing together? Where are you? Doing this will fill in the gaps of what you really want. Most likely you want a feeling - when you are with the love of your life, you want to feel certain ways. What aspects of a person would make you feel that way? You will be amazed at how many additional things you will add to your list once you spend a little time visualizing your ideal - whatever it is.

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Be The Person You Were Meant To Be

Are you the Senior, who raised your family and went to the 9-5 every day? Do you now look in the mirror only to wonder where that free spirited young man or daring young woman has gone? Did they toss out the dreams of who they wanted to be, or only temporarily set them aside? It’s your turn now. Will you make the time to become an artist, mentor, world traveler, or perhaps a gardener? You can be that person, or you can make excuses.

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Do You Feel Your Life Is Successful?

Are you pleased with the way your life has turned out so far? If your life is on track and your visions fully in place then you can view your life as a success. Unfortunately most people still have burning desires inside of them. If this is you isn’t it time you did something about them?

If you truly want to view your life as successful then you need to learn how to be true to yourself. This means throwing a little caution to the wind and following your hearts dreams and desires.

Your dreams needn’t be huge and involve moving to a different country. Your dreams may be much smaller. Such as wanting to sit down and write a novel, or learn how to paint or take quality photographs.

No matter what your dreams are you owe it yourself to take some type of action to achieve them. Do you have a bucket list? If so, how many items have you checked off?

Start today and make a plan so that you can achieve at least one of your dreams this year. Or at the very least be on target for reaching it. Write out the steps you would need to take to achieve your goal. Break them down into smaller steps, ones that can be completed quickly and easily. Then work on completing each small goal. Remember that each step brings you that much closer to fulfilling your dream.

A small step might include signing up for art lessons. It might mean researching what equipment you need to make your photography dream come true. Or it could include saving up money so that you can afford your dream.

Each action you take you will give your life more purpose. You have allowed yourself the freedom of chasing a dream. Don’t worry about what others say, you are not foolish nor wasting your money.

Instead you are leading a life that will have you feeling successful. You are essentially becoming your own person who makes their own choices and decisions. What could be better?  

“What’s meant to be will always find a way.” -Trisha Yearwood

Is Society Shaping You?

Who doesn’t lead a busy life these days? Nearly everyone does and there is one impact of this that you may not be aware. That you allow society, as a whole, to shape you as a person?

Society today is full of people who like to stereotype, label and categorize not just items but other people. If you do not fit into one of these labels then you may be viewed as an outcast.

The result of this typecasting is, you forget to be true to yourself and instead conform to a mold. This doesn’t allow you to be yourself. Is that really how you want to live, or are you ready to shake off that mold allowing the true you to emerge?

Getting out of the mold is not always easy. The moment you break the stereotyping your friends look at you in a different way. They may wonder why you are attracting attention to yourself, instead of staying quiet.

Allowing yourself freedom to try new things is a great way to become your own person. There is no harm in trying something new. If anything you learn important lessons and gain new experiences. You discover what your limitations are and you find strengths you never knew you had.

Life is really too short to allow others to dictate your every move. You need to have the courage to be your own person. Learn how to express yourself, to have faith in yourself, and above all, learn to trust your own decisions.

Remember, you are giving yourself the freedom to choose your own life. Once you make that move and stop allowing society to shape you, you will feel in tune with your life.

Life is full of choices, you will make both positive and negative choices, but at least you will be living your own life. Not one that others think you should live.

Accept Yourself

Are you happy in your own skin? Feeling comfortable and accepting yourself is important if you want to lead a fulfilling and happy life. Let’s take a look at how you can achieve these feelings.

Your first step is to ask yourself a couple of questions:

1.     Who is the person you want to become? Describe this person in detail.

2.     What things do you really care about?

3.     Is there anything or anyone you may lose if you start to live the life you truly want?

Write your answers out in detail. This way you have a complete description of the person you want to become and why.

During this journey you need to understand and accept that nobody is perfect. Every person has faults, and you must learn to live with them. You are now ready to begin living your life the way you want and deserve to.

You must learn to love yourself. You may have parts of you that you are extremely happy with, and those that you hate. You must stop hating and work on improving the way you view these things. If you have habits that can be changed then change them. If you just have quirks, then these are part of your personality. They identify what is unique about you, as a person. You need to accept and love your quirks!

Every day you want to focus on how you can do things that showcase the person you really are. If you want to speak out about something, then do so. Don’t stay silent just because your friends or family won’t approve. Always try to stay true to yourself as much as possible.

Before going to bed each night ask yourself if you were the best person that you could possibly be. Did you make the right choices or did you let fear keep you hiding in the shadows?

