
Do You Get The Best Sleep?

The importance of sleep in your life

Sleep is a natural bodily function just as breathing, eating, and drinking are. What you may not realize is just how beneficial sleep is for you and why. The thought was once held that you would spend a third of your life sleeping, yet, the evidence of our own lives shows that to be no longer true.

Everyone recognizes the importance of sleep. You know you feel tired and have no energy when you miss sleep, plus your moods and general well-being change.

Your overall health depends on getting a good night's sleep.png

Much research has gone into understanding the benefits of sleep. Sleep has been shown to help improve immune function, metabolism, memory, as well as your ability to learn. Sleep is required so that your body can run and perform at optimal levels. Sleep aids your body to repair itself.

Sleep has been shown to help your learning and memory function. There are two main benefits connected with this and sleep. The first one is quite simple and that is a person who is deprived of sleep just cannot focus properly, so they will not learn effectively. The second benefit is that after learning something new your memory consolidates this information while sleeping. So, studying just before going to bed is a good thing.

Getting adequate sleep has been linked with living longer. Research shows that people who’ve slept less than 5 hours per night were more likely to die early. This does not mean that you want to oversleep either, too much sleep is also connected with a shorter life span.

Your health can also be affected by the quality of your sleep. People who sleep less than 6 hours a day often suffer from health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

This has been linked to them having more inflammatory protein levels in their blood. When these issues are treated, and more sleep is accomplished the protein levels have been shown to decline.

Your creativity levels, athleticism, and school grades can all improve by sleeping more. It was discovered that many children with ADHD were in fact, sleep-deprived. It is recommended that young children get more than 8 hours of sleep per night.

If you are trying to lose weight, sleep has additional benefits. Dieters who sleep more find that they can lose weight quicker. This is because your metabolism and sleep are controlled by the same areas of your brain. If losing weight is your goal, then try and get a good night's rest every night.

A well-spent day brings happy sleep.
— Leonardo da Vinci


How much sleep do you need?

The amount of sleep that a person requires varies as they age. Newborn babies, for example, require anywhere from 12 to 18 hours of sleep per day. While an adult can manage with only 7 hours. There are several factors that affect the number of hours you need on a regular basis.

The biggest thing to understand is that there is no magic number when it comes to sleep. Sleep patterns are as individual as your personality. The quality of your sleep is often more important than the actual number of hours.

There are two basic principles that pertain to sleep:

1.   Basal Sleep

2.   Sleep Debt

Basal sleep is the amount of sleep required by your body to keep your body functioning at an optimal point. Sleep Debt is the number of hours you lose due to either poor sleeping habits, illness, or other problems that keep you awake.

Studies show that most adults need between 7 to 8 hours of basal sleep per night. Sleep Debt is connected to those times when you are feeling sleepy and tired, even if you just slept for 7 hours.

What this research suggests is that your body needs to catch up to your sleep debt numbers. Depending on how sleep deprived you are, this may take several nights of your sleeping for 7 hours or more to catch up.

Your mood and energy levels are a good indication of sleep deprivation. People who do not sleep enough are at more risk of being involved in a car or work-related accidents. Plus, many people find that they gain weight when they do not sleep enough for extended periods of time.

As you can see, sleep truly does have a major impact on your life. The best way to determine just how much sleep you require is to pay attention to your body. Note things such as what kind of mood you are in, if you feel more hungry than usual, and how much energy you have.

Pay attention to how many nights per week that you get enough sleep. If this number is low, then you may want to appraise your sleep habits and make some changes.

Quite often something as simple as a warm bath or shower before going to bed can make a huge difference. As can passing on the coffee or alcohol too close to bedtime.


The benefits of sleep cannot be overstated. Nor can the deleterious effects from lack of sleep be underrated. Sleep works hand in hand with exercise and diet, increasing the effectiveness of both.


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Sleep Statistics for 2019

Better Mornings Begin The Night Before

Gram’s Wisdom Number 8

When I was a young girl and woke up out of sorts, tired, disorganized, or unready to meet my day on time, Gram said I should have thought of that the night before. She told me I would wake up in the morning in a better mood, less tired, and less frazzled if I would prepare for the following morning prior to going to bed each night.

Gram suggested I put homework and books in my book bag, lay out my clothes for the next day, and tidy my room before going to sleep. This, I was told, was so I’d have no worries about the coming day, and thus allow sleep to come easily.

If you have been following Gram’s Wisdom you will remember in a previous post, I said she was a firm believer in a fix it or forget it philosophy. (I have placed a link to this post at the bottom) So, I went along with the fix it and added 30 minutes reading time before lights out in addition to the suggestions she made.

A better morning is found in your nightly routine.png

It has been more than fifty odd years since those days and I still adhere to a nightly routine. Yes, my routine has changed with the seasons of my life many times over. A good routine needs to work with you and for you. And yes, I still believe it is the best way to achieve a good morning.

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine
— Mike Murdock

Achieve your good morning

The cornerstone of a good nightly routine is to get the sleep your body needs to recharge and repair itself. You know you wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to tackle your day when you’ve slept well. You also know it’s easier to work when you aren’t fighting cobwebs in your head or the lethargy of your body.  


Finding a routine that works for you

Here are 11 suggestions for you to try:

·         Read something, anything for 30 to 60 minutes. Your choices are limitless, and you can access your books in a variety of formats.

·         Take a warm bath.

·         Listen to music that puts you in a relaxed frame of mind.

·         Tidy up your kitchen before going to bed. Dishes washed and put away, sink and counters wiped clean.

·         Reflect on what your victories were today and celebrate those wins.

·         Set your goals for tomorrow, start with 3 important ones and add a couple less important for good measure.

·         Meditate for 15 to 20 minutes.

·         Write in your journal for 15 to 20 minutes.

·         Spend some time visualizing what you want your life to be like next year or 3 years from now.

·         Lay your clothes and accessories out for tomorrow.

·         Prepare your bedroom for optimal sleep. It should be dark, somewhat cool, no distracting clutter or technology. Keep your linens clean. After a week or so your sheets are a breeding ground of germs comprised of sloughed off skin cells, airborne allergens, and pet dander.


These suggestions are designed to help you 1 sleep better and 2 wake up feeling more organized. Begin with 2 or 3 of the suggestions to create your routine and add or change them as you like. Give yourself time to adjust to what you have chosen, say 3 or 4 months, and make changes as needed.


I would love hearing what your nightly routine is and what makes it work for you.


Resource Reading from Previous Posts

Happiness Begins Within You Gram’s Wisdom Number 5