This entire journey of accepting yourself takes time, and yes, it’s not always easy or comfortable. Just remember that you are doing this for yourself. By becoming the person you really want to be, you will be happier and this will spread to every other area of your life.

Tips for Being the Best You Possible

Use these tips to stay true to yourself and to give yourself permission to follow your heart’s desires.

| Tip One:

Give yourself permission to have dreams and goals in your life, regardless of what your family and friends say or think. If you want to learn how to climb a mountain, go skydiving one day, or spend hours painting just go for it.

| Tip Two:

Remember that you own your life and that you have only one life. Life is too short to keep putting things off until next week or next year. Start making plans that will help you fulfill your dreams.

| Tip Three:

Write out your dreams and desires on paper. This will help them feel more real to you. Then go through your list and place them in order. Have the one you want to do first on top.

| Tip Four:

Start planning how you will achieve your dream. Do you need to learn a new skill? Take certain lessons? Or you may have to save up the cash for it.

| Tip Five:

Create a plan of action of things that you can do immediately that will help you reach your dream. It often helps to break down larger goals into much smaller ones. This way they become more manageable and easier to attain.

| Tip Six:

Stay motivated and on track with reaching your goal. Don’t let others dissuade you from your dream.

| Tip Seven:

Stay realistic with your dream. Ensure that your end goal is something that you can actually achieve. There is no point in dreaming of climbing a mountain if you are terrified of heights!

| Tip Eight:

Be authentic to those who try to stop you in your tracks. Listen to their objections and then counter them with your action plan. If you map out your steps to reach your goal and can clearly show this to others, objections will become fewer as time goes on.

| Tip Nine:

While reaching your dreams will help fulfill your life, you don’t want to lose your friends, and family over it. Take time to discuss your plans with anyone who is concerned. After all they do have your best interests at heart.

| Tip Ten:

Ensure your goal is something you really want. Don’t do anything out of spite just to prove a point to someone. Open up your heart and your feelings and let those tugs pull you in the right direction.


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Do You Feel Your Gratitude?

Gram’s Wisdom Installment 2

My Gram left me after more than a hundred years of living, with an abundance of wisdom and advice. The kind of wisdom all grandmothers want to share if they are blessed with the time and opportunity to do so. Much of this may be known to you, some things you might have forgotten. I hope these bits of homey wisdom spark either memories from your youth or better yet conversations with your own grandchildren.

What are you feeling grateful for today?

I spent many weekends with my grandparents as a child and continued to live nearby as I became an adult. When we would meet Gram would always tell me what she felt grateful for that day. She would say she woke up that morning feeling gratefulness for… or that during the course of the day something occurred for which she felt gratitude. She always displayed her appreciation and gratitude for the good people and things that were a part of her life.

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What a difference a little gratitude makes

Gratitude simplified is appreciating the good things in your life. When you are focused on what is good in your life you have less time to dwell on the bad. It doesn’t always seem this simple, though. When things are hectic or stressful, finding the silver lining can be challenging. However, learning how to express gratitude can significantly boost your happiness.  

About gratitude

There are many definitions of gratitude. Some people believe it’s a feeling or emotion. Others look at it as more of a mood. Still, other people believe gratitude is a personality trait a person exhibits. These are all correct. In essence, gratitude elicits satisfaction and appreciation in a person through feelings, actions or even inherent qualities. However, even those of us who may be more inclined to feel grateful on a regular basis may need to work on evoking such an outlook. Gratitude can be viewed as a practice or something you perform regularly. Most people practice something because it benefits them. This is true of gratitude. As with other practices, you’ll get better at demonstrating gratitude the more you work at it.

Benefits of embracing gratitude

There are many benefits of gratitude; many of them have been scientifically proven. Once you begin to understand these, chances are good that you’ll see why it’s so important to develop a grateful mindset. Gratitude can have a positive effect on both physical and mental health. Research has shown it improves relaxation, sleep quality and energy levels. Being thankful for your blessings can enhance your emotional wellness. You’ll deal better in crisis situations and find you’re more resilient when you’re able to look on the bright side. This can contribute to better relationships, too. Appreciating the positives in life can simply make you feel happier.

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” -Doris Day

Ways to practice gratitude

Recognizing your blessings may not come easily at first, but there are some ways to help make it a habit and a regular part of your routine. One of the most convenient and impactful methods for cultivating appreciation is through keeping a gratitude journal. Write down three things each day that you’re grateful for, which makes it easier to notice and recognize those good things. Making an effort to thank someone each day, for even the smallest thing, opens your eyes and heart to abundance. Giving back and doing good for others can provide tremendous perspective, as well.

Embracing and expressing gratitude are more important than many of us realize. So, what do you feel grateful for today?

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Seniors Should Choose An Online Career

 Senior Benefits of an Online Career

Many people tend to stick to what they know and what they’re comfortable with in life. For seniors, it’s no different, especially when it comes to a new career. It may be difficult for you to consider what type of job you might be suited for after you retire from your previous career. Particularly since you may have worked in that career for decades. Still, you shouldn’t ignore the opportunities that working outside your comfort zone can bring. As long as it’s not too uncomfortable.  

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Ageism can rear its ugly head when you are looking for work at this period in your life. No one wants to pay you for your years of experience. Many seniors often end up in part time or entry level jobs in retail or the food industry but that’s simply not the best fit for you. These lower end jobs often provide inconvenient hours, insufficient pay, and the type of environment not best suited to seniors.

It frequently involves a lot of physical activity and may be strenuous. Which can be quite hard on any seniors who have issues with mobility or energy. Online marketing is a great alternative to these more common jobs for a number of reasons, all of which are particularly beneficial to senior marketers.

While the idea of changing to an entirely different kind of career might sound daunting at first, it’s really not quite as bad as you might think. First, online marketing can all be done from the comfort of your own home. Second, you needn’t learn it all in one day. Third, there are a variety of ways to make money marketing your products or services and you get to choose.

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

Instead of having to drive somewhere to a store dressed in a uniform, you get to wear whatever clothes are comfortable for you and work from your couch, desk, or patio. You don’t have to worry about wasting money on gas to drive to and from work, and you can have a lunch break just about any time that pleases you.

Time is a major factor in the benefits of online marketing. Where some jobs would have you working inconsistent hours, inconvenient hours, or just not giving you the hours you want, online marketing allows you to choose when you work and how much you work. Imagine being able to take the time to attend your grandchildren’s dance recitals or baseball games anytime you choose.

If you so desire, you can work all day every day, or just for a few hours every other day. It’s entirely up to you to make your own schedule. As far as earnings go, there’s no real limit to it. If you work consistently, you can earn anywhere from $20,000 a year to six or seven figures.

Given that all of your work in online marketing is done from a computer, you don’t even need to be at home while you’re working. You can be travelling in another state or in another country and still work if you want to, as long as you have an internet connection and access to your files on your laptop or in the cloud.

For more information check 5 Online Businesses You Can Start With No Money by Brian Edmondson for the balance small business.

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Honesty And Integrity; Keeping Your Conscience Clear

This post is the first of six top rated posts I published in 2019. I have made some tweaks and felt they deserved another look.

Integrity and trust

Being honest and having a strong moral compass isn’t easy. However, your life is simpler when you behave with integrity. Others can trust you, and that trust is priceless. Acting with integrity is harder in the short-term, but its value is immeasurable. Daily life steadily becomes simplified when your behavior reflects your integrity.

You are free to feel easy of mind when you choose to live a life of honesty. When your words and actions are in alignment you are a complete person.

Tell your friends the truth in all circumstances. Be gentle and constructive in the telling. Hurt someone unnecessarily and you can lose them. Honesty strengthens your relationships. Although the truth is sometimes difficult to hear, be committed to being a trustworthy ally for the people who mean the most to you.

You can build strong relationships with others too when you tell the truth. Just don’t be surprised to find that there are those people who don’t like to hear the truth.


When you speak honestly, you needn’t worry about relying on memory to recount a situation. Being candid allows you to be consistent in what you say. It strengthens your conviction and shows others that you are a person of principles.

Your word can be relied upon because you ensure that it comes from an honorable place. You always give others the benefit of the doubt when conditions are unclear.

It may be tempting to cover up mistakes, please refrain from doing that. Creating a veil of dishonesty only leads to more dishonesty and that can lead to devastating consequences for your integrity

When you tell the truth, you sleep very well at night. It’s a good feeling to avoid being a prisoner of your own thoughts. You release them in an honest and considerate way. Your heart and soul are at peace because you are truthful but not harsh nor hurtful.

Today, the truth set you free once again. You are blessed to know the value of being honest. You are committed to keeping your words, actions, and behavior in line with your values. You don’t need to be in a position of power to have an impact on others.

Strengthen your integrity using these simple tips.

1.  Work on your personal growth.

Developing yourself is an effective way to strengthen your integrity. When you grow as a human being, you become more comfortable and confident with yourself thereby feeling less need to behave inauthentically.

2.  Reliability.

Be on time, avoid canceling appointments, and do what you say you’re going to do. If you say that you’ll deliver your report by noon on Friday, ensure that it’s done on time. It’s easy to be reliable if you under-promise but that is cheating. Instead, make promises you know you can keep, and you’ll never disappoint anyone.

There is always room for those who can be relied upon to deliver the goods when they say they will.png

3.  Be honest with yourself first.

Before you do or say something, question why you’re doing it. What is your real purpose? Are you being self-serving at the expense of others, or are your motives honorable? Self-awareness is a primary component of integrity.

4.  Be real but be honest.

Do people believe that you’re genuine? Do you lie to be comfortable or to pretend that you’re something you aren’t? Remember, honesty isn’t a license to tell a coworker that she’s fat or that her husband looks like a troll. Unless it is relevant to necessity it’s unkind and should be left unsaid.

5.  Let others see you live by your values.

If you’re unaware of your values, now would be a great time to sort them out and list them. Knowing your values makes it simpler to make decisions. It also makes your behavior more predictable, which makes others more comfortable. Know your values and live them each day.

6.  Be willing to say no.

When you say yes to things you don’t want to do, you’re not demonstrating integrity. You’re not obligated to take part in every opportunity that’s presented to you. Valuing your time is smart. Be honest and say no when you mean it.

7.  Become more confident.

Confident people are comfortable. Comfortable people are better able to act with integrity. A lack of integrity is often a response to discomfort. You’re not comfortable meeting your new girlfriend’s parents, so you make up excuses to delay the meeting. You lack the confidence to give a speech at work, so you call out “sick.”

· The more uncomfortable you are each day, the more your integrity will be challenged and suffers. Confidence and self-esteem are the answer. Work on both each day.

8.  Put a stop to doing things you shouldn’t do.

Are you stealing pens and post-it notes from work? Stealing your neighbor’s Sunday paper? Stealing napkins from the fast-food restaurant to stock your kitchen? Do you think those are little things to be ignored? Dishonest in little things dishonest in big. Think about your behavior and adjust accordingly.

9.  Stand up for something.

Most of us have values and opinions of some kind, but few are willing to ever share them, let alone stand up for them. While others won’t always agree with your stances, many will respect you for having them.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I feel when someone is dishonest with me?

  2. When is it most difficult for me to be straightforward with others?

  3. What are some lessons I learn from being direct with others?

  4. What beliefs do I hold that makes it simple for me to act with integrity?

My final thought.

Live your life with integrity. It certainly is a more challenging way to live on the surface. But living with integrity is simpler over the long haul. The respect and goodwill that you accrue from this steady dependable behavior allow you to experience more success in every facet of your life.


I would be pleased if you were to share this with your family and friends.

How To Avoid Catching A Cold Or Flu

Much of what you will read in this new series will seem familiar. That’s because regardless of what you call her; Grandmother, Granny, Nana, Grandma, or Gram like I called mine and my Grandson calls me, she gave us similar advice. Some of it remembered and some or much is forgotten. Yes, and the truth is as the years or a generation passes by some things change, but some things don’t. What I offer here is very basic information about those things that remain the same.

Minimize the chance of cold or flu.png

Something my Gram told me

The 2 simplest and most effective ways to skip the cold and flu season:

1.     Wash your hands, a lot.

2.     Do not touch your face with your hands.

Unless you never leave your home, you have no idea who has touched the counter you picked up your coffee from or the change you received when you paid for it. Money is filthy and many unknown hands touch it. What, you used your debit card. How about that keypad you swiped and entered your pin into? Who was the last person to use it before you?

Your hands and face are the perfect vehicle to pick up cold and flu germs. Everyone should be carrying a hand sanitizer when leaving the house.

Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.

Publius Syrus

Dress Appropriately

Keeping your head covered when you go outside and your feet dry goes a long way toward helping you maintain your wellness.

Keep surfaces at home sanitary

When you and your children come home do backpacks, handbags, or shopping bags end up on the kitchen table or island? Where have they been? If you aren’t sure or even if you are, once they are removed use a sanitizer on those surfaces before preparing or eating dinner. (I like a fifty-fifty preparation of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle.) Don’t forget to spray Lysol on those backpacks frequently.

Our bathrooms especially a shared bathroom is another room with surfaces we all touch. Faucets, counter, drinking glass, toilet. All these surfaces need to be sanitized more often during cold and flu season. (If someone has caught a cold or the flu, replace toothbrushes.) 

Last but not least don’t forget to wipe down door knobs, remote controls for TV or games, and light switches.

Doing the laundry

If everyone in the home is healthy your laundry routine is likely to be more than adequate. When illness visits the house it is time to step up that routine. Whoever does the laundry is vulnerable to catching and passing any illness in the house. So wash those hands.

Launder the clothing and bedding of the sick person more frequently and alone if possible. Pre-wash with a laundry sanitizer before running it through a normal cycle. Use the warmest water temperature the fabric will accommodate and the same when you put it in the dryer. If you live in a climate where you are able to hang your laundry out that’s even better as the sun is a great germ killer.

If you know anyone who would benefit from the information in this post please share it.